'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 24, 2013

'TorTureD': Whush and Doush

Oklahoma   7/24/2013
Whush and Doush

Word: Whush
Red Word: Difficult to isolate to one single word
Location: Face
Relative Information: Salvation Army. USA. This word puts on a strip or bar of solid electricity. It can be felt on the face if the Torturer can locate any type of micro-fiber located in that area of the body. Believed to be controlled by the Asian fractions, but equally believed that this fraction would have the knowledge or capabilities to design weaponry such as this.

Word: Doush
Red Word: Difficult to isolate to one single word
Location: Face and Eyes Balls
Relative Information: Salvation Army. USA.  The word 'Doush' sends from the computer a small strip, or bar, that is concentrated into a smaller area then needed by the 'Whush'. With Pussh, a striking pain in the eye ball area, they form a twosome that is used where ever the seeker can find a fiber. Normally the computer control will have an exact location on the body that will help direct the weapon load to the precise target area on a person or a piece of machinery.