'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 29, 2013

Definitions: E - K

Definitions Entries: E - K


Eclipse. Al Qaeda. Egypt. Perhaps this fraction began because of the slow mental attitude of the early Goetia personalities. 'Eclipse' was noticed in several historical records as major empirical markers to the shift in cannibals behaviors because of the sun blocking the moon or moon engulfed by the sun eclipse. Basically, for in the world today, 'Eclipse' has several definite activities that signals that it is an 'Eclipse' fraction activity: they are pedophiles transgenders (male to female), they steal pharmaceuticals that are either resold/changed to another product form/ or, used as detergents (washes dirty drugs) in street crime, and they work in areas where children are at the ages of 11- 15 years, mush as Middle Schools, community centers, and private social clubs. Most 'Eclipse' member know and teach Early Mathematics. The greater members (nepotism) will go on to teach Literature in upper educational facilities. The latent Converso groups is Buddhism.

El Dawg el. Stef. The real name of this Al Qaeda member is Mon El. His favorite name is Kody, an abstract for the word 'Code', such as in Codex (Devil's Bible). Kody has the likeness of the recorded Augustus Caesar of ancient Rome, but those records don't fully illustrate the true characteristics of the Emperor. All the same, Kody has the personality behaviors written in historical records about this man.So...somewhat sneakish, he demonstrates personalities of sexual impudence that is gratified by sexual murder on children. He uses this type of crime to gain a power over any situation that tries to derail his delusional kingdom...including rumors that accelerate elements to either heighten or hide 'evil deeds'. Spending a lot of time inside prisons to his vehicle to a greater position in the so-called '(criminal) free markets'. 'El Dawg el' enjoys the temperaments of slavery, and he is most likely a FAS at birth. Christianity is about where he will start an empire for himself, which is motivated by syphilis in he latter years. Enjoying a monasticism life style, 'El Dawg el' will be a member of the Benedictine Friar enclaves around the world. In a final analysis, El Dawg el (friar) is more Muslim then Christian because he will release any Christian church to an Islamic order or authority for money or for farther conquest. 'El Dawg el' is a character created by the abuse of the alcohol Gin.

El Don. Al Qaeda. Bitter hatred for  food chefs, cooks, kitchen service workers, and bartenders. 'El Don' are primary white haired and will wear only all white clothing in kitchen environments. They prefer also to wear white apparel when not in their working situation. During the 1960's the Twiggy designs shows the type of apparel favored by 'El Don'. Though members concentrate at food related facilities, organizations using food in sales or corporate functions, such as corporate luncheons, company picnics, etc. 'El Don' will stalk other social groups who use food types to promote a sales resource for funding...examples are Boy/Girl Scouts, church projects and corporate candy bars for charity.  'El Don' members demonstrate no preference to a location for the murder, therefore, top chef murderers can easily be confused with other types of schizophrenic (Top Chef). One very important member of this group is 'Anna' or the 'Queen'. She will be the leader while out in the murder field; but, Anna prefers to be idle enjoying only the benefits from the killing, such as with Intra (Hindu converso). Because 'El Don' will stop all activities if Anna stops her actions while in the field, Anna is rarely seen in public. It is because of this type, and allowable, social behavior scholars feels 'El Don' will have a dynamic appearance in the latter stages of the goetia Dandelion. And, finally, 'El Don' members are pedophile prostitutes.

El Doog. France. (Hobo). Mongol/United Kingdom. Limited in their activities, 'El Doog' has only a few concepts in their activities. They are French hobos who has an affinity for milk cartons, they keep records on the US 79th Airborne troop with the largest cell is in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and they enjoy actor impersonations, which means they most likely do female characters as well.  Eric Douglas(Kirk Douglas Son), Brad Pitt, John Wesley, Cher, Lisa Manelli, and  Lady Bunny are among their favorites. 

eLee. German. Porsche (German Chinese), 'eLee' is pronounced with the lead 'e' very softly shrilled in the back of the throat. 'eLee'. During WW2 'eLee' was the example of the Chinese, or Anso Converso ('Arman'), Caucasian. They were able to create an illusion and remained undiscovered as Racist, or sociopath, Jews. Performing in pre/post war Nazi theaters, these Daoist (Panda Garden) gained property by selling secrets to US enemies while gaining favors among the Nazi generals using sexual female impersonations. With the famous Israeli 'rickety boat' convoy in the mid 1940's and the supposed reformation of Israel, these Daoist moved from one country to another, and finally by over-land express trade routes and air traffic controls. The Porsche auto industry is still a home base for this Zionist group. Recent news press reports have given this group attention when the German government launched an attack on the child porn industry.

El De Morz. Al Qaeda. Pronounced with a very short 'e' and a 'zm' blend at the end of 'En Morz', it could easily sound like 'en demon'/ 'En Morz'. They are the number one Al Qaeda fraction who enjoys performing abortions, they are mostly active in the organization called 'Planned Parenthood'. Using many different medical professions known among the Goetic characters, 'El De Morz'  will act out the multi-level positions in any type of medical/hospital environment. 'El De Morz' will also keep in control facilities using illegal abortions as centers, clinics, and homes where the victims are generally younger women, age range: 13 - 27 years old though it has been reported where male to female transgenders have received similar operations. 'En DeMorz' as Planned Parenthood may have well over 100 illegal operations within a 25 mile radius from the center of a universities campus. Hooking Kids on Sex. Generally, this type of group is associated with occult activities where flesh of an aborted fetus are used as hallucinogenic street drugs.

