'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 31, 2013

'FYI': Monks and Friars

Monks and Friars
Oklahoma   7/31/2013

This is the list of the worldwide and secular organizations of religious 'Monks and Friars' within the seven member organization termed Converso as coined during the Italian and Spanish Inquisition.

Each organization maintains a secular division within each of the inter-connected religious fractions. Therefore, Christianity is always in some way or another an intricate part of the religious world....whether the other members like it or not. Though all Converso claim separate affiliations, in reality all Converso branches are simply that branches of Christianity. Why? Each division was derived from the primary source of the Greek multi-occultism. Therefore, the Greek foundations would have all religious interest in common. And, Christianity being the lowest in common order, and multi-occult at the highest, such as with the biblical prophecies of the 'Plowshares'.

Baptist Friars - Buddhist
Benedictine Friars - Christian
Dominican Friars - Muslims
Franciscan Friars - Jews
Lutheran Friars - Hindu
Lutheran Monk - Nonbeliever
Orthodox Friar - Greek

'Definitions': Slave

Oklahoma   7/31/2013

Slave. Al Qaeda. Worldwide. This word, when used continually, causes a stop in the brain patterns causing a person's mind to be dulled by the constant hearing the vibrating sounds ('Amdusias') that the word 'slave' makes when continually pronounced. It is believed that with that continual use (Sounds) in the US today, 2013 is a legal maneuver by gangsters who are attempting to dulled the senses to the word in the hopes to create a better legal position for individuals who are being, or about, to be prosecuted for the crime of slavery.

The dynamics of slavery in the USA so shortly after both the American Civil War and World War II posed a threat as the persons on whom slavery was, and is, being imposed caused a concern. The hopes to both have the word 'sl;ave' marginalized and create a verbal placement in the American culture, encouraged religious zealots to force branches of slavery onto the American population at large. So much so, that in which ever direction the legal case would go in, the religious Converso organization would still have one of the three attempts to secure a slavery conduit.

'Definitions': Blingz

Oklahoma   7/31/2013

Blingz. Christian. Worldwide. Disease that develops from the frequent moving around from one Goetia characteristic to another. The both mental and physical disorder damages are classified as Christianity. Because of the many messianic characters among the 72 different Goetia personalities, it is felt that the obsessive need to "delivery the message", "tell of the living Christ", etc. is a generational dysfunction created through many generations of birthing babies while in a state of demonomania (Peril) as the holy bible clearly states that street evangelism will lead a person into prison(ref). This message was foretold by Jesus of Nazareth(ref). Individuals in this GAD (generated aid disorder) are referred to a 'Blingz'.

'Definitions': Nucleus

Oklahoma   7/31/2013

Nucleus. Al Qaeda. Taliban. A 'nucleus' within a Goetia movement is the 'scene of the crime'.

It has to contain at least 200 dead bodies and up to 1000 total dead bodies before the group, or cluster, will move to a new location.  The 'Nucleus' will then be occupied by mainly Goetia's of the darker complexion who work with illegal card rooms, prostitutes, and child marriage. Human sacrifice is still used but is mainly for the reasons of revenge...which is where the USA pool of information has been lead to believe is the overall crime. In reality, the murder 'scene of the crime' is buried beneath the lawn and flower beds.

Functions of Nucleus ~ Biology Exams 4 U
www.biologyexams4u.com399 × 288Search by image
The nucleus is a specialised double membrane bound organelle which contains genetic information on a special strands called chromosomes.

Most of the dead at the scene will be children. Both bakers (women who are used to make babies) and butchers (women who will kill in order not to have to work prostitution) will be kept on the premises of a newly developing 'nucleus'. Both at the old 'scene of the crime' and the new scene, everyone living, working, etc in the surrounding buildings, homes, etc are called ...'Chromosomes'.

Rocks are used to indict the location of this type of 'scene of the crime'. These rock placement at the crime scene will generally tell investigators the 'who', 'what', and 'where'. The use of the term  'scene of the crime' pertains to this type of murder/crime.

'Definitions': June

Oklahoma   7/31/2013

This is typically an
figurine of a Bune.
Google Image
'June' is the word a Goetia Bune.

The word 'June' is used then a demon is being sent out by someone to do a murder. Normally by just telling a 'June' that it's known what the purpose of their being around in the area should be enough to make a 'June' stop what they are planning to do. 'June's ' are in the realm of a Bune demon but the 'June' doesn't look like a typical Bune character.

The word 'Dune' is a Bune's favorite word.

It is believed also that the 'June' activity (2013) is the result of a project created by Alexander Crowley. Crowley was one of the person who tried to build a collection of data bits on characters who use the left side of the brain. Scholars suggest that Crowley's mission failed and Crowley himself was damaged during an evocation. In the early years of abnormal behaviors, not enough empirical information was available only that most missions failed in attempts to communicate deep inside of each realm.  In the process of that failure, he created a nucleus (nucleus) that may be why the word "June' is used instead of the usual murder word of 'Grrit'.

July 30, 2013

'FYI': Patheos: Witch's Path

Patheos: Witch's Path

Witchcraft is known at KAPB as the abuse of herbal mixtures. Most are injected but some are smoked, inhaled, or eaten. The abuse of herbs leads to delusions and causes the abusers to form centers where they begin to fight dragons, demons, and other types of conceptions. Fungs (Perils, Satan) are similar tin appearance and have some of the delusions seen in witchcraft.
Patheos Pagan 
The Witch's Eight Paths of Power: a new premium teaching blog from Sable Aradia!1. Meditation or Concentration. (Intent) 2. Trance, projection of the Astral.3. Rites, Chants, Spells, Runes, Charms, etc. (The Craft)4. Incense, Drugs, Wine, etc., whatever is used to release the Spirit. (Intoxicants)
Patheos Pagan is a Christian site operated by the Eastern Catholics. There are several blogs at that center that have information for anyone who are interested in that dark art.

