'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 14, 2012

Criminal Stalker: Kody K

Criminal Stalker
Okla  6/14/12

Stephanus assassinated
Emperor Domitian
YouTube clip

Regretfully this man has again pursued his stance on stalking. His involvement with his church's belief in body's midriff exposure has turned his behavior into a crime.

Believed to be a drug dealer, or better said 'mule', he and his female lover are back on the prowl for females who are outside their Quaker belief guidelines. Once 'resolved', as shown below, Kody K is out for blood again.

Update: 5/7/2014, Things quieted down after the victim moved away from the building and into another complex in the same apartment arrangement. Slowly the continued trespassing and criminal behaviors subsided until very little is heard from this stalker. This stalker is more then likely a female who in reality is a team member on the male university first string basketball team.

Kara's Primers!