Erd. Scotland. Splinter group. Make up of men w/ black hair and women w/ red hair. Likely more Macedonian Greek then Scottish, but develop themselves in the UK region during the Anglo/Saxon feudalism calling themselves Northumberia. Erd is also a type of bird that can be a metamorphosis inside the human body of a person with the dual dependency of scotch whisky and opium. The UK is a capital manufacture of Laudanum (opium derivative). The 'Erd' bird standard, sometimes referred to as an eagle, was considered a medium contact to God during the eras of the ancient to medieval conflicts. The 'Erd' was also carried by the Knight Templar King Baldwin. In Europe today, the 'Erd' is known as a corpse creature that is used in medical experiments to slow down the developing process from the miss use of opium and fungi herbs. When this type of creature is removed from a living subject, the 'Erd' is processed into a genetic enhancer and re-administered to the same living subject and anti-aging process begins...or, so it's said.

Evan, Dave . Xu. O Dafisht. Senator, Oklahoma, USA. 'Dave Evan' is an alias for the famous Texas Chain Saw murderer Ed Gein. Evan also suffers from a addiction to the house plant known as Jade (Al Dune). Jade is a small leaf, rubber plant believed to have mystical powers called 'the covering'. Though Xu and O Dafisht are Asian continent Al Qaeda cells, both groups have large cells in college/university towns. Xu is also known to explore diseases as does O Dafisht (Cimejes). Just what the connect is between the three of them is not known other then the keen association of like-kind...both Xu and O Dafisht will use substance splattering to grow separate fungal petri type splotches on walls, floors, etc.


Familiars. 'Familiars' are best known in black magic or as some call it 'sorcery'. 'Familiars' are associated the myth of transformation into cats, dogs, owls, rats, etc. In the practice of sorcery today, 'Familiars' are best described as former law enforcement personnel who had to leave a crime scene of some sort or another as they have a fear of being changed into something gory. Abandoning a crime scene by taking flight, they will many times use a patrol car as well as any police gear. This type of intense fear can drive a person to travel as much as 1000+ miles before they gain control of their senses and stop their speed flight; furthermore, they will never return to that crime scene again. Sought after by black art sorcerers, 'Familiars' help to cause delays in different types of investigations as well as pose counter possibilities. They will also slanderous rumors to gain public attention that leads investigations away from the appropriate authorities. 'Familiars' are most times referred to by sorcerers as 'Levi'. They claim the 'Familiars'  themselves use the term while they are in the fear stage called, "traction"...traction occurs while they are in flight and a continual sound is hear in the brain that resembles a car with its motor running strongly. The Al Qaeda cluster where 'Familiars' are most active is 'Pus' (Goetia).

Flame.  Fifth and final Al Qaeda cluster to invade KAPB. 'Flame' has three members. Phenex (feathered bird), Valac (poor child), and Gremory (crowned woman). It should be understood here that Phenex is the principal member as well as a part of the Al Qaeda group Illuminati (Mike). As most Goetia clusters used familiars so does the 'Flame'. 'Flame' views them as messengers and spies. Phenex favorite work is in grocery store produce departments. Phenex is also has an icon of a cross that is made from two tree branches tied together that forms the crossed 't'.  In the latter part of 2013, look-a-likes of Michael Douglas (Hollywood) had been seen with something of a connection among varies clusters or Al Qaeda groups. What the connection was is still not known. 'Flame' is also attributed to Zoroastrianism...whether or not this is true is unknown.

Forge. Al Qaeda. (France). Pronounced: fg - long 'o' - soft 'r' - hard 'g'. This large Al Qaeda group is generally operated through a US governor's office though they are also a favorite in law enforcement, but for reasons of immorality. The greatest membership in 'Forge' ('Byebum') are Roman Catholic who prefer to act out as a homosexual rather then the sociopath lesbian they are in reality. 'Forge' prefer to be feminine looking and will impersonate (Mike ) the female movements, gestures. and voice tones. "Forge' is normally referred to as transgender, men to women, but 'Forge' believe they are not impersonating a female, but, instead, they have female qualities that they are extenuating. 'Forge' is best known as the Caribbean (Focalor) or Martin 'pirate. The exception with 'Forge' is that this Al Qaeda faction has the better part of their investments in and from the U.K. 'Forge' love to rob homes and businesses during the Christmas season (De Loasge) using the techniques pick-pockets, prostitutes and child porn with a Santa Claus. 'Forge love to kidnap persons. 'Forge' members will impersonate the family members of a kidnapped person to have the advantage over the family estate, whether large or small. The vast majority of the Caribbean Islands were obtained for Great Britain using this technique of conquering small countries. 'Forge' members like to work in television, movies, and radio. Oldest working celebrity group today is the 'Bing' Crosby (Hagee). 'Forge' worship the pagan god 'Baal', though not through the Hermetic Science (P.a.u.l.). Psychopathic even towards the dark worships, 'Forge' want to only wear Christian icon jewel around the neck instead of the Bael lamen, thus, creating the impression of a dark lord Christian worship. They also believe that men give birth to children rather then the female. There is some reference to this group in biblical scriptures, but the reference is faint. During final stages, these pirates see mermaids, and like to talk very much like one when a 'Forge' member is caught in a crime. 'Forge' is created through the misuse of the liquor Rum ('Alabaster'). T.J. Shaw.

Franklin, Jantezen. Oden Porule. Venezuela.  Jantezen Franklin is perhaps the least known in television evangelism. Franklin has somewhat of a past, but little is known about the legalities of it. As well as the questionably t the truth in the rumors. It is believed that the gossip is used to place himself with some kind of a connection with the Al Qaeda fraction Oden Porule(Venezuela), and possibility inside other cell groups such as Opus Po(china). Using child prostitutes from pedophile homes, he inserted collection sacks inside of the child's, both male and female, genitals. Taking human semen collection from patrons who sex with prostitutes, Franklin then removes the sacks, once they are full, and freezes the collection of the samples inside the brains of cats he purchased from animals shelters, or, usually stolen from surrounding neighborhoods. Primarily using American Airlines, he transports(2012) the cat brains in large sacks of flour marked 'Cheerios' that's destined for Venezuela  His American contact is called 'Carl,' and the Carl connection is made with the song 'Avita' which has to be sung by a Mexican artist. Having a fetish for cony(marmot) discharges, Franklin enjoys douching with the animal's sperm.

