'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 31, 2013

Plutonium News Supplemental

Plutonium Supplemental
January - June 2014

Because we are a study blog, it is necessary to collect any further information as to, or related to, the posts KAPB has made at this site. This news supplement is for the intention to gather news and articles directly related or the result of the entries at KAPB Plutonium. Because of the success of the Plutonium posts, KAPB has decided to discontinue the Supplemental collection as most of the concerns noted among the varies posts has to recognized by the Obama Administration and is currently under that government office's investigation. Because of this concern, KAPB will collect after the government has completed its study.

An ancient grain — farro — finds a place at today's table. Meredith Deeds. January 8, 2014. 
... Yes, it’s been a chefs’ favorite in the United States for several years and a staple in Italy long enough to feed the Roman legions...Farro, an ancient grain, rich in protein and high in fiber, is nutty, chewy and absolutely addictive. ... Its mild flavor and satisfying chewiness have made it a family favorite... While the grain is easy to cook with, it has been the cause of some confusion over the years, probably because it’s not just one grain, but three... author Maria Speck writes in “Ancient Grains for Modern Meals” (Ten Speed Press, 2011) that the term farro is “commonly used when referring to three ancient wheat varieties first cultivated in the Fertile Crescent and still grown in Italy: farro piccolo (also known by the German einkorn), farromedio (also known as emmer, the Hebrew word for mother), and farro grande (also known as spelt).” http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/taste/239301201.html

Memo in email delivery: Farro is the primary grain that has the potential of carry the 'black plague' (Bubonic) without any traces left behind for scientists to discover. It is believed that the grain Farro lead to the black plague breakout that destroyed the Roman population soon after the Egyptian conquest that was lead by the Augustine emperor. Further evidence suggests that the grain also was the way the black plague was left inside of the western European countries following the Tragedian and Templar conquests of the Iraqi and Iranian territories. History records that the reasons for the use of Farro in these ancient chemical warfare was because of the looting of their religious temples and burial areas. Farro, as suggested by scholars, is the grain used in the early Judo/Christo religious worships was the grain sacrifice. That use was follow through from the Satarn god worships that predated Christianity. As Judaism is an Egyptian religion it can be realistic that the grain Farro was the grain sacrifice dating back as far as 1500 BC.

Ancient Roman sarcophagus worth $4 million stolen more than 30 years ago to be returned to Italy - JOHN MARZULLI. February 27, 2014. NY Daily News. The marble sculpture, depicting a sleeping woman, turned up last May at an exhibition at the Park Ave. Armory in Manhattan where a Switzerland-based antiquities dealer had valued the sarcophagus lid at $4 million, according to papers filed in Brooklyn Federal Court. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/ancient-roman-sarcophagus-worth-4-million-returned-italy-article-1.1704212.
The interesting note here is the term 'sarcophagus' verse 'statute'.  This is the way in which the ancient romans buried their dead....the term 'statute' is used in the contents of this report. Historians state that the fracture in the statute's arm (lower image) is due to the blood vessel bursting from the overload of the powered marble. 


Catholic Seminarians Expelled for Nazi Salutes and Jokes. Austin Cline. January 7, 2014. In August, two student priests were expelled from a seminary in Bavaria, Germany, because they were making jokes about Nazi death camps. An investigation had to be launched because of rumors of neo-Nazi activity among seminarians and of the existence of a "brown network." No proof of such a network was found, at least according to the official report, but the rumor about joking and the use of Nazi salutes was substantiated and this was deemed sufficient to take action. One has to wonder, though, what the screening process for seminarians is if people like this were allowed to enter. I doubt that they only adopted these beliefs afterentering the seminary...
"All forms of xenophobia, racism and extremism are incompatible with Christianity," Bamberg Archbishop Ludwig Schick told a news conference in Wuerzburg on Wednesday. "We have to make more intensive efforts at the seminary to increase the awareness of the special relations between Jews and Christians," Bamberg Bishop Friedhelm Hofmann said. ... One seminarian, he said, had told at least three jokes that were "not 'Jewish jokes' in the sense of Yiddish or Jewish wit but ... completely unacceptable and unbearable 'concentration camp jokes' that mock the mass murder of countless Jewish children, women and men during the Third Reich".
Down in the seminary pub, he and another seminarian imitated Hitler and gave the Nazi salute, [Norbert Baumann, a local judge who headed the inquiry into the neo-Nazi rumors] said. One of them attended a concert by a controversial far-right rock band on Hitler's birthday, excusing himself from Mass at the seminary without saying why, the judge said. Schick added this seminarian was also fascinated by Nazi uniforms. The other remarked one day after lunch that the seminary cafeteria needed "a Negro to clean up" the tables. Source: Reuters. http://atheism.about.com/b/2014/01/07/catholic-seminarians-expelled-for-nazi-salutes-and-jokes.htm?nl=1.

