'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 10, 2014

'Iconic': Christiantos and Manwouwoo

Christiantos and Manwouwoo
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014
Momumuoou, Cheeeomudu 
(Important: Title word fits w/ one beneath it)

Everybody around the world know who the Christians and Muslims are. Even though there are hundreds of news reports, images, and comprehensive online webpages none of them really point out a very keen issue about these two very important personalities.

With a few personal illustrations, KAPB wants to add an element to the already piles of pictures from the Middle East. In the following images we hope to demonstrate the difference between this sub-culture.

Though the Christians are better known as members in the USA, they also live around the world as citizens of other nations, and have done so for hundreds of years. The Muslims on the other hand had centered their lifestyle in the Middle East, but they too have traveled into other nations and have done so for decades. Very little is said about the fact that Muslims and Christians are of the same family with Muslims being the primary genetic factor. The Manwouwoo (Muslim) is the darker complexioned of these two, while the Christiantos (Christian) has the lighter flesh tone...such as with the Asian, Caucasian being the lighter complexioned member.

In the next two set of images we want to point out the difference between the Christiantos (Christian) and Manwouwoo (Muslim). On the left is the Christian, and on the right is the Muslim. Notice that the eye position on both are about the same shape with the exception of how they are placed on the face. Christians eye sockets point upward, and the Muslim eye sockets point downward. As each of these two progress in their development, one eye socket slowly moves upward leaving the other in the same place. Upward sockets are referred to as 'Christiantos', downward sockets are referred to as 'Manwouwoo'. 

The Christiantos have a lot of trouble with their mindset on the matter of their sexual organs. The Manwouwoo on the other hand does not. Christiantos are normally called 'sluts' due to the stage of a very serious sexual disfuction...they are simply unable to maintain themselves during fits of anger, thus, using their genitals as the assault weapon of choice. The Manwouwoo will use their fingers to assault a person, all the while, acting out overt sexual dialogues of some nature or another.

Christiantos are the generations of the male and females who were raised inside of Arabian harems. The personality of these harem offspring are generally FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)...thief, slavery, and deceptions are the three strong characteristics of these younglings. They gradually grow into adults who are normally referred to an Autistic. While, on the other hand, Manwouwoo are not called anything. Even though they like to move backwards to gain control over delusions they see while passing from one eye sockets re-positioning after another. The Mecca Temple in Saudi Arabia is one such place where the Manwouwoo move backwards in prayer to remove dark powers that may persuade members to fall off the track suggested by their Prophet Mohammad...who really swiped that technique from their patriarch Abraham (same person as in Holy Bible). 

In their holy book called the Koran, it was during the Great Separation, detailed by Mohammad, that today's Christian movement, through the Imperial Roman Empire, is known around the world. Very few people know that in reality, Christians are trully in the 'brotherhood' for both are the descendant of Caleb the Faithful of God.