Folical. Al Qaeda. USA. Small string group who use human hair follicles by attaching fibers onto or by the shaft of the real body hair. These fibers can be found anywhere on the body. This small string normally follows one after another, but several leaders will jump out to the side if they are afraid of an arrest. 'Folicals' can be identified by the yellow yamaka worn by leaders of 'Folical'.

Fung. Satan. (best word on addressing a Satan is to call them 'Peril'). Tweet-Diddlie.  Though this is not an Al Qaeda group or classified in demonomania, Fung is important. This creature is associated with filth, and believed to be the bi-product of human and animal rotten food, decayed carcass, and waste matter sediment. Historical records detail the eminence filth that was a primary attraction in the Dark Age era. Known to still exist in two prominent cities, Rome and Paris, Fung. 'Fung', short for Fungal, is considered a jurassic nature. A metamorphosis developed literally out of the deliberate and abusive collections of these waste materials, 'Fung' is a living tissue creature. Today this type of collection is solely to create Fungals. 'Fung' lives inside human physiology, much as a Mar which is created through opium abuse. Most Europeans, Middle Eastern, and Greeks have fungal in their molecular structure. But, only a few, who are not classified as demonomanic, will develop a transfigured persona while they harbor a Jurassic 'Fung'. It is this type of schizophrenic that is a Satan. European, Middle Eastern, and Greek mental health behaviorist have developed this type of transfiguring schizophrenia in attempts for its isolated use. In the USA, the Catholic's Providence Hospitals founded by nuns is the major contributor in 'Fung' studies. The only filth city in America in inside of New York City...it is believed to had been developed by 'Typhoid Mary' in the early 1900's (newsclip, medicine).

Gin Alcohol, Haagenti, In-gin...Have you read the message? Get into The Word with 1Word.
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Garbage. Al Qaeda group consisting of the the Al Qaeda cell entitled Bune. Basically, Bune, Bune, Purson, Marbas, Raum, Amdusias, Bune, Bune is the order in which 'Garbage' will pass the authority to eliminate trouble from the mitts of the 'Garbage' group...generally the 'pass' is due to a failure. 'Garbage' is the first AL Qaeda group to make itself known to KAPB. The food and Goetia character in relationships in 'Garbage' are garbage(bune), grocery store cashier(bune, and garbager), restaurant owner(bune), migrant farm worker(amdusias), farmer(bune), grocery store cashier(bune, and garbager), garbage(bune). Refer to 'Bune' for details on each member in 'Garbage'. In a developed Al Qaeda organization Krull is just before 'Garbage'.

Gargoyle. Man God. (World Wide). In 2001, gargoyles were active in the 'Occupy Movement of Wall Street, NYC (Baal worship). Trafficking criminals from one point to another, gargoyles use top floor apartments and attics with a viewing window to guard public and private streets. 'Gargoyles' is considered a step in the DNA of a 'brain slide' that takes place caused by the fight and fear discovery of the murder of a parent, normally the father though the murder of the mother has been noted in resent years.  The DNA person  in the final steps of gargoyle is called 'Gary' (Gaap) favoring a 'Buer' the demon in both medicine and recycled trash and other recycled products such as in generic pharmaceutical and salvage yards. Dell Computer currently has the greatest employment of Gargoyles in the world today.

Gatorade G2. AL Qaeda. USA. Gatorade is the product owned by the University of Florida. But the 'G2' varity is somewhat of a university partnership shared by several different spot schools. In Norman, OK the main campus for the University of Oklahoma, the 'G2' is believed to be manufactured and then sold to US markets interests. When considering a purchase of the product, a small voice whispers, "Athlete". Whether this is a physical happening or a spiritual presence is not yet known.

GCB. ArRon. UnNoon (Cryptic Persian). Cathor. Developed in the 'Dark Ages' Europe this Al Qaeda group is located in Christian churches around the world. ArRon is the highest order in the the Protestant denominations founded through the revolts within Catholic Church during the change-over in Empire Roman authority. UnNoon (ref) is a functional group inside of ArRon. UnNoon means literally 'church'. Leader of ArRon is Justin Earnest(aka)...Kristin Chenoweth (ref)...in drag. The word or letters GCB (Good Christian Bitches) became popular in 2013 through a reality TV show in America. The show illustrated the behaviors of Christian trans-sexual who has long been associated with European congregations as the female counter-part in marriage.

Gideon. Opus Den. Internet Bible Moderator. A website name for an Arab motif, 'Gideon' poses as a thief of Baghdad. And one who has yet to return the treasures stolen from the many different cities the website broadcasts to. For purposes all his own the questions remain as to where are the remaining troops who once served the moderator so well? Leaving behind an impressive number of plundering assaults this crime member continues savagely the surrounding countries. Named as a former FBI agent it seems he likes working for Bible.org as a chat room moderator. Schooled in Burbank, Ill, 'Gideon' entered into service as a special operations unit official, via, the local police department. Accusations of a being assembled by an unknown Arab emergence, 'Gideon' claims to have murdered someone, or something, named Jules (unknown acronym ). Most likely, a deep thrombus allegiance with an Arab nations who attempt to overthrow, the now questionable, US Christian movements (2013). Though claiming connections with Opus Den (ref), Gideon has been seen among members of 'A'(ref); stating, "while working as an informant for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)". Aided by special operation managers aliased as a pastor in Des Moines, Iowa, 'Gideon', like his biblical counter-part, has murdered more people in the United States then any other motif of Arabia. In 2010, he announced his resignation from a position within the CIA and he reportedly was fired (5-28-10) from Bible.org though he has been seen at that website's home office. after continually harassing member in the bible community.

Gemini. American, Hollywood, California. These groups are mostly actors. Low key activity. Common behavior is, while in action, the name Commander or Sulu is generally used instead of the actor's real name.