Cause of one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. HeritageDaily - Heritage & Archaeology News. January 28, 2014. An international team of scientists has discovered that two of the world’s most devastating plagues – the plague of Justinian and the Black Death, each responsible for killing as many as half the people in Europe—were caused by distinct strains of the same pathogen, one that faded out on its own, the other leading to worldwide spread and re-emergence in the late 1800s. These findings suggest a new strain of plague could emerge again in humans in the future. “The research is both fascinating and perplexing, it generates new questions which need to be explored, for example why did this pandemic, which killed somewhere between 50 and 100 million people die out?” questions Hendrik Poinar, associate professor and director of the McMaster Ancient DNA Centre and an investigator with the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research. The findings are dramatic because little has been known about the origins or cause of the Justinian Plague– which helped bring an end to the Roman Empire – and its relationship to the Black Death, some 800 years later. The Plague of Justinian struck in the sixth century and is estimated to have killed between 30 and 50 million people— virtually half the world’s population as it spread across Asia, North Africa, Arabia and Europe. The Black Death would strike some 800 years later with similar force, killing 50 million Europeans between just 1347 and 1351 alone. Scientists hope this could lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of modern infectious disease, including a form of the plague that still kills thousands every year. The Plague of Justinian struck in the sixth century and is estimated to have killed between 30 and 50 million people— virtually half the world’s population as it spread across Asia, North Africa, Arabia and Europe. The Black Death would strike some 800 years later with similar force, killing 50 million Europeans between just 1347 and 1351 alone. Using sophisticated methods, researchers from many universities including McMaster University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Sydney, isolated miniscule DNA fragments from the 1500-year-old teeth of two victims of the Justinian plague, buried in Bavaria, Germany. These are the oldest pathogen genomes obtained to date. http://www.heritagedaily.com/2014/01/cause-of-one-of-the-most-devastating-pandemics-in-human-history/101834.

Criminal gangs 'hotwire power supply' to help cut bills. BBC News. 20 January 2014. As the row over energy prices grows ever more heated, a growing number of people are choosing to steal their gas and electricity. Criminal gangs are helping homeowners and landlords avoid paying for power by "hotwiring" supplies for as little as £10, BBC Inside Out has learned. The energy thieves operating in London can tamper with 15 meters in a day, an investigation found. Fraud investigators from British Gas said the gangs were risking causing gas explosions and endangering lives."They're not putting themselves at risk, if something happened there it's all the adjoining properties and everyone in there that's going to be affected by a potential explosion."Investigators found five instances of gas theft and two of electricity theft in a Sheffield street where a house was destroyed in a suspected gas explosion last year.The scale of the damage meant the cause of the explosion could not be identified. Cannabis farms: Ofgem believe a third of energy theft is linked to the illegal growing of cannabis and police and energy firm investigators have found booby traps close to illegitimate equipment. Insp Lee Devall, from Essex Police, said: "Organised crime gangs don't want you to find this and are not happy when thousands of pounds worth of equipment is ruined." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-25718447

(Notation reminder(kapb): In the USA, this type of criminal gang activity is done by the LRS (London Russian Syndicate). In Oklahoma alone, 50% of electricity bills are generated by the illegal use by utility source wiretapping...water being the largest offended followed by cable TV, internet, and WiFi. Electrical ranks highest among the necessities coming in at a whopping amount of 70%, water is nearly 100% stolen. In Oklahoma, the average water bill for a small apartment is $10.00. In Norman, Oklahoma the average water bill is $35.00 for a single, cost-cost, efficiency apartment. When investigated during the reconstruction to a state's sovereign status, the reports indicted that the wiretapping was done by questionable federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NIF. All reported that the wiretaps were installed for criminal investigations purposes. When they were asked to remove the devices, the agencies claimed self-incrimination and refused to remove the wiretapping. Today those agents are still living off of those stolen utilities claiming government control concerns until the property owners can afford to remove and improve the, now considered, illegal violations. It was also reported by the agents that a new resource would have to be installed or the agencies list above would return to again wiretap the private and city utilities to further use those energies for their primary human necessities. It is considered by the Oklahoma legal system that these, in Oklahoma, debunked agents are forming gangs such as Gray Glove, Pony, and Gray Coat,  "Jesus, Gray coats? Sound Civil War..ish.")

Dec 25, 6 B.C.: Christ is born? Although most Christians celebrate December 25 as the birthday of Jesus Christ, few in the first two Christian centuries claimed any knowledge of the exact day or year in which he was born. The oldest existing record of a Christmas celebration is found in a Roman almanac that tells of a Christ's Nativity festival led by the church of Rome in 336 A.D....as Christianity began to take hold in the Roman world, in the early fourth century, church leaders had to contend with a popular Roman pagan holiday commemorating the "birthday of the unconquered sun" (natalis solis invicti)--the Roman name for the winter solstice. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/christ-is-born?et_cid=58002626&et_rid=954119701&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.history.com%2fthis-day-in-history%2fchrist-is-born.

Extreme Religious Rituals, Generosity, and Sociality. Austin Cline. January 22, 2014. A number of studies have demonstrated a connection between religion and feelings of generosity. A recent study has found that "extreme" religious rituals not only seem to encourage generosity, but feelings of sociality as well. Well, there's a correlation there at least; what sort of causation is at work is another question but it seems as though the religious rituals are producing the feelings in some fashion. By "extreme" the authors of the study mean rituals that are generally "painful". Simple rituals that just involve communal singing and prayer were compared to painful rituals that involve body piercing with many large skewers... and then dragging carts attached by the skewers or hooks. These weren't your average Sunday church services.... .http://atheism.about.com/b/2014/01/22/extreme-religious-rituals-generosity-and-sociality.htm?nl=1.

Federal agents raid the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. History Channel Online. Feb 28, 1993: Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms raid the Branch Davidian cult compound in Waco, Texas, prompting a gun battle in which four agents and six cult members are killed. The federal agents were attempting to arrest the leader of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, on information that the religious sect was stockpiling weapons. A nearly two-month standoff ensued after the unsuccessful raid. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/federal-agents-raid-the-branch-davidian-compound-in-waco-texas?et_cid=59750568&et_rid=954119701&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.history.com%2fthis-day-in-history%2ffederal-agents-raid-the-branch-davidian-compound-in-waco-texas.