'Iconic': Moon Gods

Moon Gods
Oklahoma 7/30/2013
Little is known about the beliefs that are shared by both the Christians and Jews.

But, one is for sure, they both have and Old Testament connection to the moon. While both in some ways worship the lunar eclipse as a vital part in chop planting and harvesting they also have similar secular beliefs with 'Nana' and Ninja'...the gods of the moon and sun. 

The image here is just about how Nina/Nana looks to Jews and Christians.

Hope this link has some good illustrations of the moon...many date back as early as the 1500's.

Article - Man’s Best (and Oldest) Friend — History in the Headlines

July 29, 2013

'Iconic': King Behavior in Oklahoma

King Behavior in Oklahoma
Oklahoma   7/29/2013

Following through with studies of the Goetia demons, or professionally called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), demonomania, or simply demons, 'King', 10 total, has finally made some kind of noticeable community design that can be reported as a infrastructure.

This is a list of Kings and how they are related to activities in Oklahoma...

King - demands all things to be his. He will remove any items, produces, or personal possessions from homes, businesses, or personal belongings if he feels a need, demand, or fantasy for it. No person is allowed to say no to a king...all person in the world are divided into...subject, associate, slave.

House Nig_er.  King. During the breakdown of a kingdom the king will begin to quail his behaviors into a state of mind called house nig_er. At this mind set he has several stages in which the Goetia will travel through...Quiet, Toilet nig_ger, Attendant, and Home Owner/Mate. These four are among the many primary stages with many more diverse behaviors in and among these four listed. Quiet is the beginning of House Nig-er. For more information on the breakdown of kings into house nig-er in mid-colonial America, KAPB suggests the novel,Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

Charity/Prisons.  King. If house nig-er fails to connect for a failed king, he will resort to varies charities such as housing assistance programs, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, troubled youth and young adult programs, welfare, senior center, etc. If the listed here do not provide a failed king with any help, he will start to claim mental health issues and will begin with free community services such as county mental health programs, senior assisted living, half way house programs, mental institutions, and finally prisons (6., newsclip) of varies levels.

'Definitions': Amil

Oklahoma  7/29/2013

Amil. Al Qaeda. Fraction that is not usually visible until there is a breakdown in a crime organization's structure. 'Amil' are the Goetia Marax. During this period, Marax are quiet talking and standing back.. They generally target the homes and businesses of law enforcement where 'Amil' will wait until all things seem normal again. Using a simple house nig_er approach, they will start again when their criminal advancements on communities while toddling around the home and persons of law enforcement. The facial expression on this Google image is about the way the Marax looks during a fear adjustment period...collectively, the Marax will called themselves 'Amil' during that time of great confusion.

July 28, 2013

'Definitions': Probe/Gaap

Oklahoma   7/28/2013

The Goetia character called Gaap is the primary person in 'Probe'. Gaap is normally the one to look for if you are searching for the leader within organized church organizations. Gaap is known also as the Goetia who became King Saul in the Old Testament, Bible.

In the Al Qaeda organization, 'Probe' is the live sexual performance, normally homosexuals(Anemone.), where the unsuspecting are killed during the actual act of sex. Most of these performances are done in ghetto/tenement housing where little regard to paid to what is repeatedly happening in the building. Believing they are on a sex date, most homosexuals are lured into the building unawares of what is going to happen. From the beginning the new victim is staged along into this devious acting plot of murder. The victim's nose and testicles are severed and them worn by the filming crew, paying customers, and Gaap himself. Most of the sound tracks form these filmed murder make their way into Christians churches, Islamic mosques, and Buddhist temples....most of which a Gaap is the religious leader.

July 26, 2013

'Definitions': Poker Obrestad

Annette Obrestad
Oklahoma   7/26/2013

Google images
This is the second professional poker person who has been noticed at KAPB. 'Obrestad' came in with the weapons of a load of mechanical flies and gnats. In attempts to find out what was her interest with KAPB, she sat down on her laurels and began to create trouble while we are online at games rooms.

So, we asked...

Google images
Beginning her career, 'Obrestad' worked as a professional informant. This type of profession was outlawed in the 1990's because of the implications of unfair court policy. Somehow she found her by to working as a mistress for older senior men, and from that she began to play professional poker. 'Obrestad' set up a professional stalker business using her skills as a former informant, and now places herself in the lifestyles of other current poker players. From that point, she now sets up prostitution in university and college campus that are located near casinos...currently, 'Obrestad' is trying to arrange a set-up at the School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma.  Her logo, or Al Qaeda symbol, is a Mixed Rose. 'Obrestad' generally only plays Heads-Up Poker. And, it's claimed she uses blackmail to get herself into a position to advance her many different business careers.

July 25, 2013

'Definitions': Da Laosge

Da Laosge
Oklahoma   7/25/2013

'Wearing of the Freedom Cap'
Because of the many bits of information KAPB has published that resulted in the traumatic results with upper court decisions by both the US Supreme and World International Courts concerning the attempts of slavery in the State of Oklahoma, KAPB believes that now the Christians are in a formal, organized state of  "Io Saturnalia"!

