'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 20, 2013

Characters in History - Places


1. Spanish Converso Bullfighting 
Comparison to the Biblical 'The Sea' sport for Sacrificial Alter.

Compare scriptures 1 Kings 7: 25, 44- 46. Note: scripture also indicts that if any of the bulls were to cause anything to falter whether in construction or during the movement of the ritual circling of the bull that bull was to be removed and destroyed.  Because Spain is the leader in the converso (inquisition) movement, it is believed that the slaughtering of the bulls in bullfighting may have a drama/playwright history that derailed the Hermetic\Esoteric movements in the early Hellenistic religious conversions. Helena, the goddess, required the 'sacrifice of a bull/oxen' before she would begin another attempt to built a religious foundation for possible followers of Zeus. Again, because Spain is an ardent supporter of the Greek/ Zesu/ Aristotle philosophy bullfighting is considered to be the modern pro-proponent to multi-god secularism of Greece.

2. Burning Man, Nevada  

This image is an example of an American Andrealphus development. The Andrealphus demon is most famous in ancient history as the means used to topple the Roman's ancient Egypt and the empress Cleopatra who was directly under the Roman influence in the beginning days of the Holy Roman Empire.

3. Tennessee. Mixed breed dogs that are used to beast hunt. 

Pit-Lurcher is the newest mixed breed dog Homed in that state of Tennessee, police find reasons for a call to humanitarian invention because of the horrific way this animal hunts and kills other beast and humans.

4. Mexican Knight Templar

The excerpt pictured here is from the online website of InSightCrime. They report that another branch of the Knights Templar has risen in Mexico. As usual the center of attention is money, church and crime. Though little is spoken of these three, outside of churchly promises, the simple fact is true Templars hurt for the Holy Grail as their main reason for a knightly movement to develop. Read about the Holy Grail in a KAPB earlier post.

The 3rd of 3 is posted in the Gallery: Objects

5. Man (Nina) in the Moon

Nina is the Moon god that is worshiped by some Middle-Eastern Jewish sects. Nina, pronounced with a long i, and her partner Ninja (possible: mother, brother, son) look about the same, but Ninja, the greater, is the Sun god. In the far northern skies, the moon's configuration will appear as if it has a moving mouth; therefore, it's assumed that the northern most tribes in Israel adapted the notion to the other tribes that both Nina and Ninja spoke to the worshipers. 

6. Ocean Oarfish Mermaids

Look closely at the mermaids in the action movie Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides. In the water speeding towards the ship it is possible to see a mermaid that looks like an Oarfish. Oarfish,  being the first sea creature (fish), has been considered by rum addicts to be mermaids for many years...the second is the Torpedo Shark (fish). A third, special, creature type of sea lizard (lizard) is considered by rum drunks to also be a mermaid.

7. Street Gang Churches

Street gangs are to center of controversies as the need to keep open the doors of worship. The conversion of gangs and gang leaders has made a comfortable place for inner-city churches to vent religious feelings about God, Jesus, and reasons for a gang member's purpose in the city dwelling religious world...as well as collect the taxes to kept the doors open. Females seem to have taken the lead role in this controversial transformation from sinner to saint, but the Vatican reports females were centrally a part of the newly developing Christian communities in Ancient Rome. It is hoped they remember that a gang of Christians torched inner-city Rome in the early beginnings of this latter day female/gang church movement. This female pastor is in the stage of 'Forge' of which KAPB has numerous posts of.

8. University Sport Gangs

Recently in the press, universities are making it to the press via street gangs. As one university after another fail to make the necessary payroll to keep the doors open to further train athletics for professional gaming, gangs have become the stabilizer in some cities who have little else to relay on. The red and white colors among sporting teams is the best known because it is the most used. So it should be easily understood that university gangs in red and white would rank the highest. In Norman, Oklahoma, OU athletics likewise have make a gang...they are called 'Pony'. And, as gangs go, they loot, rob, and murder for the banner. ****************************************************
9. Canadian Mead (booze)

Mead, considered the 'nectar of the gods' is making its way into both the American and Canadian entertainment. Mead has been a favorite beverage ever sense the invasion by the Vikings into the southern European continent when it was taken into those regions during the overthrow of the royal families. Mead has created the story-time fantasies of Robin Hood, King Author, and The Princess Bride all of which are varies delusions caused by the over consumption of the alcohol Mead.
10. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

This National Geographic image of India's national monument is unusual because superstition by the Indian people have forbidden the photo capture for many centuries...the reasons are unknown.

All the same, the Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. (Wikipedia).

This image shows the consideration of love for Muntaz Mahal by the  brickwork that resembles a vagina that is in the stage of 'Elphant'. The color hue of both the male and female groans are typically red, pink, gray, and blue.

11. Ancient Persian Rituals

Persia reached from the Mediterranean to the southern plains of the Asian steps. This costume is from that region and it's also mentioned in the bible. Listed as one of the oldest, by standards of biblical reports, this two-headed figure can be read about in the story of Zerubbabel and the second temple.  It seems Zerubbabel met head-on with the two-headed, warlike visitor who failed in the attempt to fall the rebuilding construction of the temple for Jerusalem. the second head can be seen on the tummy area. 

12. Arabia Bedouin Tribes 

The capture of this photo shows how far reaching the the Bedouin Tribes can be as the first man in the queue is also the prominent character among the nomadic tribes called the Goths. He can also be seen in different stages of the Lombard, Viking, and Hun. In the USA, this likeness is a favorite in the Hell's Angels motor club where he generally serves as one or another in the club's management. His name is 'Luke' and works faithfully for his heartfelt religion.

13. Nordic God Worship

Not many people have ever read or watched documentaries about the Norse, but that nation in ancient history had very much the same God, messiah, and mythical stories that the Holy Bible has in it today. It is believed that the stories traveled via the northern trade routes out of Turkey, Syria, etc and into the far northern regions of Europe. However the way the Norse and Scandinavian people came by their god beliefs, it is true their stories and the one of the Holy Bible, both old and new testaments, are pretty such the same.

14. Peruvian Sacrificial Rocks

In Lambayeque, Peru there was found an ancient city where 60 body were found to have been sacrificed. The article read in such as way to suggest that the bodies had been sacrifice as well as other bodies having been thrown into the pit. Because this ancient Peruvian city was classified as having died at this point it also suggests that the sacrifices may have been a retaliation of some kind. 

15. Koran Red and Blue Tides

Interesting to see, these tides are a curse to populations who have to live with the results of oceanic neglect. Though lovely to see at night, and a curiosity during the daylight hours, both forms are the result of bad behavior.

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