First Photograph of an Execution by Electric Chair. Sing Sing Correctional Facility, 1928: Ruth Snyder is executed by electrocution. The photograph is the first known image of a execution at Sing Sing and the first photograph of an electrocution.In 1925, Ruth Snyder, a housewife from Queens, New York, took a lover, Judd Gray, a corsetmaker from upstate. Already married to Albert Snyder, an arts editor at MotorBoating magazine, she hid the affair for nearly three years. But on March 12, 1927, she and Gray planned a murder. After taking out a forged insurance policy, the two killed Ruth’s husband and staged a burglary scene. It didn’t take long for law enforcement to connect the dots, and a few months later, Gray and Snyder found themselves charged with first degree murder. http://lightbox.time.com/2014/04/10/first-photo-electric-chair-execution/#ixzz30CoZeqZA.

German Cameroons surrenders to Allied forces. History Channel Online. Feb 28, 1916: Drawn by the rich trade of slaves, ivory and rubber established in the 17th century, German and British settlers began to explore inland Africa beginning around 1860. In 1884, Germany established a protectorate over the Douala region; Britain did not dispute the claim. By the early 20th century, Germany had built roads, begun the construction of a railroad and cultivated large plantations of cacao, palm and rubber in the region. They had also built a city, Douala, on the Atlantic coast, which by 1914 served as the principal port and wireless station in the Cameroons. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/german-cameroons-surrenders-to-allied-forces?et_cid=59750568&et_rid=954119701&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.history.com%2fthis-day-in-history%2fgerman-cameroons-surrenders-to-allied-forces.

'Gray wolf' threat to Erdogan and the AKP. Al-Monitor. February 25, 2014. Supporters of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) make the gray wolf sign of the party as they wait for the arrival of party leader Devlet Bahceli during a rally in Istanbul, Oct. 5, 2013. ...Cameras zoomed to a corner in the crowd, and MHP flags with three crescents on a red banner were raised. My friends ("gray wolves" as I joke with them; the term is used to symbolize militant Turkish ultranationalism) were in a state of shock to see MHP members in the crowd raise their flags and wave them for the cameras as Erdogan asked.


Great Lakes' Eerily Frozen Lighthouses. All That is Interesting. February 24, 2014. There are few sights in nature more surreal than the frozen lighthouses sprinkled about Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. Splashing waves and frigid wintry storms transform lighthouses into accidental ice sculptures on the shores of these Great Lakes. http://all-that-is-interesting.com/frozen-lighthouses#RRdSlvzhuJo8ZggF.99.
A total of thirteen images at the link above.

Imagining a Better World. Grant Strategy: The view from Oregon. 10 November 2009. Everyone knows that Hitler’s application to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts was twice rejected. It is almost impossible to avoid the temptation to ask oneself what if Hitler had been accepted. We know that Kokoschka asked himself this tantalizing what if question. In Elias Canetti’s memoir,Party in the Blitz: the English years. Image Caption:One of Hitler's watercolors. He had applied for the same scholarship at art school as Kokoschka, but lost out and took a different path in life. What if...

Legionaries of Christ Still Struggling Over Sex and Drug Scandals. Austin Cline. January 17, 2014. The Legionaries of Christ is a conservative religious order in the Roman Catholic Church which has been in a lot of trouble. Vatican officials refused to believe accusations of sexual abuse for decades, but recently the truth came out to the public so forcefully that not even the group's most fervent supports have been able to maintain their state of denial (well, most of them at least - there are still a few die hard members who insist that the accusations are all false). Founded in 1941 by Marcial Maciel, a Mexican priest, the Legionaries of Christ runs Catholic schools and organizations all over the world. Nearly 1,000 priests belong to it and around 30,000 Catholics belong to its lay movement, Regnum Christi. All of them, it seems, were required to take a special vow never to criticize Maciel or question his motives. Is it any wonder that the group ran into trouble? That's a recipe for disaster, whether in the context of religion or not.... http://atheism.about.com/b/2014/01/17/legionaries-of-christ-still-struggling-over-sex-and-drug-scandals.htm?nl=1.

Lethal Injection Leads to the Most Botched Executions. U.S. News. 04.30.14. The fate of Clayton Derrell Lockett, whose execution was botched on Tuesday night, was hardly unusual. It’s the worst method of execution since the 19th century. Last night the state of Oklahoma added to America’s long history of botched executions when it attempted to execute Clayton Derrell Lockett by lethal injection. At 6.23 p.m., a doctor administered the first drug, which corrections officials identified as the sedative midazolam. What followed was an agonizing spectacle that ended when Lockett died at 7.06 p.m.—43 minutes after the drugs began to flow. Lockett was pronounced unconscious 10 minutes into the procedure and officials started to administer the second and third drugs: a paralytic intended to prevent respiration and potassium chloride to stop his heart. Soon after doing so, it became clear that the execution was not going according to plan. Lockett began to convulse violently, his head and chest rising up off the gurney multiple times as he called out, “Oh, man.” At this point, prison officials pulled a curtain in front of the witnesses, and Corrections Department Director Robert Patton announced that he was “stopping the execution” after a “vein failure.” Lockett died minutes later of an apparent heart attack. The entire execution was cloaked in secrecy. Not only did corrections officials conceal Lockett’s final minutes from the assembled witnesses, but also the deadly chemicals themselves were of unknown provenance.  http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/30/lethal-injection-leads-to-the-most-botched-executions.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_afternoon&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_afternoon&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet.