Some history. The word 'Da Laosge' was first heard as the result of defeated following the numerous Punic Wars. One such, with Carthage, North Africa, set a struggle that lead to Romans forces to capitalize on the victories by the North Africans. Quickly moving into the city of Carthage, the farming region, the very few survivors tried to made a formalize state for Roman survivors to claim land ownership among the Carthaginians. The word 'Da Loasge', or the 'pretty woman of flower' became phrase of victory in the following years. The switching of land ownership is known as  'Io Saturnalia', meaning, "All to the God Saturn for replacement as these...if only for one day".

Supposedly, 'Da Loasge' is the evoking of a spirited sole. A vapor of mist surrounds the eyes and nose that slowly moves into the nostrils and then enveloped down deep into the chest. During the entire process the moving vapors and its similarity of misty spirit forms elevates the notions of an angelic evocation of some sort or another. An interesting history video that illustrates this technique of magic is entitled 'Machines of the Gods'. In it shows the magical illusions created by ancient machinery to entertain and control worshipers, all for the cost established by the high priest.

Some words about "Io Saturnalia"...

Observed byRoman RepublicRoman Empire
TypeClassical Roman religion
DateDecember 17–23
CelebrationsFeasting, role reversals, gift-giving, gambling
ObservancesPublic sacrifice and banquet for the god Saturn; universal wearing of the freedom cap

In Roman mythology, Saturn was an agricultural deity who reigned over the world in the Golden Age, when humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labor in a state of social egalitarianism. The revelries of Saturnalia were supposed to reflect the conditions of the lost mythical age, not all of them desirable. The Greek equivalent was the Kronia.

The popularity of Saturnalia continued into the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, and as the Roman Empire came under Christian rule, some of its customs may have influenced the seasonal celebrations surrounding Christmas (sic, Sol Invictus) and the New Year.

"Io Saturnalia!"

The phrase Io Saturnalia was the characteristic shout or salutation of the festival, originally commencing after the public banquet on the single day of December 17. ... It was a strongly emotive ritual exclamation or invocation, used for instance in announcing triumph or celebrating Bacchus, but also to punctuate a joke.

Tiberius Claudius Narcissus
...In 43, during the preparations for the Roman conquest of Britain, he headed off a mutiny by addressing the troops. Seeing a former slave (Narcissus) in their commander's position, they cried "Io Saturnalia!" (Saturnalia was a Roman festival when slaves and masters switched places for the day) and the mutiny ended.

July 24, 2013

'FLASH': Salvation Army Ties up Google Filters

Salvation Army Ties up Google Filters
Oklahoma   7/24/2013

Salvation Army is at it again. Somehow or another they have tied up the search and filter app at Blogger.
Given crime software, these sorry examples of intelligence workers spend more time ratting on themselves then actually creating a spy crime mecca.

 But, dog gone, we'll have to remind viewers of a few things Salvation Army has been posted just about as many times as any other character type here at KAPB...

Panda Garden,
Homeland Grocery Stores,
Computer weapons,
James Xu,
looting homes,
and other varies crimes.

'FLASH': Fiat - Peach

Fiat - Peach
Oklahoma   7/24/2013

Google Images

'Fiat' is somethings known as 'Peach'. This Al Qaeda is without a doubt from Italy. 'Peach' uses three words to launch computer designed weapons: Doush, Whush, and Pussh. Together they are called 'Fiat'. Again, the Salvation Army, the old household goods charity, is the creator of this set of weapons. KAPB understands that the location were 'Fiat' originated is in the State of Maryland's legal system.

A multitude of signals are used with the weapons, but only the words are needed to activate the software application.A person could easily be dragged around from
one jester or after another if they were lead to believe that was the method used to sent out a launch...No, it's the word that's used! The illustration of the girl is the image seen by persons who are addicted to peach whiskey (Seagram VO, etc). The girl in this image is called 'Peach'. More detail about this girl can be seen in the movie The Name of the Rose.. The current place to view the activities of 'Fiat - Peach' is in the TV action reality show 'Deadliest Catch' and mainly on the ships of the Cape Caution, and Saga.

Using the logos of two auto companies, 'Peach' opens a new assault in whatever area that Al Qaeda cluster in beginning an operation in. Even though Chrysler Motor Company is considered an American company, the two auto industries merged during the 1990's...both divisions are now in both countries. The logos in the illustration are used on a state judge to start the operation. The griffin wings twist around until the center logos is seen, and flowing from out of the background the peach slowly is placed in the center covering the word Fiat. The laurel wreathes are seen around the peach on the wing set...both are used with the final wreath in the tarnished silver color.

'TorTureD': Whush and Doush

Oklahoma   7/24/2013
Whush and Doush

Word: Whush
Red Word: Difficult to isolate to one single word
Location: Face
Relative Information: Salvation Army. USA. This word puts on a strip or bar of solid electricity. It can be felt on the face if the Torturer can locate any type of micro-fiber located in that area of the body. Believed to be controlled by the Asian fractions, but equally believed that this fraction would have the knowledge or capabilities to design weaponry such as this.

Word: Doush
Red Word: Difficult to isolate to one single word
Location: Face and Eyes Balls
Relative Information: Salvation Army. USA.  The word 'Doush' sends from the computer a small strip, or bar, that is concentrated into a smaller area then needed by the 'Whush'. With Pussh, a striking pain in the eye ball area, they form a twosome that is used where ever the seeker can find a fiber. Normally the computer control will have an exact location on the body that will help direct the weapon load to the precise target area on a person or a piece of machinery.

