'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 2, 2012

'Iconic': Ancient Sacrifice

'Iconic' : Ancient Sacrifice
The ritual rock

As said before rocks are an intricate part in the biblical histories. Moses and the Ten Commandments, Abraham and the sacrifice of Issac, Gideon and the river rocks, and, of course, Peter the disciple rock. The rock pictured here is in the shape of one used by the ancient Persians, Assyrians, and even King Saul at his faithful battle just outside the temple areas of Jerusalem. In the picture below are are a few rocks used by the Peruvian, they also sacrificed humans for one reason or another. The main reason being an addiction to eating human flesh...cannibalism! The rock casket pictured to the right could likely resemble a rock that would serve for an adult sacrifice. The sloping pocket about at the heart area would be the place any human issue, whether blood, organ, etc. would collect into.

More information can be found at the Plutonium Places Gallery...#14 Peruvian Sac....