'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

February 20, 2014

'The Submarine': FBI and the Goddess Anahita

'The Submarine'
FBI and the Goddess Anahita
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

  • Part 1: FBI and the Goddess Anahita (Agh)

Warning: The question used to retrieve answers from the FBI may offend some. The question may sound horrible, murderous, or threatening. Please stop here if you are offended by the suggestions of murder or the thoughts of blood.

The technique that was used to get this information is something uses only by persons who are authorized through both the USA and the UN (United Nations). Using the system called 'Coliber Neurology', an attempt was made in the hopes of retrieving any information that would lead to answers as to why the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) refuses to leave a crime scene in which members of their own legal agency was found to have participated in.  A warning has been posted above this note, and the reader should re-read that warning if the suggestions of murder or blood is offence as this Plutonium post is about to start.


After the post entitled The Cedars; Ptolemy and The Popes,  KAPB felt it was still necessary to find out why persons, legal agencies, and an assortments of other types of stalkers were persistent on continuing to trespass on to and into private property. The insanity level had reached it the maximum level, and law enforcement agencies were volunteering to go to the federal prison of Leavenworth. Wow! What in the hell happened!

*The question was, "What is the major one thing that you did that if you went out the door they would slit your throat?" The word 'you' meant the FBI personal and the word 'they' meant other FBI members or someone an FBI agent would be answerable to for leaving the area.

Though this list will continue onward past the ones listed below, this publication is done in the hopes that other stalkers, whether legal or not legal, will heed this information as a warning... KAPB is in this for the long haul.  Either leave the premises, seek a lawyer if needed, and stop the transmitting of criminal trespassing as allowable by the FBI/CIA, etc. or the consequences will be your own.

After this start of The Submarine. It may be advisable to ask your local FBI personal if they are collecting up females for use as religious conduits in both Iran and Israel. Books on religious conduits are beginning to arise in the Middle East has the internet greatly broadens the scope to the true nature of mankind...with it comes the enlightenment to other cultures both good and bad. God and goddess are also viewed in a different understanding, as well as, the persons who worship other gods.

 Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata
This is also the stage of 'Funnel' in the Goetia Astarof.
In the Funnel stage 
females believe they
are legal hashashin, thus in the USA an FBI agent. This image
 is of 
an FBI agent who would serve as a goddess of
water, sex, and order. They will look like men in later stage, but
the beauty turns ugly. Astarof and Asmodas are the
two primary goetia demon gods who live in
the country of Israel. 
Here is the beginning of the list, with no understanding as to the last person on it: in brackets is the phrase used as the start up each individual FBI personal aquised the KAPB personal of. the two word after the dash (-) is what that agent replied after hearing the question listed at
the above asterisk *.

  • (starter) - killed Cassie
  • (casino owner) - killed Morne
  • (owes money) - killed Jeff
  • (prostitution) - killed June
  • (I'm a Jew) - killed Joelis
  • (good luck) - killed Jason
  • (woman hater) - killed boop
  • (lies) - killed Junebe
  • (fake it) - killed Johna
  • (got any food) - killed Joea

and continuing as they mount up....

The Following Day: After an entry that suggests the FBI may very well be the goddess Yahata, it comes as no surprise that a gang-warfare type of a trespass would be the ultimate result. Three countries entered at KAPB and began to taunt personal, and those foreigner were Korea, United Kingdom, and Israel. As the day continued on, it was found that they are not members in the submarine, but goddess creators who came to snatch away any chance of a goodly salvation.

It was felt necessary to cover the genitals in this
illustration because of sex offenders who prowl
during publication such as this. And, the possibility
of a  future censorship because of the A-sexual type
of anti-social behaviors. - KPAB
It wasn't any surprise that the U.K. has a god-like personality. That country was formed through the catha-licks who use the herb cardamom. The Catha virus comes from the ingestion of human child blood and organs. Long-term transgenderism was introduced during the Roman invasion of the Isle of Britannia (Great Britain). Israel, also derived by a Roman occupation, would also have hidden faults that stem from that Marchosias nation. The Marchosias will fellowship the Astaroth during the very early stage of that demon's development...Astaroth will work as a Hashshashin if they are introduced to hemp, which most are.  With law enforcement officers given the chose in the way of handling any under-cover assignment, generally most will chose to use Marijuana in some way as in many US state hemp is legal to use. But the combination of demonomania and hemp does lead to Hashshashin behaviors. Korea, a Greek satellite country, would be the third nation in this list, even though, Korea was the first to start the criminal harassment at KAPB. Korea being a satellite nation, like most Asian nation, they also would have a somewhat different idea of what this goddess would look like.

All-in-all, each of these foreigners have been found  soliciting females in law enforcement to become a part of the federal level in U.S. police work. Likewise, the new recruits are generally solicited to work within hemp assignments and pursue Astaroth as a means to obtain the highest level in an illegal hemp operation. Hemp and Astaroth and hemp lead to Hashshashin--Hashshashin leads to FBI--FBI leads to Vatican, who then distributes the females around to the varies countries that like the look of Anahita/ Yazata (Yehweh, Asherah).

and continuing as they wait....

  • (?)
  • (?)
  • (etc)

  • Part 2: CIA and the god Anaunaki
  • Part 3: The Submarine 'Q' and the god Anaboosh (Odin)

Images are from a Google search.