Gemini2. Second branch of Gemini. Same as with Gemini only 'Gemini2' is directed by another person. A practice quiet known in the Actor's Guild. Just what the purpose for 'Gemini2' is not understood as the two Gemini groups seem to associate closely with each other including sharing together apartments, homes, and condos.

Girth. Al Qaeda. Italy. The acronym fromed from the five diseases associated with the structure in the ranks of monks and priests at the Roman Catholic Vatican. Full view...

Goetia. Al Qaeda conduit. Also known as the Lesser Key of Solomon. Also known as Grimoire, with a possible connection with the demon Gremory as the delusional beautiful Lao girl seen from the abuse of herbal potions. While working with the Key of Solomon a simple understanding should be understood to help avoid confusion and superstitions. Both sides of the brain, each side has its own configuration...light and dark. Because of this each text(collection), Keys, Goetica, Grimoire, etc. will also have its own
configuration, that is, some sort of an appearance. Thus, Lesser Key/Lemegeton Key, Goetica/Goetia, Grimoire/Grimoire, etc. Why is this present? Hermetic Science explains "what is above must also be below". So, a natural existence on this planet everything must have both sides to it. A tree's branches will match the tree's roots...so it is with man. The right side of the brain determines 72 areas of concentration in physical management, so does the left side. Many changes occur which are visible . The study of Physiology is where to get information about this science.

Goodwill Industries. Good An En. Regretfully Goodwill Industries has been seized by this Al Qaeda group. 'Good An En' are pack rats who must have piles of junk always around them...such as in the reality show 'Hoarding'.  I can only pray for those lost in this new type of an opium den. As most people know Goodwill, Ind was started to employ persons recovering from alcohol addition. Today, they also include the physically handicapped. 'Goodwill Industries' may very well also be a sub-contract Muse to the FBI (US Federal Bureau of Investigation) church movement today called Nazarum. The Muse behavior is best known from the records on Greek mythology that was collected by the Eastern Studies on Religion and Man.

Good an En. American French.  Good an En is an Al Qaeda group. The personal name of this Horus worshiper is not known. He confesses a belief in the man-god pictured to the right. The person to the left is in a typical stage for a believer in Horus. Over indulgence in both red and white wine creates the delusional god called Horus.

Graham, Franklin . Opus Den. Franklin Graham son of famous world evangelist Billy Graham became the newest person to be identified by AMA's newest mental condition called Serial Maniacal Satanical/Masochism(SMSM, 2010). F. Graham was also identified as a pedophile when he refused the retreat order directed towards the serial behavior willful trespassing for means to collect data on minors schooling in the area. F. Graham was arrested and is currently waiting for trial in south-central USA(2011). The condition ...Satanical/Masochism (SM) is linked to an alcohol abuse; primarily, a London dry gin which is made by taking a neutral grain spirit (usually produced in a column still), and re-distilling after the botanical are added. As it is distilled with barley in aged wood, it slightly resembles whiskey (reference.com). After years of conflicts with alcohol control in the USA, the US Surgeon General has ordered the botanical component 'Ginderail' that was grown in the USA to be halted.The FDA seized the remaining herbs and it was destroyed. (Amen.). In Jan 2011 the Graham family again reentered the lives of KAPB hoping to get some public attention of forgiveness upon learning that Ginderail was considered illegal in the USA. KAPB felt the gravity of the sexual assaults and sexual threats out weighted any such considerations whether or not he has a Christian minister. With that notice to F. Graham and his father B. Graham the son Franklin Graham became highly aggressive along with other family and church members of his international organization. Related in someway were two grown grandchildren, Ellie and Mark, of Neva Jean Thomas where thrown into the physical aggression using the illustration of a thin line three leaf clover (club, deck of cards) smashing the idol against the foreheads of KAPB's member, as well as, other residents in the apartment complex just outside of a community middle school. In the foray, John Hagee (TV evangelist) became a torch bearer when he claimed that the person Theresa Jean Shaw, formerly T.J. Thomas married to J.LThomas (and alias connected with F. Graham), to be his fem counterpart hence an under-cover personality posing as a transgender. So far (2014) there has been no resolution's to this bazaar behavior of this Christian organization and Hagee's ministry.

Gin Alcohol, Haagenti, In-gin...Have you read the message? Get into The Word with 1Word.
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Granmoire`. A Granmoire` is just before the Goetia Clusters. Grouped in three sets of three members.  Remembering KAPB is moving back towards the beginning of this activity we would be at our first set, which is Set 3 - 'Plume': Alloces, Andrealphus, and Berith. Set 2 - 'Candy Cane': Furfur, Vual, and Andromalius. (The main importance with this middle set of three is that each like the dinosaur form; therefore, the mind-set is predatory and carnage. Though low rank seems to indict a sense of security for a person, predators believing dinosaur and carnage to a safety zone will likely be sneaky and immature.)
Set 1 - 'Jill'.  Asmodeus, Bifrons, and Caim. It seems all three Goetia characters travel together. They work online casino sites and cheat like all hell. Jumping onto a playing table, this 'Granmoire` will cause the cards to play a digital software developed especially for cheating...mostly likely, developed especially for this demonomania group.  'Jill' also uses familiars(see reference above). And, both Bifrons and Caim believe that Astaroth is Asmodeus, but most scholars say that it is just the way 'Jill' wants it to be and no real evidence suggests anything towards a truth to it. It should be noted that all three sets use the word 'Boom' when trouble was present, such as when the KAPB personal began to ask and get answers to probing questions.


Hang Ten. Al Qaeda, USA, California. Gynecologist.  Consisting of the Doctors of Gynecology, this group keeps itself by using the female gynecological issues. Embed orbs, herbal acid

packs, and spike fibers are among the better devices that 'Hang Ten' has developed and implanted in the vaginal region to traffic women to the means of 'Hang Ten'. While using the acid packs, 'Hang Ten' will power suggest and encourage other members to images, subliminal, and create facades to aid in the escape of primary members...not all primary members are considered as leaders. Of the two members who used that acid packs, one is named Chris Wilkes. Though identified, Wilkes is still at-large. The other person is still unidentified but believed to still be in the area. The identities were a part  of an investigation into the criminal causes of vaginal cancers, tumors, and displacements.