July 22, 2013

'Definitions': Ponzlite

Oklahoma   7/22/2013

A 'Ponzlite' is someone who was awarded a maritime decision associated with the crime of slavery, but, unfortunately, they turn to criminal activity by aiding and abating criminal types who can be connected with varies types of human rights violation. The image with this post is about what a 'Ponzlite' would look like.

'Definitions': 'Deacon'

Oklahoma   7/22/2013

Both persons in the picture are a likeness
to the described type referred to as
'Deacon' is an Al Qaeda person who traveled back through the so called 'gatekeepers'L.O.V.) in demonomania. Demonomania, is the word preferred by mental health officials for the mental disorder on multi-personalities, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, and it is a mental health professional who is needed to bring a person back out of that state of mind. 'Deacon' like to work among the Belial and Buer Goetia demons that have become known at Burger King restaurants and Egg Emporium Breakfast Bars.

'Deacon' is the word preferred by an individual who's reason to return to normalcy but the return is based in organized crime. His return turns into a continued a life of crime, but with out the identity disorder. Such like 'Fung'(Fung.), but 'Deacon' knows about and they physically damaged with the twisting he gave his personality.

Though it's not known if this 'Deacon' works as a professional among church organizations, he is ever present at businesses that have an online airing of Christian music. Finally, 'Deacon' has a placid temperament.

'TorTureD': Pussh

Oklahoma   7/22/2013

Word: Pussh
Red Word: Scrip
Location: Eye Areas
Relative Information: The meaning is believed to be a sound imitation of  blood flow. This weapon is a tightening of the rear eye muscle followed by a striking pain that flows around the eye ball. Persons who use this weapon are basically associated with business that have iced drinks, such as frozen beverages, ice cream cones, and self-serve foundation drinks.  Though, this type of beverage weapon is found mainly in fast food restaurants, the weapons have been found in use at drive-through convenient stores, such as 7-11, Quick Stop Market, and Mr. Short Stop.

July 18, 2013

'International': Dilum

Oklahoma   7/18/2013

Google images
KAPB believes that the group of 'Dilum' is in fact a nucleus that is sent into a trouble situation. 'Dilum' explores that trouble and reports to their authority figure. It is from the 'Dilum' report that an international cluster is sent into the trouble area. 'Dilum' should be considered as a militant soldiering because this group is sent into situations where law enforcement is the controlling factor. It was on the return from an earlier viewing that 'Dilum' was noticed and information was gathered on this group. The above info is the final result from the 'Dilum' sent into the KPAB offices.

They will be found were a law enforcement team consists of two men and one female. It is found the possibility to create a look-alike situation that decides whether or not an International cluster should be brought in and released to begin a campaign against the law enforcement authorities in control.

This Al Qaeda group is very similar to 'swinger' couples. 'Dilum' consists to two persons who work together to have a variety of sex partners. The affairs have to be with the two main persons, and the relationships only last until the primary couple no longer wishes to go on with the affair.

But, 'Dilum' has a problem. They can't relieve themselves sexually and they use that physical condition to to the extremes left or right in normal sexual behaviors. 'Dilum' can be either a man and women, two men, or two women. While the third, and sometimes fourth, sexual partner will be: another man, woman, child(boy or girl), different race or nationality, physically handicapped/wheelchair, related(father/mother/sibling), the elderly, sick/failing, etc.

In the extreme, 'Dilum' will try animals, sheep are their favorite followed by dogs, and then cats. 'Dilum' will also try to have sex with a corpse, all in attempts to relieve themselves from a sexual frustration. 'Dilum' develop a multiple variety of viruses in their blood stream that eventually will change the tone of their voice to a high pitched melody that is common among the Goetia Focalor, who always hears the melody of a soft music box. See Amdusias. "Dilum' like to read minds, cheat at poker (online game site that are located in new buildings), and work at State House Legislates as legal marriage advisers. When discovered in their menacing, 'Dilum' will behave has a old southern plantation worker who is trying to move into the plantation house. See Ca Dal in Reoonk Nig-er..

This Al Qaeda group is started in any same sex environment, such as: male/female private schools, same sex seminaries/churches, prisons, medical transgender, or casual Homosexual/Lesbian relationships. The illustrations with this post are: Herman - their favorite word. This person is who a 'Dilum' will see when they hear the word as a name of a person called Herman. And, the female is who 'Dilum' will see then they hear the name Julie. Julie and Herman are related to this post because again the University of Oklahoma, SSW is in the cat bird seat about illegal online poker with Herman leading out, State Legislate(marriage) in the middle, and Julie closing the arrangement. Herman is the longest employee at OU, SSW, Julie Cribb is the newest interregnum director of the school, and the member of the legislate is a co-adviser on state assisted marriages for the needy.

Continue to next 'International entry...link

July 17, 2013

'International': Porn: School and Church

Porn: School and Church
Oklahoma   7/17/2013

'Porn' consists of 5 separate areas which are divided into two different sections: School and Church

A chain of the five (5) areas begin with the grasping at the breast area of a 4-6 yr. old girl.  Starting at ;School' the chain ended with a State Government Clergy and the Prayer Practices. Each section, in turn, holds on to the next person in line in order to form a chain of six (6) individuals...the young girl victim is at the beginning of the chain and where the gasping of the young breast starts the action. See  Evan, Dave.

This is the list in the order they formed the chain...
School (Athletics sports)
School (Social Work)
Church (Catholic)
Church (Protestant)
Church (State House Clergy)

It is evident with State House Clergy, or state legislative, that the opening of something criminal was the purpose for this act of criminal sexual abuse on girls. Also see Al Dune (The embed link above at Prayer Practices details how prayers are applied)

Because the proper authorities were alerted and they intervened, at this point it is not understood what happened with either the victim or any of the five sex offenders. Because former Professor Pellebon ( Oklahoma professor resigns) was seen at the KPB offices several time...the last time was three days earlier to the discovery of the group 'Porn' on the KAPB premises. There is suggestive evidence that Social Work (Al Jazeer.) schools are a major contributor to child associated crimes in the State of Oklahoma.

