'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 17, 2013

'Iconic': Marbas as Christ

Marbas as Christ
Oklahoma  7/15/2013

(Google Images: Marbas the demon)
There are several Goetia demons that believe they are Jesus Christ: Purson ,  Marbas, Paimon and Phenex. At  this post we will illustrate Marbas is the fifth character in the 72 separate personality disorders of the collections in demonomania.

It should be explained that the human aura is a key factor in understanding how the Goetia pictures are derived, or so time and history has passed down to us. In reality, from a distance of about 100 feet an outline of a "demon" can be faintly seen, and the seal, or tattoo, is visible somewhere on the arm, for the most part. There is where the early stages begin and the victim is classified as having a Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Most people enter into an identity disorder through 'fear'. The second reason is 'serious abuse'. With the third being 'drugs/alcohol, odd music, and primarily peer pressures'.

Marbas (Lesser Key of King Solomon [Goetia]) In demonology, Barbas is a demon described in the Ars Goetia. He is described as the Great President of Hell governing thirty-six legions of demons. He answers truly on hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes men into other shapes. He is depicted as a great lion that, under the conjurer's request, changes shape into a man.The name Barbas also comes from the Latin "barba", beard, hellebore (a plant used in witchcraft, especially to invoke demons), and also a male name. Other spelling: Marbas.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbas)

Marbas, is famous for hundred of thousands of human sacrifices. Where ever huge amounts of persons have been killed, Marbas is the culprit. The Peruvian culture, Genji Khun of the Asian Steppes, and the China's Yellow Emperor are a few examples of a Marbas demon an his works of human sacrificial slaughter.

"To Chinese, the Yellow Emperor is Adam, Abraham, and Yaweh rolled into one. The common ancestor of all Han, their original patriarch, and the locus of all ... "  
Read here...

This is Marbas in the final stage of a physical transformation is caused by the consummation of the human heart. The appearance of the christlike clothing that we've come to know disappears, but the disfigured flesh remains forever. Marbas at this stage is rarely seen in public though they do live in large chapels and cathedrals where they are aided by upper church authorities and clergy members.