'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 1, 2013

'Escalade': Grimores: #1 - Mores

Grimores: #1 - Mores
Oklahoma  7/1/2013

Google Images, Bifrons
After a bit of rest, KAPB was informed that there are a few more Al Qaeda groups who would most likely present themselves.

The name of the first group is the Grimores. This group is divided into two individual sections, Grim and Mores`.

'Mores`' consists of four Goetia demons: Bifrons, Marchocias, Caim, and Alloces.

KAPB believes the adage associated with the bible would be, "First is last , and last  is first.." for the 'Mores`' and the Martyrdom of Matthew for the 'Grim'. The Martyrdom (or Jihad) the last to enter the crime scene. Thus creating a Christian Jihad of Grimores`.

Jihad for Christians, is a colloquial understanding of Jesus and the first wife (Hagar) of Old Testament Abraham. Having birthed the first son and heir to the Abraham fortune, Christian Jihad believe they have been given freedom from the religious social order of bastard by way of sinfulness upon Abraham in his failure to understand the God promise being fulfilled. Abraham stated in the book of Genesis that he wasn't able to put away his lust for Sarah.

Also, it is felt that  the Bifrons are the leaders of the Mores`. Persons who choose the Bifrons demon usually work at grocery stores. They are usually moved into a closed area workplace, such as in shipping and receiving. The Martyrdom (or Jihad) the last to enter the crime scene. Thus creating a Christian Jihad of Grimores`