Because Pellebon is a medical mongoloid, it suggests that high church authorities, also mongoloid, are deeply involved. Adding: The word 'pellebon' itself is the favorite word used by persons who inject the perennial flower of Hellebore  Hellebore is openly reported and known to cause Mongoloid.

This link was found missing during an up-grade of 2014.
Prayer Practices

Continue to next 'International entry...link

July 16, 2013

'International': Countries: Belgium, CIA, and Peru

Countries: Belgium, CIA, and Peru
Oklahoma   7/16/2013

These are examples of
characters who like this
section in the
International  'Countries'

Al Qaeda International consists of three countries: Belgium, CIA, and Peru.  The USA's CIA involvement was not clear in 2013. Later evidence suggests a take-over had happened and agents were in reality foreign mercenaries from Arabia and French Arabian nations.

As the CIA has never fully amended the agency's contracts and charters, the Al Qaeda International involvement may very well lay outside the USA's responsibility. Therefore, this fraction is listed as Belgium, CIA, and Peru. The importance here in the USA is where the largest concentration of these spies are. Believe it or not 'International' members like to work at Burger King (BK). Because the BK restaurants are heavily favored by the Goetia Buer( Buer's like to personally handle hamburgers) those restaurants are most likely a primary investment of organized religion where very many of the Buer are enlisted. The illustration above  is two favorites among Ministers, Cardinals, and Prophets with the major religious organizations in America. Finally, Buer prefer a person who looks like Katie as a marriage partner of sorts.

Continue to next 'International entry...link

July 15, 2013

'International': Lim, Dis, Porsche, Poker

Lim, Dis, Porsche, Poker
Oklahoma   7/15/2013

This cluster of four separate groups are basically the same as the previous 10 or so posts.
They are individual with sets of six (6), two (2), and one (1).

LIM. two (2) members. Lim (P.A.U.L.) are Grocery store workers.(there're back). Cashier and the Butcher. We found the fung working in to couple. Because of the behavior of 'Fung' it would be difficult to believe the butcher would last forever...a simple worker for fung. While together, both will dribble cocaine into foods that can be prepared, such as in the deli section, the bakery, and/or the express services(coffee, pastry, etc). Their intentions are questionable because this couple will run off customers while making those customers fell that it's not necessary to return to the store again. A question that's unresolved.

DIS. two (2) members. This couple work as professional mourners. They tearfully sympathize, cry, and sadly console any situation where they can be heard...such as in the paid mourners at fabulous funerals, Mardi Gras burials, and Irish wakes. Their favorite word to be called is 'Laple'. They also love to clean garages, home and auto is the preferred. It was also observed that 'Katie' was heard in this couple.DIS is believed to believed to have its roots in the Roman Catholic Church.

PORSCHE. one (1) member. These are Chinese spies who are found the country of Venezuela (Olman.). Though, 'Porsche' claim to be a number of things, they really always settle into the business of 'making hamburgers'. They can be found in fast food restaurants and large business cafeterias. Just what their spying is intended to do is questionable.

POKER. six (6) member. Pokers rob professional gamblers (school certified). They will also murder pro gamblers if they are in the 'dirty work' (mafia, perwing). The six members are arranged by the seating in a 'final table' arrangement tabling six final players.: thus it goes...Big Blind, Small Blind, Seat 1, Seat 2, Seat 3, and Dealer. It was noticed also that 'Katie' was among these six member.

Continue to next 'International entry...link

July 14, 2013

'International': Imp, or Loop

Imp, or Loop
Oklahoma   6/14/2013

Two things are important with this first introduction in the crime cluster called 'International'. First, listening to the conversations in the flow of trespassers it became obvious that the members in this cluster made a continual loop in the conversation. And, Katie became the lead person by way of being the first person to introduce the trespassers as members in the crime cluster of 'International' (International may also be the termed used to hide the fact that this cluster could be a Taliban). This notorious Al Qaeda group was introduced to KAPB the morning of July 14, 2013.

The word 'Imp' was used to begin a band of crime warriors. Because of the importance of the first group member, Katie, KPB felt it was necessary to report and post what happened as early a possible.

Using the tones made with a brass chalice. A brass chalice is similar to a pistil and mortar...both tools are made of brass. The tones are much like a cymbal and replicates the tones of demons in high pitch.  KAPB was able to get the group, one by one, to tell about who they are and something about what they are presently trespassing for. Below is what they each, in turn, told KAPB.

Little is known what the sole purpose of 'Imp' is other then to scout out and collect information in weak areas of communities (Animone.) - KAPB

Imp. (or, Loop: has six(6) member, all are french in some kind of definition)

Katie. Imp. Claims to be the leader of the Al Qaeda group 'Imp'. She says she is French Koran, but looks more like a dukeal property owner. Though Katie remains, as each member does, even after being discovered and confronted, she changes her introduction to the latest religious based gossip that is happening, such as, the hidden marriage the churches made in the United States.

With that she begins sexual assault patterns common among sex offending stalkers. With the conduit of a same sex marriage arrangement, she uses the micro-optic fiber glued to the skin at the genital  and chest/breast area (Holy Grail.). All the while, Katie is trying to gain an advantage over the home owner. Lastly, when exposed in this second approach she hunts around for another conduit (gossipunder Franklin Graham.) to re-enter the crime scene. (Katie is the only member KAPB tried to get the name of, Though her voice was recognized, she was later addressed by her name and she responded that is was her.)

