'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 19, 2012

Definitions: Moon 2

Moon 2
Oklahoma  10/19/2012

Moon's (and Moon2) are long-tern HIV...that is, a multi-generational HIV carrier. The term GAD (generated aid disorder) is suggested by scholars as one a the Israelite tribes who traveled among the 12 tribes. 'Moon' could be classified as Gadite, Hittite, or Hivite according to the Holy Bible Abraham and Sarah both favored the Hittites and both were buried inside the territories of the Hittite.

'Moon 2'. HIV. The reason they are called this is that they can resemble both a male and a female. 'Moon 2' favor a double-decked apartment house so they can live in both the upper and lower apartment.

Like the other HIV 'Moon', 'Moon2' will wear a wig of human hair, except this fashion designed wig still has part of the human scalp attached to it. Leaving the dried scalp intact enables the wig wearer to nourish themselves with both hair oil extracts and flesh enzymes from the attached scalp.  These type of wig designs are used during blood withdraw that causes violent migraines attacks.

'Moon2' prefer organized crime as a vocation, including child abduction, abortion, and murder of, primarily, females.

'Moon' are and HIV, long-term...that is, a multi-generational HIV carrier. The term GAD (Generated Aid Disorder sometimes referred to as Junked Elongated Warfaren [JEW]) is suggested by scholars as one a the Israelite tribes who traveled among the 12 tribes. 'Moon' could be classified as Gadite, Hittite, or Hivite as according to the Holy Bible.