Haraohp. The reverse of Pharaoh. The word 'Haraohp' is most times known as associated with the god named Horus who was the principle god of the Egyptians during the reign of the Pharaohs. Just what happened to the  Egyptian culture that preceded the reign of Pharaoh is still being investigated with modern technology equipment. But, the ancient Egyptian libraries do suggest that the experiments in the human physicality may have lead to a break-down in the culture itself, which in turn, lead to the sub-culture in demonmania.

Hin. German. Al Qaeda group with the highest population among the Western Catholic Church. The 'Hin' organization uses alcohol to create FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) children to populate there Al Qaeda fraction. They are also primary grouped together by the varies alcohols made from rice and herbs. Started about the time of Pope Pius IV, this splinter group steals children...with slavery being the power over the capture.   Reportedly, 'Hin' has a third pope...currently named Tiberius (famed: scandal emperor w/ 'minnows' Capri, Italy). 'Hin' is also another multi-spouse member in the Al Qaeda organization. 'Hin' uses Gomorrah(animal), and weddings 'ring' is the VO(vagina opening). Their military standard is the finch owl. Financial claims are acquired through the former Nazi Germany banks accounts. 'Hin' still uses letter heading, website, and literature in the colors of Nazi red, white, and black.  Reportedly, this Al Qaeda are mentioned as the Jewish members in the multi-religious Dark Age movement called Converso. KAPB feels that 'Hin' is the Spaniard division within the various Vatican religious orders. Spain still uses the technique of the re-introduction of Jewish, Muslim, Hindu converts to Christianity following the down fall of a nation that has been both looted, sacked and new state bounties are save within a Spanish jurisdiction, such as in the south central United States and the gang (Knight Templar) warfare concerning illegal immigrants and illegal drugs, both street and internet online sales. In the USA, the 'Hin' population is largest in the state of Florida. Relics of both Mexican and Spaniard conquests* from the varies multi-denominational Christian Churches are at the Floridian amusement park called Holyland Experience. In the movie 'Angels and Demons' with Tom Hanks, 'Hin' is named as a possible political fraction among the Vatican church devotional orders who's infiltrated into, and in with, the Christian church finances structures. Several European banks reported gangland financial deposits that had been made within the Rome Catholic Church's failed accounts.

Hobbes, Kyle. Logue. Australia. The usual story of a secret agent, but now on a famed TV show entitled 'V The Series'. That TV fame gave rise for Hobbes to have a duel cover for espionage around the world. With the aid of Eric Brown (ref above) Hobbes arranged to acquire female organs in the Oklahoma, USA. After a quiet legal arrest concerning the Oklahoma Federal Courthouse bombing, the Browns offered to help sell female organs to Hobbes. With the aid of Paula Brown (wife of Eric) and an Oklahoma City attorney firm   the illegal organ business was hidden under the folds of that federal courthouse disaster. A placement of Hobbes (Fink motor gang USA president), and an affiliate with 'Dora'(ref), was made possible through the Weatherford Oil Consultant firm and Bruce Poteet. Hobbes uses the name 'Douglas Wills' with that oil consultant firm offices in Australia and when entering into the USA for any consultation reasons. Hobbes was enlisted through an Illinois governor during the Korean War to collect human organs for both Korea and the crime family 'Ping' (ref0. Kyle Hobbes' transgender character is featured on ABC's 'V The Series' as one of the aliens seconds position actor that are on board the alien ships.  One final note to ABC series: though the story is centered around the delusions suffered in the disease of 'HIV' the information is incorrect concerning 'Anna'. Long term HIV patients who continually use the word 'peace' do not make offspring any longer...these females will np longer have sex with men nor will they have invetro-fertilization.

Holge, Brent. Xu Qcue, Opus Den. Though 'Holge' is a stranger to most people, his character is very well known among religious organizations as he resembles the disciple 'Luke' of the New Testament. From many different biblical eras painting of the Saint Luke has created an impression on persons, and with those images nations around the world has associate to them. Heroin addicts also go through physical changes that resemble painting called on as one of the biblical Saint Luke. With it the Al Qaeda's have made a religious organized order for themselves. Thus using drugs to create persons who will stand as one in the likeness of a sainthood, so to say. Brent 'Holge' as a biblical Luke is such a person. Furthermore, 'Holge' uses the creation in several US states to cause the unsuspecting to fall for Al Qaeda criminal antics.

Holy Bible. From the perspective of the Hermetic Sciences, the 'Holy Bible' is the primary resource for any information about the female's anatomy. Eastern Studies compiled the 'Holy Bible' for the sole purpose of preserving the studies on human development through the ages of mankind. Literal: Leftence (?) hole and Bi-arterial-bib. Hatsheput's, the Egyptian Queen, female science of anatomy shows a relationship between the under-arm main arteries and the vaginal opening while recording the blood pressures at the wrist. The Hatsheput  Collections in Cairo, Egypt is the largest library still standing and it contains the exact wordings that the current 'Holy Bible' (NABRE, NLT, etc). How the cathodic stories became so famous is simply a matter of the under-educated translations in order to have a connection with the God edifice that circulated around the ancient Egypt, Middle East, Asian Steppes, and the Mediterranean Basin. The entire study is today referred to as the 'Holy Bible', and is the primary study preserved by the USA in that country's Bill of Rights, Amendment #1, Freedom of Religion. The USA's Freemasons are the agents who established the Hatsheput translations in the American posterity.

