'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.


Autos of the Mob
In order to fully picture the Al Qaeda movement in America, a small collection of posts to illustrate the different vehicles clusters. The color of each car is chosen by the Goetia character call 'Vassago'...known best as the Italian mafia. The model and color of each car is designed for the type of work, or crime they will do inside the main family of vehicles to the colors of Red  (Blood[Lamprey]), White (drugs [pharmaceutical]), and Black (dormice [diseases]). Unless a better version is manufactured, the vehicle cluster will own only one type of car in the their lifetime, the color of the car will remain always the same. With Yellow (Torture[Inquisition]) being the top leader in a foreign country, where America is the foreign to Italy the country of origin.

Black: Lesbian Feeder ... link
Midnight Blue PT Cruiser ... link
Olive Green SUV ... link
Red Lamprey (Friars) ...  link
Silver Mustang, Fung (Satan) ... link
White Means Drugs ... link
Yellow Cruiser with the Sparkle Black SUV ... link