Obama administration prepares to take over Oregon's broken health insurance exchange. The Washington Post. May 2, 2014. http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/obama-administration-prepares-to-take-over-oregons-broken-health-insurance-exchange/2014/04/24/ff9aa220-cbc4-11e3-95f7-7ecdde72d2ea_story.html?wpisrc=al_comboPN.  Hey President B.O. Maryland? Goddard Space Center.  
This group has something on the inside of women's virginal area. Using solar satellite webs affixed on top of grocery stores (Homeland), this space freaks are viewing us in our homes. They also make our pets trash our homes with animal waste and urine if any thing to said to them. And I mean any single word said. 

Our Photo of the Day - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East. First Century Text. A worker displays a manuscript inside a library building housing manuscripts, Sanaa, Yemen, April 9, 2014. There are about 16,000 rare Yemeni manuscripts and thousands of Quranic parchments dating back to the first century AH (622-719 AD), according to the Ministry of Culture. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/galleries/day?displayTab=first-century-text##ixzz30ClDGFUP.

Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011. Oxford Journals. Jennifer B. Rosen, et al. February 27, 2014.  Conclusions. This is the first report of measles transmission from a twice-vaccinated individual with documented secondary vaccine failure. The clinical presentation and laboratory data of the index patient were typical of measles in a naive individual. Secondary patients had robust anamnestic antibody responses. No tertiary cases occurred despite numerous contacts. This outbreak underscores the need for thorough epidemiologic and laboratory investigation of suspected cases of measles regardless of vaccination status. http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/58/9/1205.abstract.html?etoc.

Papal Primer: 10 Most Intriguing Popes : Discovery News. http://kaplutonium.blogspot.com/2014/04/supplemental-papal-primer-10-most.html. 

Percentage of Adults Aged ≥65 Years Who Have Lost All Their Natural Teeth 
by Type of Locality and Region — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2010–2012. MMWR - CDC. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6313a7.htm?s_cid=mm6313a7_e.

Poke but don't pinch: risk assessment and venom metering in the western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus. David R. Nelsen,, Wayne Kelln, William K. Hayes. Animal Behavior, Volume 89, March 2014, Pages 107–114. Scholars disagree with this statement, " Poking at low threat elicited primarily avoidance responses (‘move’ and ‘retract’),..." (With the up-ending of the christian worships, it has proven to "unleash" a variety of converso Christians who have come to defend the church. This article is one such attempt to deliver information as to the  mental state of the Anso (Buddhist) fraction of the Christian church groups. Eastern scholars agree that any type of pinching, poking, etc will result in deadly bites...only trained professional should consider using the leg to control spiders of any type - kapb). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com%2Fscience%2Farticle%2Fpii%2FS0003347213005733&ei=gXEDU-j_LKqdyQHq2YGABg&usg=AFQjCNFEBM27WOJEcwVowdznCe6vyby2kg&sig2=N750SXlidYY9XOMdSvDGtg&bvm=bv.61535280,d.aWc.

Police Snag Happy Meal Heroin. The Daily Beast. January 30, 2014. McDonald’s did tell its employees to get a second job! A McDonald’s drive-thru employee was arrested Wednesday after undercover cops in Pittsburgh say they caught her selling heroin via a Happy Meal box. According to officials, “The way that the deals would happen is that the customer looking for heroin was instructed to go through the drive-thru and say, ‘I’d like to order a toy.' The customer would then be told to proceed to the first window, where they would be handed a Happy Meal box containing heroin.” Police said the accused, Shantia Marie Dennis, did include the requested toy with the heroin. Pittsburgh Post-Gazettehttp://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2014/01/30/man-caught-with-happy-meal-heroin.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet.

Prisoners, Lovers, and Spies: The Story of Invisible Ink from Herodotus to Al Qaeda. (book). Kristie Macrakis. http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=sxzqAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&ots=5A17vsfE6n&sig=x0cq0eLIc8tHF7yKAdIIulJGW4I#v=onepage&q&f=false.

Prophets, Sex & Archeology. Simcha Jacobovici TV. January 12, 2014. It is probably one of the greatest finds of all time and, by the bizarre rules of biblical archeology, it’s also one of the least reported. Basically, in 1967, in Deir Alla, Jordan, Dutch archeologists discovered some kind of pagan house of worship or seminary. On its walls, there was a 2,800-year-old inscription in black ink. Key phrases are highlighted in red ink and the whole writing is framed in red. First of all, this is the oldest Aramaic inscription every found. But if that’s not enough to make it a world-headline, the inscription is 600-800 years older than the Dead-Sea Scrolls. And if that’s not enough to merit international attention, the inscription mentions a prophet, or “seer”, named “Balaam son of Beor”. This is the exact name mentioned in the Torah/Bible (Numbers 22:2–24:25). This is the only instance where a specific individual mentioned in the story of the biblical Exodus can be pointed to in archeology. So who is Balaam, and where is this inscription now?Balaam is the bad guy of the Torah. He is the Darth Vader of the biblical Exodus. According to the Talmud, Balaam had the potential to be Moses, but he turned to the dark side (Av. Zar. 4a–b; Sanh. 105b; Avot 5:19). In a famous incident, as the Israelites are about to enter the promised land, Balak King of Moab asks Balaam to curse the children of Israel. Balaam is unable to do so. The Talmud explains that he looked at the Israelite tents and saw an amazing thing. The tents were rotated so that people could not see into each other’s bedrooms, so to speak. At that point, Balaam realized that the only way to weaken Israel was to corrupt them through sex. According to the biblical narrative, Balaam was in charge of sex priestesses made up of Moabite and Midianite women. These women successfully seduced the Israelites in an orgy of sex and idolatry (Numbers 31:8, 16). 24,000 Israelite men were punished by God with death. At one point, the Israelite prince, Zimri son of Salu, publically fornicated with a Midianite princess named Cozbi, daughter of Zur, in the name of some kind of fertility rite. Apparently, these rituals were drawing big crowds until Phinehas son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the High Priest (brother of Moses), picked up a spear and killed Zimri and Cozbi with one thrust while they were, so to speak, thrusting. This act ended Balaam’s attempt to subvert Israel through pagan sex (Numbers 25; 6-15). According to the book of Joshua, Joshua took revenge by killing Balaam during the Israelite conquest of Canaan (Joshua, 13:22).... http://www.simchajtv.com/prophets-sex-archeology/.

QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥65 Years Who Have Lost All Their Natural Teeth,* by Type of Locality† and Region — National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2010–2012§. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6313a7.htm?s_cid=mm6313a7_e

Rare ancient Greek statue found near Gaza. Worldbulletin News. 11 February 2014. Lost for centuries, a rare bronze statue of the mythical Greek god Apollo has mysteriously resurfaced in the Gaza Strip, only to be seized by police and vanish almost immediately from view. Word of the remarkable find has caught the imagination of the world of archaeology, but the police cannot say when the life-sized bronze might re-emerge or where it might be put on display. A local fisherman says he scooped the 500-kg god from the sea bed last August, and carried it home on a donkey cart, unaware of the significance of his catch. http://www.worldbulletin.net/art-culture/128682/rare-ancient-greek-statue-found-near-gaza.

Researchers uncover some of the ancient mysteries of leprosy. Medical Press. February 20, 2014. Research at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is finally unearthing some of the ancient mysteries behind leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, which has plagued mankind throughout history. The new research findings appear in the current edition of journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. According to this new hypothesis, the disease might be the oldest human-specific infection, with roots that likely stem back millions of years....There are hundreds of thousands of new cases of leprosy worldwide each year, but the disease is rare in the United States, with 100-200 new cases annually. Leprosy is known for attacking a patient's skin and nerves. Effective antimicrobial treatments exist today. However, when misdiagnosed or untreated, the disease can lead to extensive skin lesions, deformities in the patient's face and extremities, disabilities, and even death. Leprosy carries a social stigma and diagnosis is frequently and notoriously delayed.
An incidental yet important discovery
Work led by MD Anderson pathologist Xiang-Yang Han, M.D., Ph.D., a professor in laboratory medicine, resulted in the discovery in 2008 of a new leprosy-causing species, called Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Before that time, only one species of bacteria, called Mycobacterium leprae, was known to cause leprosy. In the past several years, Han and other researchers have found the new leprosy agent in patients from Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Singapore, and Myanmar. Han's team, in collaboration with Francisco Silva, an evolutionary geneticist from Spain, analyzed 20 genes of Mycobacterium lepromatosis and compared them with those of Mycobacterium leprae. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-02-uncover-ancient-mysteries-leprosy.html#nwlt.

Religion as a Product of Psychotropic Drug Use. How much of religious history was influenced by mind-altering substances? Richard J.Miller. Dec. 27 2013. ...The word entheogen is a neologism coined in 1979 by a group of ethnobotanists (those that study the relationship between people and plants). The literal meaning of entheogen is "that which causes God to be within an individual" and might be considered as a more accurate and academic term for popular terms such as hallucinogen orpsychedelic drug. By the term entheogen we understand the use of psychoactive substances for religious or spiritual reasons rather than for purely recreational purposes... Harvard Psilocybin Project in the early 1960s, a research project spearheaded by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert... R. Gordon Wasson and the story of Amanita muscaria, the "fly agaric"—certainly the world's most famous mushroom... The use of hallucinogenic mushrooms, presumably Amanita muscaria, by the inhabitants of Siberia appears to be a very ancient practice...To understand the significance of soma one must consider some of the oldest religious texts known to man. These are the ancient Vedas, Sanskrit texts that represent the oldest Hindu scriptures. The most ancient of these texts—the Rigveda, a collection of over a thousand hymns—was compiled in northern India around 1500 BC. A parallel but slightly later development in ancient Persia was the composition of the religious texts of Zoroastrianism, the Avesta.It has often appeared in animated films (such as the Nutcracker scene in Fantasia, or in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs), as well as being used in numerous types of kitschy household products and for illustrations in children's stories. In particular, this was noted by the British mycologist and writer Mordecai Cubitt Cooke. Although he was responsible for writing books with riveting titles such as Rust, Smut, Mildew and Mold, Cooke also wrote one of the earliest books on psychotropic drugs, The Seven Sisters of Sleep, in which he described some of the properties of tobacco, opium, hashish, betel, coca, belladonna, and the fly agaric. Lewis Carroll—and so appeared as the mushroom which Alice could eat to alter her size at will in Alice in Wonderland. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/religion-as-a-product-of-psychotropic-drug-use/282484/.

Republican: Women Are Baby 'Hosts'. Cheat Sheet. February 25, 2014. Nothing shows respect for women and living in the 21st century like referring to mothers as "hosts" of the humans growing inside of them. Virginia state Sen. Steve Martin lashed out against a promotional Valentine's card he received from a pro-choice organization by writing a Facebook post arguing that because a woman is just a “host” to an unborn child she has no right to decide whether to abort it. After an online uproar in response to his post, Martin changed the expression to “bearer of the child” because that's a lot better.  http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2014/02/25/state-sen-women-are-baby-hosts.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet.
Excuse me, but isn't a 'host' the name of the wafer given to christian followers when they are to "eat of the bread of life", as their priests say. The use of the 'sacrament' words is slowly becoming a cannibal expression towards the distaste of the American female population. Bruce also called for this behavior to be preformed as the church cardinals felt it needed to be present in the collection which the christian churches were assembling in order to counter-maned the supreme court decision on church slavery. 