Holy Grail. This is being added here because the issue of the Holy Grail became known again by the History series entitled "America: Unearthed". The Holy Grail has had many twists in history, but, for KAPB, and the girls associated there, the meaning of the Holy Grail is quite different. Generally among the women and girls the 'best and most' terms are the areas used to determine the one who is the 'Holy Grail'. Literally attacking the genital area of the females, the assailants from all fractions of the Al Qaeda con-verso
 movements 'bid and whine' for the female organs of the 'most beautiful' and the 'best looking' in any community, town and city...they have been known to also attack an entire country if the country is small enough. The illustrations and information from historians have some of the information, but, for some reason, they didn't include this valuable and interesting fact about the assault on females. Because the word 'GAF' in Norse means transgender, the historians within the Eastern Rite organization details the word 'Grail' as not having the letter 'L' because of the notch on that letter makes that word meaning to be 'lets' and apart of the sentence and not a hidden letter. Therefore. the word 'Holy Grail' means 'transgender'. The Norse are given all credit for the 'rune stones' in North America, so the translation, it would follow, to be Norse as well. View at the following link KAPB's information about Mary Madeleine, the Mother Mary, Jesus the Christ and transgenderism. 'Bago' is the word or group persons who follow the Holy Grail.And, finally, the uterus is used to make each of the cups and patterns KAPB has listed here. The cups themselves are made from the naturally dried organ. This is done by removing the uterus bone and then letting it dry on its own. The elbow bone from the same body is used as the stem and base on which the cup itself stands...it is attached and coated with an mineral such as gold, silver, wood, brass, etc. At this time it is called a 'Grail'. There are four types of grail...leaf, flower, female, and bottom leaf version. 'Leaf': cup, or uterus, is covered with leaves(female is killed before of after her menstruation cycle. 'Flower': cup, or uterus, is covered with leaves but also has a single bloomed flower(female is killed during her monthly cycle.) 'Female': cup, or uterus, is covered with smaller leaves and has the head of a woman(female opium addict who is using 'wine' as the agent for the addiction recovery. The fourth cup is called 'Boy'. It resembles more of a gravy ladle. The woman it is taken from was created by means of alchemy, thus altering the male physiology into a manufactured female body. Because there is no menstruation cycle or ovaries 'Boy' has no design on the ladle...it has a small group on one side of the small narrow bowl that resembles a small smooth handle. The stem is still made form the elbow bone but the bottom(stand) has carbuncles on it...a look that is undefined. Again, all four cups have to be covered with an alloy to be considered as a 'Grail'.

Hope, Daniel . A. Former Nazarene Church board member. He like to refer to himself a 'chain saw'. On April 18, 2010 the Nazarene Church was found to be a multi-spouse organization. He's only remark was, "I hope your happy." (I, for one, am.)


Icon. Al Qaeda. Germany. 'Icon' is old of the older known fractions in the Converso movement.
This well developed behavioral disorder of iconism, members will try to turn anything related to the famous into a collectible. This fraction collection artifacts in some form or another and then turns them into some kind of icon. Then is poverty, 'Icon' collects dialogue and other bits of conversation, behavioral habits, etc who are considered by a Thomas as a God person. This fraction is most likely the parent of the Cathor Bible group, While the "icon' handles blood products, the Cathor bible group works with herbs. Cathor's don't collect artifacts and 'Icon' does. Because 'Icon' is a blood devotion, the Lamprey SS Nazi should be suspected. 'Kody' has been proven to show up quite frequently when blood group are discovered. Because Kody is a dead-on ringer for the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar it would seem he would serve as a leader,but history reports other wise. Plutarch of Chaeronea, an ancient historian, reports that Augustus died as a fully developed syphilis. Currently Germany, has a casket that supposedly holds the bones of the biblical 'Three Wise Men', and that country receives millions of dollars from faithful visitors each year who visit the chapel to kiss and touch some of the remains.

'Iconic'. KAPB list of assorted religious or social devices that have been attached to the human body. 'Iconic' suggests a HIV\AIDS connection using biblical icons. link

Illuminati. Currently, the 'Illuminati' are basically Romanian, or sometimes called Romani who are also found in Ireland. The 'Illuminati'  members choose to live in prisons to accumulate vast sums of wealth. They have little regard for worldliness and use simple bible cliches formed from Rune, Druid, and Jesuit terms. Laughable at best, the public information has coined the 'Illuminati' as 'dillards to watch' when in really they are lesbian males, he-men who enjoy same sex intercourse, Greek nude wrestlers, and lounging around in their favorite private prison cell. Furnishing in quiet rooms in confinement centers are normally lavish, rich, and stolen. 'Illuminati' are also transgenders...something they choose to do during wars and heavy conflicts. They'll also work as midgets posing as children. The' Illuminati' like to kill homosexuals, prison confine them, and use forced transgenderism detailed in 'Little shop of horrors'(American musical). Jade(house plant), saffron, and sage are among the herbs considered holy for this infamous spectrum of this world-wide known mafia group. When these herbs are bunt  only for members except when conquering new territories for the church. Then the herbs are a type of cleansing ritual to absolve the guilt of murder as well as to absolve the guilt of the murdered for putting the murder in such a position. 'Illuminati' is best known in association with the Eastern Orthodox church as so-so Hashashin (assassin).' Illuminati', as do Jesuits, hope to make the  next coming to be from them, a replication of Jesus Christ. There plan is to replace the messiah with a look-alike and gain control of the new earth.

In Fa Tout Nig-er.  India. Tout is pronounced with the 'ou' as in bot of robot. A Cimajes (Goetia) demon, the British translation of the King James bible, 1611, 'InFaTout Nig_er' is to be the transmitter of a wolrd-wide HIV outbreak. The most famous scout for HIV was Alexander the Great who is also King David in the Judo/Christo religion, was the palien for HIV/AIDS as detailed by the four horses he wrote. All the same, Alexander failed to win the people of India, but he did live in the Indian palaces with his troops for several years, and with that the Cimajes diseases they carry. Upon his death and returned to Egypt, Alexander was considered to be a god, even though, in modern days 'InFaTout Nig_er' are the gatherers of HIV. Where Alexander the Great fits in with this historical information is not completely known, but he lived through 3 stages of the 4 horses in the bible book, Revelation of John: black, white, and red.  Discoveries may prove Alexander also rode the 4th golden(yellow) horse as global warming continually uncovers ancient sites every year, and more history is revealed about prehistoric conditions.