Brain. French. He works with human brains. Claims to also probe and deliver messages to animal brains as well. In both human and animal, Brain tries to maintain a control over the victims behaviors with the messages he dictates directly to the front lobe of the brain organ.

Prisoner. He searches for so called 'professors' in school, college, and university environments. Prisoner will arrange and secure those teaching positions for member of 'Imp'. Illuminati.

Alien. French. He hunts for water. Alien leg bug and FBI in Question. More informatin at this link> FBI

Mold. French. He works with diseases. Both with and from the inhalation of mold spores. Very possible to being a former CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) member. More information at this link>.Other plant fungus.

Looper. French. Tattle-tale. 'Tattle-tale', as he responds to, begins a mild panic to the group leader of 'Imp' that the group is at its last member and it must loop back to 'Katie' to proceed forward. Tattle-tale will find ways to get the attention of Katie using an increasing urgency in each attempt. He does little else but tattle-tale to get 'Katie'. Thus keeping 'Brain's' conversations on track with this Al Qaeda group's purpose. El Doog...(Hobo).

Continue to next 'International entry...link

July 13, 2013

'Escalade': Rebel Call: "Goetia"

Rebel Call: "Goetia"
Oklahoma   7/13/2013

The Rebel Call
"GOETIA ..God On Earth: The Infernal Ars"
"GOETICA ... God On Earth: The Collection: Infernal Ars"

The eye positions of those who enter into
either the Christian or Muslim worships
are effected by both the herbs, as well as,
the alcohol they consume.  The over-head lighting in
this Escalade denotes that the Limo is
either Christian or Muslim owned
This is the very first thing that happened to start the act of slavery on members at KAPB. Working through each steps, with the use of a mega-computer, most of the behaviors were collected and published at this blog. Because of the language barriers between right and left brain and the impossibility to get the information, it's stored on the mega-computer, that some behaviors have not be fully recorded. All-the-same, KAPB has published the collection of a Christian Jihad in the sub-file entitled 'Escalade'.

To begin a campaign against the person on whom the Christian jihad is hoping to hold in slavery, the acronym Goetia is yelled out in a Christian jihad fashion. It will be heard echoing across dark streets or alleyways, around corners of darkened buildings, etc. Sometines the acronym 'Goetia' is yelled out word-for-word; while, most times, the yell consists of "God On Earth".

The Rebel Call
"GOETIA ..God On Earth: The Infernal Ars"
"GOETICA ... God On Earth: The Collection: Infernal Ars"

Because of the fact that the Goetia demonomania ARS when arriving on this continent, 1200 AD, or thereabouts, the first thing they stole was the farms, such as with the American Indians/Pilgrims Thanksgiving stories of the 'Fish and the Corn Field'...'Fish' being the nature of Jesus Christ, and 'Corn Field' being long term corpse. Thus, bury the indigenous and get the fields. In this jihad, KAPB was the indigenous to bury.

The interior design depicts an Ipos demon. The round circle at the back is normally circled in black loops such as with Linus in the 'Peanuts' comic fame.
Because of this interest point, the designer was mostly likely in the group of 'VICE' (link).

God Bless You All - Kara Leigh Aghijlar, July 2013

July 12, 2013

'Escalade': ARS

Oklahoma   7/12/2013

ARS...Andrealphus, Raum, and Shax.

This image depicts the total
concept to the study of Goetia
ARS. The woodcut also illust
-rates the faces that is the best
image of an about the
persons in the study of the ARS,
A ... Andrealphus. Forming an Al Qaeda cluster called 'ARS' may simply be an ego pattern rather than a true, or natural, collection of Goetia demons. Andrealphus is the last Goetia demon in the Egyptian monarchy that created a nation of historical markers, but there is no record of an 'ARS' cluster because of this mighty demon. A marquis doesn't need or like to kill before sexual intercourse, and was remarked in historical documents as powerful because an Andrealphus could over-come pagan lusts.

R ... Raum. This Goetia character loves marijuana. So much so, that in long term abuse of hemp, the demon will transform into a bird-like creature. It is believed that the god Anahita is the last stage before entering into the animal development most Goetia demons go into.

S ...Shax. Likewise, a marijuana smoker. Most scholars of demonomania say that the bird form is a delusion rather then a transformation due to marijuana abuse. The two birds in this cluster, Shax and Raum, differ so greatly that the possibility of the two being the same bird is impossible.

'Escalade': Vice

Oklahoma   7/12/2013

Ipos.  Most images found favorable
to the cluster 'Vice' will be one
of an Ipos. Maybe ego...Adam and Eve, or
perhaps because Ipos loves to be
shocked. Ipos will serve in prostitution
but only as a body shocker.
Vice is an Al Qaeda fraction made up of four Goetia demons . It's comprised of one president and three dukes(count).

Vice: Vepar(duke) ... Ipos(count/prince) ... Caim(president) ... Aim(duke).

Noted here: Demonomania is a mental health condition, Any one who transforms themselves by living only  off of the left side of the brain will in a matter of days will acquire the madness of demonamania.

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum
by Johann Wier
As we have learned, Caim is believed by novice to the result of Adam and Eve with their child Cain--eastern scholars confirm that it's the realm of Ipos was the delusional condition that both Adam and Eve developed after the abuse of, and, to the, Garden of Eden. Creating a pregnancy, Eve was to be known as 'pain in childbirth'. With Western Christians, Cain's killing Able created the black man and Cain, Adam's son (president) deposed Adam (the mere leader). This notation can not be proven, so the story is nothing by myth and dramatic folklore.