Rising rate of plastic surgeries sparks debate in Iraq. Al-Monitor. February 25, 2014.There has been a debate on Facebook among Iraqi activists about what has come to be known as "artificial beauty," that is, plastic surgery, which some consider to be a mask. This phenomenon is not new to Iraqi society, but it has become more prevalent in recent years, as if the product of the new political and social era. The online debate reflects a real controversy in society, because the plastic surgeries being performed are making women look alike...."Plastic surgery in Iraq is gradually turning into a collective obsession that is approaching addiction for some women, especially those who are insecure or who seek attention. These women turn to Botox fillings, which have become more rampant than ever." ...Hassan said that there is now an “absence of beauty” in Iraq, asserting, “Daily violence as well as religious, political and social policies have smothered and insulted the beauty of women." He also noted that ethics have changed. These days, attractive women are sometimes referred to with a distasteful and revolting word. "There is also a new illiterate generation that is incapable of finding synonyms for the words beautiful and gorgeous, Hassan alleged. According to his observations, "In Iraqi society, every pretty woman is seen as a sex object, nothing more." http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/02/plastic-surgery-increase-debate-iraq-women.html?utm_source=Al-Monitor+Newsletter+%5BEnglish%5D&utm_campaign=537d8db58b-January_9_20141_8_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_28264b27a0-537d8db58b-93144609#.

Scary Way Drug Gangs Are Infiltrating Our Supermarkets. Marguerite Ward. PolicyMic. February 27, 2014. Gang activity in the supermarket? You may be surprised to find that, especially in Europe, this phenomenon exists. Drug gangs are now peddling counterfeit food products to rake in profits. The relatively new market has boomed recently, as drug lords seek new, less regulated economies. As it stands now, penalties for pushing fake rice pale in comparison to those of the drug trade — for the gangs. Fake food items could be causing sickness, long-term conditions or even death for food shoppers. Products seized in the UK were found to include cheaper peanut powder instead of almond flower, which could prove deadly for a person with peanut-specific allergies. Children's sweets were made with known carcinogen red dye Rhodamine B. Tea claiming to be "slimming" was found to contain prescription obesity medication (13 times the recommended dose). http://www.policymic.com/articles/83645/the-scary-way-drug-gangs-are-infiltrating-our-supermarkets.

Secret World of Drug-Addict Doctor. Kent Sepkowitz. Daily Beast. 04.24.14. News of doctor and nurse drug overdoses hit the press this week, highlighting an ongoing (and growing) problem. The story of a wayward anesthesia trainee who took a near fatal dose of fentanyl hit the news this week. Of particular interest is that he overdosed (and lived) just hours after a nurse in the same large university medical center hospital overdosed and died from a combination of fentanyl and midazolam (Versed™). The tragic coincidence points out the problem unique to health care workers: easy access to feel-good, rapidly and intensely addictive drugs, as well as the clean needles and syringes to inject them...The number of drug- and alcohol-addicted physicians and nurses is estimated at 10% to 14%, similar to the general population. The subset comprised by drug addicts alone is not known, but the composition of those with a drug (not alcohol) problem is well characterized. In the medical world, three specialists account for a substantially higher proportion than other specialties: anesthesiologists, emergency room specialists, and psychiatrists...But it matters little what the reason is—the problem is the same. Thousands of doctors each year become impaired. Some are sufficiently compromised to harm patients most dramatically by diverting drugs, such as fentanyl, from the patient to themselves. The trick is simple enough—a syringe with an addictive drug is handed to a health care worker; he gives a little to the patient, a little to himself, and perhaps a little more to the patient. Over time, he can transmit a bloodborne disease such as hepatitis C to the patients he is “sharing” narcotics with...Only by accepting just how complex a disease drug addiction truly is can we begin to control this endless epidemic. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/04/24/the-secret-world-of-drug-addict-doctors.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet.

Should Europe grow hemp crops for cooking oil? David Garner-York. Futurity. February 10, 2014. Scientists report the development of hemp plants with fatty acid content similar to that of olive oil, as well as a longer shelf life and greater heat tolerance. The researchers say that high oleic acid varieties are a major step towards developing hemp as a commercially attractive break crop for cereal farmers. Their findings appear in Plant Biotechnology Journal. http://www.futurity.org/europe-grow-hemp-cooking-oil/?utm_source=Futurity+Today&utm_campaign=04004de115-February_10_20142_10_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e34e8ee443-04004de115-206308721.

Speed Farthing
Speed Faithing. The Penn. April 22, 2014. http://thepenn.org/2014/04/22/photo-feature-speed-faithing/.

Supreme Court defends right to satirize public figures. History Channel Online. Feb 24, 1988. The U.S. Supreme Court votes 8-0 to overturn the $200,000 settlement awarded to the Reverend Jerry Falwell for his emotional distress at being parodied in Hustler, a pornographic magazine. In 1983, Hustler ran a piece parodying Falwell's first sexual experience as a drunken, incestuous, childhood encounter with his mother in an outhouse. Falwell, an important religious conservative and founder of the Moral Majority political advocacy group, sued Hustler and its publisher, Larry Flynt, for libel. Falwell won the case, but Flynt appealed, leading to the Supreme Court's hearing the case because of its constitutional implications. In February 1988, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned the lower court's decision, ruling that, although in poor taste, Hustler's parody fell within the First Amendment's protection of freedom of speech and the press. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/supreme-court-defends-right-to-satirize-public-figures?et_cid=59610502&et_rid=954119701&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.history.com%2fthis-day-in-history%2fsupreme-court-defends-right-to-satirize-public-figures.