Io Saturnalia. Roman. Al Qaeda. Saturn. Because of the many bits of information KAPB has published that resulted in the traumatic results with upper court decisions by both the US Supreme and World International Courts concerning the attempts of slavery in the State of Oklahoma, KAPB believes that now the Christians are in a formal, organized state of  "Io Saturnalia"! Full view...


Jack. Moa-n-D'Ling(Cuban). Understanding that 'Jack' is Cuban, it implies that Moa-n-D'Ling home base is also in that region. The DNA stage of 'J' within the barbarian Lombard clans descendants usually work in the area of a state's commission, such as with road and bridge construction. 'Jack' is normally
working on the projects that are for the most part an illegal undertaking that has been sponsored US Government...the Cuban Missile Crisis is an example. These government contracts, funded by mafia monies, are typically for the trafficking of the most popular fantasy in any foreign country. Today, in 2014, the grandiose is drugs, but historical artifacts, persons, art/gems, etc have been favorites in the past. In the USA, 'Jack' is most likely to live with the appearance of having very little money, drinking with the boys, and not really educated, they are able to create an elusive identity of working more in a light child porn interest. Many'Jack' are classified as pedophiles who use impersonator drag to lift suspicion concerning young children who are somehow situated in a family center. This picture (2011) is about what a 'Jack' would look like today.

Jackson, David. Opioium. Crones are an opium addict. When the nose is sliding, opium addicts call them David. Crones are prostitutes who like to extort money from the State Hwy Managements through the use of outdated State Commission computers. If the two are link, both Jack and 'Jackson' are confidence set-ups that makes trafficking monies, etc through delayed state funding for road commissions. The name 'David' could easily be a reference to which religious house(Old Testament, 1Kings) a Jackson would work for. This information is not all together readily available because of the confidentiality to police commissions.

Ja Une. France. Argonaut. Commonly, either a male or female who’s genitals are deformed through DNA malfunction because of a strange mixture from the use of the left brain enzyme. Female: a female’s vagina is swollen, the clitoris is enlarged and strongly resembling a male phallus and testicles, this area becomes fuctional, but the phallus has little to on tissue and doesn't produce semen. The vagina is closed and pin-holed at the passage opening area resembling a second urethra opening. Male: the male’s phallus and testicles have retreated in the folds of the sphere, or birth sack for protection during the boy's birth. The appearance of tissue below the penis area resembles a virginal area in looks only...this area in non-functional, a surgical tissue construction must be preformed for this area to service as a functioning vagina. Argonauts are most commonly known as a morphemic. Understand, Argonauts are not born transgender, trans-sexual, or trans-inter-sexual, but male and female’s born with biological (DNA) genitals of the opposite sex, and the argon genitals are non-functional. The Argonaut male body structure is feminine-like, physically like a girl both in the face and genital area, while the Argonaut female body structure is physically masculine and looks like a boy both in the face and genital area. This deformation can be inherent or wine and drug induced. Note: Ja Une, the u is ‘oo’ in pool. Most Argonaut faces can be seen the 1960’s version of ‘Jason and the Argonaut. Jay Burton is in Ja Une.

Jill. Al Qaeda.  'Jill': set 1. It seems all three Goetia characters travel together. They work online casino sites and cheat like all hell. Jumping onto a playing table, this Granmoire` will cause the cards to play a digital software developed especially for cheating...mostly likely, developed especially for them.  'Jill' also uses familiars. And, both Bifrons and Caim believe that Astaroth is Asmodeus, but most scholars say that it is just the way 'Jill' wants it to be and no real evidence suggests anything else.

Joggles. American. Slang. Term used by heterosexual men for the way their testicles feel when they are stuffed inside of the scrotum. 'Joggles' is also used when referring to transsexual partnered men and the fetish way some transgender men prefer sexual intercourse with another male...all three parts: two testicles and the phallus, are pushed into the scrotum while the other sexual partner masturbates his phallus inside of the 'stuffed scrotum' sexual partner until ejaculation is achieved by both men.

John. John Mark is the biblical character the Al Qaeda fraction 'Disciple' likea The YouTube video link below has a very good picture of what a JohnMark, during the rise of Christianity, would look like. It is very possible that most Christian branches used this same type of personality to help usher in the Christian religion, including ministry evangelism around the world. Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire, Episode 10. ...Briefly, Maxentius was the emperor of Rome at the time. Constantine 1 gained the throne in 312AD upon the death of Maxentius. Constantine, a French aristocrat,  in turn build a religious power on top of the Maxentius temple. Maxentius. View 'Grim'  or 'Disciple Mania' for more information on the disciple Matthew.

John, Elton. Elton. Haagenti. UK, House of Lords.  Whether or not the name Elton John is a single person or a conglomerate is not known but, 'Elton John' is, or is a member, working inside the USA while using a passport from Mexico (News clip, Drugs). Again, if the passport is legal (?) and 'John' is in the USA with that intention is not quite known,but KAPB believes the 'Elton John' is an illegal operation. Legally from the UL. 'Elton John' has been known to alter his appearance through the use of a wine mixture called 'sangria'. This wine and fruit mixture is most commonly in Mexico...to administer to the withdraw of a common gin alcohol beverage best known in the UK, gin is added to the sangria wine, thus causing a blend of neutrons in the brain that at times make images of Civil War President Abraham Lincoln. During these lapses, 'Elton John' is say, "I'm living in the American Civil War".  No other reference is make at this date (2013). All the while, 'John' claims he works for the 'Common House of Lords' in the United Kingdom. This person , or group, got that position by helping in a murder plot on former USA President James(Jimmy)Carter. Finally, the 'Elton John' loves holding artists in bondage and/or slavery. Though during the 2009's the tabloids had him all but disappeared from the public scene until an attempt at a new reality TV show entitled 'FB and I' (=Pigs) piloted during the fall season Television premiers of 2010. The pilot failed to meet the national viewers interest and the production was cancelled. The illustration at the right are photos of how 'Elton John' looks, but the 'John' here in Oklahoma uses the voice that sounds like Neal Simon the pop singer of the 1980's with the burly style pictured above.