Another thing to remember is that the word 'prince' (Ipos) has evolved over time. In past history the word prince also meant primper, prancer, prostitute, prostate, etc. Such as with Prince David, later King David, when he arrived back from battle and dancing before a crowd in somewhat of a tribute to his victories. Lastly, the word 'count' in kingdom realms means 'countless', and the word 'prince' being a person is not allowed to have lower kingdom court members under their care, thus making the understanding of 'Count/Prince' has no who has little to no authority. A demon in Count will not have sexual intercourse until after they have murdered someone. Finally, most of today's upper-crust kingdoms were derived from dukes and counts. The reason is not exactly known, but it is believed to be a 'failed' attempt by the Eastern Religions to gain control over the countrysides, only to not clearly understand the sexual problem side; therefore, most lovers for the crown were killed either before a marriage consecration, or before a harem lover encounter.

In the character Aim the change in the letters 'E' and 'A' is because of old English...the 'a' and 'e' vowels were at one time joined together. As seen in the illustration and circled in red, it was pointed out to KAPB that the three primary characters in the demon Aim are grouped together to form the capital letter 'E'. It's said this is an indication to the letter 'E'. It should be remembered here that this images in the Goetia collection are drawn when the demon is at a distance,as well as, collectively, meaning over a number of years and then they were assembled to the Goatia images in books today. Therefore, within this image of Aim, it could be understood that the name itself may need to be pronounced with an 'A', while in the dark world of our subconsciousness it is seen as the letter 'E'...just another suggested thought.

July 10, 2013

'Iconic': Jesus in Anna

Jesus in Anna
Oklahoma    7/10/2013

 Very few people are aware of the fact that most, nearly all, middle Mediterranean and middle eastern societies were either Argonaut or ferer (herbal changes in the male/female physiology).

Several biblical passages centered around Jesus of Nazareth are directed connected to issues of the male/female characteristics. Whatever the reason, the only pictures of the Eastern Empire's messiah, as taught as Jesus of Nazareth, is the one of the female side. This image is of Anna, or Jesus, during a physiological stage where he would look more like a girl then a boy.


'Iconic': Chinese Jesus

Chinese Jesus
Oklahoma    7/10/2013

Marbas demon is another type of the Jesus figure who was marveled during the earliest years of colonizing and civilizing the Asian continent.

In Search of the Forbidden City. This link leads to the History Channel shop were the video can be purchased. The YouTube link, as usual, no longer leads to the video. (That YouTube site has become a piece of crap)

The video has a wonderful collection of images of that Yongle Emperor, also known as the Yellow Emperor. A great meany Marbas types of that emperor still are featured as varies illustrations of the Jesus Christ who is known as the messiah in most Converso divisions.

At the AssassinsCreed website, this Goetia Marbas jesus is suspected to be a member of the Knights Templar (searcher of the Holy Grail). ...continued from Chinese Marbas post. Here are two images from and about the Chinese Marbas demon. KAPB hopes it will work for you as it has worked for us.

Crucifixion was used by Jongle (Marbas Jesus) on Jongle chief historian, who the Emperor felt was a good example for a sacrifice during the turbulent culture of the Chinese. The first images is a clip from the History Channel video of that historical event.

 This  image is a favorite illustration used of the Sung Dynasty ruled by Yongle, a Chinese, Marbas demon. As a Sho-gun, or a religious assassin, the early Koreans, who were fused with the Marbas demons, added their own types of messiah myths. The religious statues depicted the assassin as a messiah. This type of belief reached as far down the Asian Steppe to the country of Israel where the Sho-gun figures are still used to illustrate a messiah.

July 8, 2013

'Escalade': Evil: Belial, Marax, and Fung

Evil: Belial, Marax, and Fung
Oklahoma  7/8/2013

Evil consists of three primary evil characteristics: Belial (Dionysus), Marax (Aerospace), and Fung (Satan).

The only Goetia personality who presented themselves at this time was the Belial. Even through there were several approaches by strangers who represented something or someone, each stranger was a Belial demon.

A little American history of Beelzebub.

In the early settlements of New England, Beelzebub was given the name of Belial and Marax as a duo gang. These Goetia demons roared through the English colonies killing any in their path. Favoring women and young children, many of the colonist lose their lives to this sorted demon. In the picture with this post are the different face and body type that the so called king likes turn himself in to. The combined Beelzebub when designed to deceived persons and launches an attack will use the varies personalities, but always in private and has the victim alone.

To see Belial in the image, it's necessary to remove the horns and mustache from the Belial in the picture. Belial has trouble with his penis, it grows very large, long, and ugly. Though great buddies with the Marax, it doesn't last for very long.

While Dionyus (Belial) greatest achievement was the throne of the Roman Empire via, Augustus Caesar, the Marax rulers out dates that Italian ruler.  Statutes of a Marax can be seen as the Pharaoh Ramesses II as commemorated at the.Abu Simbel temple, Egypt. This group of Egyptian rulers held that position soon after the biological work recorded in the Hashepsut library. It was from those studies that Egyptian scientists felt that the Marax realm of the brain would ultimately be the survivor and live to move on to other planets and possible moons inside to galaxy. Their studies have proven to be true as most Marax are currently working for NASA.

In the first image, Marax is the one sitting is an ordinary person. This transformation is the everyday look. While the other demons bodies are the varies personalities, with body and faces, that could be used in everyday activities. Marax is a pilot. It will be a Marax who will do the inter-planetary mining and colonies designed in the near future.