"Sword of a Woman:" Gossip and Female Aggression. Francis T. McAndrew. 18 April 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2014.04.006. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359178914000329.

Syria Militants Said to Recruit Visiting Americans to Attack U.S. Michael S. Schmidt and Eric Schmitt. January. 9, 2014. WASHINGTON — Islamic extremist groups in Syria with ties to Al Qaeda are trying to identify, recruit and train Americans and other Westerners who have traveled there to get them to carry out attacks when they return home, according to senior American intelligence and counterterrorism officials.
These efforts, which the officials say are in the early stages, are the latest challenge that the conflict in Syria has created, not just for Europe but for the United States, as the civil war has become a magnet for Westerners seeking to fight with the rebels against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. At least 70 Americans have either traveled to Syria, or tried to, since the civil war started three years ago, according to the intelligence and counterterrorism officials — a figure that has not previously been disclosed. Fearing that the handful of Americans who have returned to the United States pose a threat because they may have received extensive training and jihadist indoctrination, the F.B.I. is conducting costly round-the-clock surveillance on a small number of these individuals, according to the officials. “We know Al Qaeda is using Syria to identify individuals they can recruit, provide them additional indoctrination so they’re further radicalized, and leverage them into future soldiers, possibly in the U.S.,” said a senior counterterrorism official, who, like half a dozen other top intelligence, law enforcement and diplomatic officials interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not want to be identified discussing delicate national security issues. In Europe, where larger numbers are leaving for Syria, officials share the same concern and are working closely with American authorities to coordinate measures to stem the flow and track those who return.Another American, Eric G. Harroun, a former Army soldier from Phoenix, was indicted in Virginia by a federal grand jury last year on charges related to allegations that he fought alongside the Nusra Front, one of the Syrian opposition groups linked to Al Qaeda. In September, he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge involving conspiracy to transfer defense articles and services, and was released from custody. Mr. Harroun’s involvement was hardly a secret. Last February, he bragged about his role, posting a photo on his Facebook page saying, “Downed a Syrian Helicopter then Looted all Intel and Weapons!”American officials say their concerns about the recruitment and training of Americans are based on intelligence gleaned from passenger travel records, human sources on the ground in Syria, intercepted electronic communications, social media postings and surveillance of Americans overseas who have expressed interest in traveling to Syria. The authorities are also trying to identify Americans traveling there by scouring travel data that the European Union has been providing to the Department of Homeland Security as part of a 2011 agreement.The group’s attempts to create a pipeline into the United States suggest that it is still not deterred from trying to follow through on its most lofty, and difficult, goal of carrying out an attack on American soil. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/10/world/middleeast/syrian-groups-try-to-recruit-us-travelers.html.

Tame-to-torture-psychosexual-correlations-of-sex-violence-and-torture. PDF. Reynolds MM. April 14, 2014. Journal of Forensic Science & Criminology, Volume 1 | Issue 5. Abstract: This paper discusses the psychosexual correlations and psychological consequences related to torture and behavioral acts that are 
fundamentally torturous. The influence of participation by learning and the relationship of acts to thought and thought to acts are further discussed to raise awareness to the effects of torture on the torturer. Theories from multiple disciplines are presented in an integrated context to examine the correlation between fundamental psychological principles associated with acts that are torturous in nature and, therefore, innately evil. http://www.annexpublishers.com/articles/JFSC/volume-1-issue-5/Tame-to-torture-psychosexual-correlations-of-sex-violence-and-torture.pdf.

Theory of Mind Deficit in Subjects with Alcohol Use Disorder: An Analysis of Mindreading Processes. Francesca M. Bosco, et al. Alcohol and Alcoholism (May/June 2014) 49 (3): 299-307.doi: 10.1093/alcalc/agt148. September 24, 2013. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate multidimensional Theory of Mind (ToM) abilities in subjects with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Method: A semi-structured interview and a set of brief stories were used to investigate different components of the participants' ToM, namely first- vs. third-person, egocentric vs. allocentric, first- vs. second-order ToM in 22 persons with AUD plus an equal number of healthy controls. Participants were administered the Theory of Mind Assessment Scale (Th.o.m.a.s.,Bosco et al., 2009a) and the Strange Stories test ( Happé et al., 1999).Results: Persons with AUD performed worse than controls at all ToM dimensions. The patterns of differences between groups varied according to the Th.o.m.a.s. dimension investigated. In particular persons with AUD performed worse at third-person than at first-person ToM, and at the allocentric than at the egocentric perspective.Conclusion: These findings support the hypothesis that the ability to understand and ascribe mental states is impaired in AUD. Future studies should focus on the relevance of the different ToM impairments as predictors of treatment outcome in alcoholism, and on the possibility that rehabilitative interventions may be diversified according to ToM assessment. http://alcalc.oxfordjournals.org/content/49/3/299.abstract.html?etoc.

Unani Medicine - What Should I Know About It?  Cathy Wong, ND. About.com. Unani medicine is a system of medicine that originated in ancient Greece. Primarily practiced in India, Unani medicine involves using a variety of herbal remedies, dietary practices, and alternative therapies in treatment of disease.
The Principles of Unani Medicine: According to practitioners of Unani medicine, achieving a balance of the bodily fluids known as "the four humors" (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) is essential to health.