Jolie. O deFend. The first and perhaps the primary member of  'Skunk', the first group, among many  to make itself known to KAPB. 'As a very active schizophrenic, 'Jolie' is the favorite name/word of the Goetia character Flauros. He loves transgenderism, and will role in whatever acting part that may be given to him if it contains any reasonable resemblance to transgenderism. Generally 'Jolie' is a male, but they have been known to allow a female to enter into a Flauros realm.,,but, while in Flauros a female will lose the vaginal area to a resemblance to a natural male phallus. 'Jolie' is in the DNA stage of India who is coming out of Blue Boy and into girl pink. If forced by circumstance, he will do most any type of crime to gain a leading role in the in the Hollywood industry. The image to the right is an excellent picture of a 'Jolie'.

June. Goetia. Bune. 'June' is the word a Goetia Bune. The word 'June' is used then a demon is being sent out by someone to do a murder. Normally by just telling a 'June' that it's known what the purpose of their being around in the area should be enough to make a 'June' stop what they are planning to do. 'June's ' are in the realm of a Bune demon but the 'June' doesn't look like a typical Bune character. Full view...


KAPB. (Kara's Associated Publishing Bookwork). The 'Goetia' clusters, in order, at KAPB are: GarbageKrullShunkPusFlame. And, these groups are managed by Peril(Fung). The Goetia clusters discovered at KAPB's Bookwork and, now featured here, followed after the post The Closing Characters. Granmoire`(see reference below) followed the Clusters.

King Tahoung. O Dafisht, ref. Prophet of India. Thomas. King Tahoung is a sound. This sound is both a cymbal cling and a gong bass sound that is pronounced together. King is pronounced much like a 'Ka' sound with the following Tahoung being a vibrating metal that has been struck. 'King Tahoung' is the person of likeness to the disciple Thomas. The use of a voice sound of Thomas in Christian religious services is directed related to this disciple's throat organs. If a bell manufacturer can replicate the sound precisely, that factory will have a legal contract to produce all bells, gongs, etc for a lifetime.{please note here that this person is the first to start this queue of persons}).

Kike. AL Qaeda. House of Saul, Thomas. Term used for Jews who are in the stage of king entering Spike. The brain begins to twirl from the over-dosage injection of herbal remedies. It is at this stage that the church believes the mushrooms from a 'kike' corpse will literally, as a medium, communicate from the dead 'kike'. Scholars teach that most kings and queens are simply examples of mushrooms. Often referred to as 'the giants' in biblical terms because the Marchosias Goetia was the favorite imperial character during the ancient to middle age monarchies. With the use of the herb 'mekenal', or there about, a risen mushroom can be harden as it stands in the ground until it is completely solid such as stone. This type of medical practice is used in cow dung remedies of India. As for the wet carpet or floor, 'Kike', or doctor, leaves a wet spot along the wall near the kitchen.

Kloop. College. Al Qaeda. Sports. Stars. Small gang who uses the 'polished nail' as in gang related. In the USA, the middle finder is generally polished a different color then the other four nails. 'Kloop' are the run-of-the-mill gang compared to Stars who at sometime or another did a advertisement commercial of some sort. 'Kloop' uses a personn's entertainment or profession to loot for property. Using some kind of attachment, such as a poker table, 'Kloop' inset themselves into the lifestyle of a victim. With gamblers, 'Kloop' will steal patio equipment: chairs, tables, chase lounge, etc. "Kloop' will also use a member who lives very close to the intended victim. Sometimes revealing themselves by the polished nail, they will be used some form of photo image to conceal their identity.

Knight Templar.  Al Qaeda. Though adult victims number among the many who make up a Templar order, the 'Knight Templar' is comprised mostly of uninfected (HIV/AID) free) children who were sexually assaulted by a long term pedophile. 'Knight Templar' is an early DNA stage where long objects appear to flash like steel blades with the blades giving off sparkles of light which adds to the delusion of grandeur. Templar children will use any toy that cause them to float, such as, skateboards, surfboards, or roller blades while holding tree branches, brown paper tubes, or batons could easily be having a crusade. Knight's are later called 'Wezer' once the child reaches the age of nine, though they still play out the crusade adventure they see while adjusting to the foreign substance that has been injected into their main body flow following a sexual assault to the rectum. Templar is commonly used to illustrate an army depreciated to a Jewish temple that allows Christians to worship along side the Zoroastrian followers that Judaism was named from.That form of temple is seen in India, Israel, and Istanbul...these three cities beginning with the letter 'I' are called the "I See", as to following the Egyptian founding religion of both Christian and Judaism (Zoroashtriansim) and the worship of fire as God. 'Knight Templar' is the beginning of a mixed culture when Astaroth was introduced into the religious structure after the abuse of the herb Acacia (Mosaic Laws under High Priest Zoroaster) that insighted the region of the brain where that character exists. The latest historical discoveries indicted that the'Knights Templar' were an intricate element in child sacrifices in the Mediterranean basin at the recorded time of the biblical Exodus.

Krull. Deadly salted fish. 'Krull' Al Qaeda that consists of the Goetia characters of Amy, Amon, Amdusias, and Andrealphus. Amy: dangerous killer; Amon:  religious fraction, mainly comprised of Calvinist and dog lovers;  Amdusias: live pornography; and, Andrealphus: deals drugs. Please note: Goetia groupings, 12 in all, always consists of three or four members. And, each group will have their own smell, word, order, and region in the brain. 'Krull', here at KAPB, follows 'Garbage' and following 'Krull' is 'Skunk'.

All images in this post were collected through a Google image search. - Thanks, KAPB