The lack of knowledge about the records of Sodom; meaning, sex with a dark angel, is most likely the reason why these three were able to ravage the American New England colonies.

The Beelzebub duo with their evil transformations also came along with evil to the core, The Fung (link), called, literally, Satan. Ripping apart genitals, faces, and the anus, the demon enjoys the victory over the innocent.  During the Witch hunts and trials of New England one person stands out the greatest...and, one greatly protected by the church--Heinrick Kramer Dark Secrets of the Witch Hunter's Bible

The killing, slaughtering, raping, and eating ovaries, uterus, and bosoms, this 'brother' in the Benedictine order killed over 40,000 women in England and the United States referring to the women as witches whither or not they had a trail or even a verdict. Kramer's version of the testimonies was called 'The Hammer', today the entire collections by these devious monks is entitled 'The Codex'.

July 4, 2013

'Escalade': MEN

Oklahoma   7/4/2013

The next in heading upward towards who put a organized crime order into the lives of KAPB authors and families. Very near to top of the assembled pyramid, the word Goetia at the top, is also an acronym. KAPB will have to wait and see who sits in that seat of power.  

'MEN':  Marquis, Eligos, and Naberius

All three in this group are low ranking... 

A Marquis are about the same as a duke, earl or lord. The main difference is that a marquis are mainly French, hence the language change. The only member of this group that is not listed directly as a marquis but called a duke(ranked somewhat higher) and marquis do not kill to have sex. Including Naberius, there are 13 total marquis. Normally only one at a time is in the group, but 'Men' has been known to add one or two other Marquis if the captain of the Goetia feels it's necessary.

Eligos is the leader of 'Men'. He has a direct reference with a biblical situation, that is, "the garden of Eden" . Many Christian denominations teach very much like this arrangement on 'Men'. Dukes do kill to have sex.

Adam is called eloquent with great dignity and honor (Naberius), the garden 'full in bloom'(Marquis), and Satan referred to as Beelzebub (Eligos, leader of 'Men'). Beelzebub can also be understood as King Belial.

July 2, 2013

'Escalade': Gimores`: #2 - Grim

Gimores`: #2 - Grim
Oklahoma  7/2/2103

Gusion in Baboon, Apedogs.com
The first section of Grimores` is 'Grim'. Because the Goetia (Lesser Keys(men) of Solomon) is somewhat biblical based the Grimores has some roots in bible stories.

As with the 'Mores`', 'Grim' also has four principle Goetia characters: Gusion,
Marchosias, Haagenti (the pursued as Gusion hates water. Haagenti are sometimes known to be mermaids), and any character who name sounds like, ends in, appearance of, etc. the letter 'O'...Alloces, Barbatos, Botis, Crocell, Eligos, Focalor, Foras, Forneus, Glasya-Labolas, Marchosias Orias, Orobos, Ose, Sallos, Stolas, Vassago, Volac. 'Grim' only chooses one 'O' member at any given time.

Within this Al Qaeda group Gusion is the leader. 'Grim' biblical bases the Martyrdom of Matthew. Like the Bifrons leader of the 'Mores`' section, Gusion also like to rob state and federal charity programs. With Grimores` the bible issue is, "First is last, and last is first", thus making the 'Mores`' the first to make themselves known, and making the 'Grim' The Martyrdom (or Jihad) the last to enter the crime scene. Thus creating a Christian Jihad of Grimores`

View UTube link to see a Matthew tax collector sitting at a table in a pagan temple collecting alter taxes during the time of Emperor Decius when Christianity was first being assembled as a legal religious practice....Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire, Episode 8.  Emperor Aurelius, Episode 9 named December 25 the beginning holiday for sol invictus the god of soldiers. Followed by the Emperor Constantine turmoil or crisis, or christ, era and the second of the seven (sleepers) christian/Islam martyrs. Constantine followed by the next five emperors.

The lesser famed Caribbean pirate Capt. Morgan is also considered to be a nominee of Grimores` entitled with the Capt.'s name. Grimm's Tales is also a collection of fables with Gusion the demon as the lead interest.

July 1, 2013

'Escalade': Grimores: #1 - Mores

Grimores: #1 - Mores
Oklahoma  7/1/2013

Google Images, Bifrons
After a bit of rest, KAPB was informed that there are a few more Al Qaeda groups who would most likely present themselves.

The name of the first group is the Grimores. This group is divided into two individual sections, Grim and Mores`.

'Mores`' consists of four Goetia demons: Bifrons, Marchocias, Caim, and Alloces.

KAPB believes the adage associated with the bible would be, "First is last , and last  is first.." for the 'Mores`' and the Martyrdom of Matthew for the 'Grim'. The Martyrdom (or Jihad) the last to enter the crime scene. Thus creating a Christian Jihad of Grimores`.

Jihad for Christians, is a colloquial understanding of Jesus and the first wife (Hagar) of Old Testament Abraham. Having birthed the first son and heir to the Abraham fortune, Christian Jihad believe they have been given freedom from the religious social order of bastard by way of sinfulness upon Abraham in his failure to understand the God promise being fulfilled. Abraham stated in the book of Genesis that he wasn't able to put away his lust for Sarah.

Also, it is felt that  the Bifrons are the leaders of the Mores`. Persons who choose the Bifrons demon usually work at grocery stores. They are usually moved into a closed area workplace, such as in shipping and receiving. The Martyrdom (or Jihad) the last to enter the crime scene. Thus creating a Christian Jihad of Grimores`