US secretly created Cuban 'Twitter' to stir unrest. Desmond Butler, et al . Apr. 4, 2014. WASHINGTON (AP) — In July 2010, Joe McSpedon, a U.S. government official, flew to Barcelona to put the final touches on a secret plan to build a social media project aimed at undermining Cuba's communist government. McSpedon and his team of high-tech contractors had come in from Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Washington and Denver. Their mission: to launch a messaging network that could reach hundreds of thousands of Cubans. To hide the network from the Cuban government, they would set up a byzantine system of front companies using a Cayman Islands bank account, and recruit executives who would not be told of the company's ties to the U.S. government. Students gather behind a business looking for a Internet signal for their smart phones in Havana, Cuba, Tuesday, April 1, 2014. The U.S. Agency for International Development masterminded the creation of a "Cuban Twitter," a communications network designed to undermine the communist government in Cuba, built with secret shell companies and financed through foreign banks, The Associated Press has learned. The project, which lasted more than two years and drew tens of thousands of subscribers, sought to evade Cuba’s stranglehold on the Internet with a primitive social media platform. Its users were neither aware it was created by a U.S. agency with ties to the State Department, nor that American contractors were gathering personal data about them. In 2012, the text messaging service vanished as mysteriously as it appeared. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa). http://bigstory.ap.org/article/us-secretly-created-cuban-twitter-stir-unrest?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/us-secretly-created-cuban-twitter-stir-unrest?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet. Sarah Palin ... "snatching up" quoted in article.  Within 2 weeks the term was removed leaving an antagonist to defray the quote when a search is preformed with the term 'snatching away'.

Watson and Crick discover chemical structure of DNA. History Channel Online. Feb 28, 1953. On this day in 1953, Cambridge University scientists James D. Watson and Frances H.C. Crick announce that they have determined the double-helix structure of DNA, the molecule containing human genes. Though DNA--short for deoxyribonucleic acid--was discovered in 1869, its crucial role in determining genetic inheritance wasn't demonstrated until 1943. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/watson-and-crick-discover-chemical-structure-of-dna?et_cid=59750568&et_rid=954119701&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fwww.history.com%2fthis-day-in-history%2fwatson-and-crick-discover-chemical-structure-of-dna

When Israel flew Nazi Planes. Diarmaid Walshe, Heritage Daily. September 28, 2013. After approval of the Partition Plan of Palestine in November 1947, the UK, who had been the governing power continued to supply weapons and ammunition to Egypt and Trans-Jordan. However, the entire world imposed an immediate embargo on sale and shipment of military equipment to Israel. The only exception was post war Czechoslovakia, which agreed to sell a substantial amount of German-designed rifles, machine guns, ammunition, and even fighter planes to the Jewish state. The main obstacle they faced, was Czechoslovakia being a land-locked nation, surrounded by countries that would not allow transhipment of arms in violation of the embargo. The buying agents for Israel overcame this by chartering a C-54 transport plane and seven C-46s, originally purchased as war surplus in California. The pilots and crews from the newly formed Israeli Air Force Air Transport Command then began an airlift that would astound the world. A total of twenty five aircraft were obtained and all but two were eventually delivered. The price for a fully equipped plane was $190,000 which is $2,043,000 in today’s money. The first examples arrived on May 20, 1948, six days after Israel’s declaration of independence and five days after the commencement of hostilities by Egypt. Forming Israel’s first fighter squadron, they were assembled and sent into combat for the first time on May 29, attacking the Egyptian army between Isdud and the Ad Halom bridge, south of Tel Aviv. A few days later, on June 3, the type scored the Israeli Air Force’s first aerial victories when Modi Alon shot down a pair of Royal Egyptian Air Force C-47s which had just bombed Tel Aviv. However it was an American, Gideon Lichtman who became the first Israeli Air Force pilot to shoot down an Arab fighter plane. http://www.heritagedaily.com/2013/09/when-israel-flew-nazi-planes/99090#.

White House to Press Colleges to Do More to Combat Rape. Jennifer Steinhauer. New York Times. April 28, 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/us/tougher-battle-on-sex-assault-on-campus-urged.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_campaign=cheatsheet_morning&cid=newsletter%3Bemail%3Bcheatsheet_morning&utm_term=Cheat%20Sheet&_r=1. Step 2: survey the surrounding communities.

Why cutting off the tail off someone's horse used to be a huge insult. George Dvorshy,
Secret History. 2/10/14. ...So, by removing the tail of a rival's horse, it served as a ritualistic and symbolic act that attacked their masculinity, with the horse's tail serving as a phallic symbol. It was a potent insult, one that took place in medieval England, Europe, and even the Arabic Middle East.... http://io9.com/why-cutting-off-the-tail-off-someones-horse-used-to-be-1520017243.

World's Most Wanted, "Chapo" Guzman, Caught in Mexico. InSight Crime. 22 February 2014.

The world's most wanted criminal and prolific drug lord, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, has been captured at a beach resort in Mazatlan, calling into question the future of Mexico's most powerful drug trafficking organization, the Sinaloa Cartel. The arrest operation involved the Mexican Marines, one of the most trusted branches of the security forces, often used in operations involving intelligence or cooperation from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). They managed to take him with no shots fired, prompting questions over the drug lord's security detail, believed to be comprised of dozens of gunmen. http://www.insightcrime.org/news-analysis/worlds-most-wanted-chapo-guzman-caught-in-mexico?utm_content=karasapb12%40gmail.com&utm_source=VerticalResponse&utm_medium=Email&utm_term=World%26%2339%3Bs%20Most%20Wanted%2C%20%26quot%3BChapo%26quot%3B%20Guzman%2C%20Caught%20in%20Mexico&utm_campaign=Weekly%20InSight%3A%20%27Chapo%27%20Guzman%20Capturedcontent.