'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 15, 2014

'The Vatican: Untucked': GIRTH in Reverse

'The Vatican: Untucked'
GIRTH in Reverse
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Untucked is a slang term popularized by reality TV shows when describing the untucking of the male phallus from the "Scrotum... the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis." It is with that function in mind that this post is published.

At the end of KAPB's 'The Submarine' several characters rose to prominence. As KAPB had already thoroughly covered all of them, and it must be said again, completely detailed all there was about the Catholic organization, there was little left to say about this fraternal order. Leaving only the most unpopular entities as the final output left at hand. So...

KAPB has chosen to UNTUCK'em.

D. P. Upham
Aner, or the Avertin, is the bottom of the protocol for the Vatican inner-circle.  There is not a lot of published information abut this individual, but they have been around for many, many years. North Carolina has the greatest number of Aner as they re-settled that state after the U.S. Civil War. Famed for war and soldiering, Aner's will carry the virus of gonorrhea, which will be the sole purpose for this KAPB publication...the Vatican hierarchy and the diseases they represent. All Aner's in the Christian Church must have had some kind of contact with Gonorrhea or they simply will not qualify for this first position in the Vatican fraternal order.

Gonorrhea (STD) is generally known to come from some kind of contact with human feces...whether sexually or in a living situation. Though not eaten, the feces in introduced to the body by way of some other functioning organ such as the vagina. Gonorrhea is also contactable by eating dog meat.

Though, this post is not the intention to name names, Aner's from the stage illustrated by the first photo is the only one who ever crossed the KAPB path. There for the Aner stage in which the U.S. Civil War General D.P. Upham get the headliner.
This person is a foot man for the Vatican.

The Monsignor normally follows in rank just behind, no pun intended, the Aner, though there have been changes. The only way a person can get to be a monsignor is to have contracted the Asian flu virus (bird flu) and survived the most sever case 'known to man', or so its said.

Monsignors are always colored in blue, They also produce the blue jay bird at extreme stage of the Asian flu as the bird has been observed leaving the body of a monsignor who died of the Asian flu. Monsignors love to form posses and be in groups that scourer neighborhoods for bounty and loot.

The Bob Lowry gang is one of the largest gangs that formed just after the U.S. Civil War of 1861-1865. That gang leader is an excellent example of the personality and career-minded monsignor.

In the KAPB section entitled, "Disciple Mania" the space station section is perhaps the best example of a Lowry gang in today's society. There is where a monsignor is most likely to have the greatest influence on the church's activities inside of organized crime cells.

It's little wonder that most gangsters run around with colds and flues as this blue bird lover will not let a person run the criminal road without some kind of flu or virus in their nose. Some say a monsignor is a Goetia Cimejes, but that is not fully the truth. They are more likely to love being a Goetia Bune.

In between the Monsignor and Archbishop is a few lesser known positions that really never leave far from the Vatican, most likely because of their looks...disfigurements is the general understanding.

So, Archbishop is the next in line. An archbishop must have some sign of Rubeola, also known as measles. The childhood disease of measles can be contracted as an adult if the situation is ripe for it.

Pagan Molock worshipers who have consumed the internal organs of infants and child who has measles at the time of their death is about the only way for adults can contact that virus. The affects of Rubeola if contracted during adulthood will leave damages in mouth and cheek area that will cause a childish appearance to the face around the mouth and outer cheeks.

 The Cardinal who is associated with the color of red is primary due to their affinity with the virus called Typhoid. In deep stages of Typhoid the body will produce a red bird called Red Cardinal. Typhoid Mary started the epidemic in the  USA during the turn of the 19th century (NYC), and sense then most cases have been isolated in Europe.

 All Popes are chosen from the cardinal group of hierarchical clergy persons. They run the earth searching for persons who have Typhoid and at the same time share their fortunes with Jesus. There is where most contract the deep stages of Typhoid and ultimately die from the virus. Though most do find ways to combat the disease, they generally have some disfigurements, such as, an enlarged head and penis.

It is from the salmonella red stage that the red bird is found, and it's also there where the color red became the icon for the position of Cardinal in the Catholic Church.

Finally, the Pope. Now this is a character...HIV/AIDS! The priests of the Holy Bible's Old Testament were about the only ones who were permitted to say whether or not a person who clean of leprosy. Leprosy being a stage of HIV, the chances of contacting that virus is fairly good as the white mount have to be cleaned and pampered if it was draining of any mucus.

Each week the wound have to be administered to until only a scab remained on the skin. The most high counselors of the religious Christian nations has to have been in some kind of contact with lepers and HIV/AIDS.

Enough said.

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