'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

Cedar Submarine

'Cedar Submarine'

With the completion of McD's, KAPB felt like looking around a home in the Cedars
Apartments. Curious about who may have settled again into that area,waiting was all that could be done. Completely exhausted from the constant flow of trespassers and varies gangs from the failing university, it was nice to be at ease in familiar surroundings.

The Cedars
Peaceful loving community of over-educated law enforcement personal

Defusing the tension from the multi-murder crime site, the new center of attraction was the Cedars Apartments. Having turned into a pleasant place to live, the grounds and pool area were up to health department standards. The mega-attention needed to force any more possible murders out and into the police awareness was neatly in place. If the reader recalls, several mid-school children along with their parents and siblings were killed, while others were forced into prostitution. Oklahoma needed the nearby middle school's true murdering culprits to emerge. And,the victims needed their rest.

The links below are, with the grace of God, the last two deeply involved characters in what happened at 'The Cedars', or so the hope was.
Part One: Ptolemy 
Part Two: The Popes

The Submarine
Anahita, Anunnaki, and Anaboosh, or, the White, Red, and Black

It wasn't long before everybody wanted onto the action. Cops were everywhere. Two of the top crime personalities were online, and people could identify them by the images on the posts. The Cedars Apartments clamored with excitement every morning as cars full of moms and kids continued to circle around the complex hoping to make a break in the procession headed towards the middle school. Hopeful junior statesmen, city government investigators, under-cover police, and new law graduates swerved in and among the school bound cars all in the hopes to grab some attention to further a possible political career. The KAPB team had uncovered their man and the foot-tracks were smashing the lawn down.

Under-educated political crime enthusiast 'voted' several mis-understood law enforcement agencies onto the crime scene. American television was the enthusiast's primary source of information on how to conduct the selection of police officers for a child murder crime scene. Boy oh boy...talk about an easy to form a new city fine initiative.

Hands down, the next few links are the legal force the Norman City Counsel watched move in over the Cedars Apartment complex. Fervently warned by Oklahoma state senators and councilmen not to tread on the grass, the abuse became so enriched that several officers were shot and killed. Police badges were thrown into the dumpster while Oklahoma, a new sovereign state, selected who would be considered as 'out-of-control'! 

Hidden beneath the streets in tunnels and sewers drains, federal cops stole drinking and shower water from the nearby apartments. Resident's electricity bills rose, internet servers patrolled the neighborhood, and pre-paid airtime minutes disappeared off of the phones. who on this planet would have thought the feds were crime bosses.
Part One:  FBI and the Goddess Anahita 
Part Two: The CIA and the god Anunnaki 
Part Three: Q and the god Anaboosh (Odin, Wodin and Voton)
(Underlining above is vandalism done by their god Wodin, we'll clean it up later) 

Though KAPB thought the above attraction links would bring around some resolution to who was the authority, all three, FBI, CIA, and Q, went underground even further. The FBI got jobs as cashiers in nearby grocery stores, the CIA started their own gambling instruction school, and Q still uses stolen pre-paid iPhone connections to get free airtime minutes.

Thinking there may be some interest into checking on just who the Vatican was, understandable after docking The Submarine, KAPB embarked on a research journey to discover who was the father of the church. Follow along if you like...Vatican Untucked