'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 20, 2013

Characters in History - Objects


1. 'The Wheel' Torture Device. 

Mexican Political Poster. In the bible among the Mosaic Laws musicians were one of the first to be placed when any type of processionals were done. As time went on and the temples, one by one, failed, musicians were slowly placed further and further back in processionals until finally they were eliminated all together. This Mexican poster strongly suggests that musicians were used on the Roman torture wheels and seemingly for high finance, racketeering, and gain. Though difficult to see here, Astorah is considered to be the culprit that was used. With the many Jews and Muslims who were sent to the new world during the Dark Ages Spanish Inquisitions it's little surprise that some Goetia demons make it on board the king's galley vessels. 

2. Hermetic Lore

Excerpt from Hermetic Lodge. Answer: Well that is your perception of what "really" happened and a programmed mindset/ (christian indoctrination) i.e. belief that what is written in the bible is the ultimate truth. However, let us not forget that all the stories within the bible were taken from other ancient cultures that pre-dated "christianity" and later the catholic church had translated it owns versions (catechisms). It is not the Bible itself that divides Christianity, but its interpretation based on personal premises. That is the weakness of the human element. This weakness of the human element is reflected in claims that the Holy Spirit has inspired the individual to interpret the Bible according to their own premise. This is where the fallacy lies-the claim that the Holy Spirit is the author of his own personal interpretation, a claim that all make. The fact that so many persons have claimed that the Holy Spirit has spoken to and chosen them personally should be clear and unmistakable proof that the interpretation of Scriptures should not be taken as literal truths. The mistake is even greater when the interpretation of the Bible depends upon the translations instead of the original Hebrew and, especially, the New Testament Greek text. The fact that there are variations in the translations of the Bible indicates most clearly the need for a common edition of the Greek New Testament on which other translations will depend. A comparison of the text of this edition with that of the edition of the official New Testament text of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople shows approximately 2,000 variations. A critical examination of the text of the original Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible is indispensable, for through the centuries, many words were added or omitted. This was especially so before the printing press when there was only manual copying on rough lamb skin and papyrus. The scholarly study of the original languages is a valuable aid in correcting the mistakes and reestablishing intact the original texts from which the translations should be made. The prime purpose of such a valuable work is not only to make the Bible free from any and all changes and mistakes. I could go on and on... with reasons why I don`t personally take what`s written in the bible as literal truths but more so as metaphors. Answer to CM CMS, Facebook post.

3.  Mexican Templar

A Mexican Templar movement was spotted during a drug cartel gathering in 2011. In 2013, Mexico published pictures of the iconic Wilhelm Cross. It was in Belgium at the castle Reicka that the Knight Templar were first assembled. Later, the Catholic Church added a cross which even later was replaced with the Wilhelm Cross. Cities of the Underworld: Barbarian's Lear gives allot of information about the Castle and the soldiers who began and ended the Templar movement for the cause within the early country of Belgium's financial capital. The Catholic Church offered 'a lot money' to add a stick cross, the logo of a return of the home land for Jews, and the heavenly promise of all sins forgiven with a ticket to heaven for both the Belgium, any Roman soldiers, plus any person who might help either financially and a personal sacrifice. 

4. Krokodill

Injected Krokodill
Recently the Mexican/Arabian drug Krokodill was introduced in the state of Nevada, USA. Whether a treat or a new business application, Krokodill was reported to local authorities(2013) by the Nevada's Catholic hospitals as being a part of that state's drug scene. It seems that the way the injection looks just after the fluid is pushed into the blood stream gave rise to its name.

5. Early Marchosias Skull

In this planet's earliest evolution this Marchosias skull is an example of how long Goetia cannibalism has existed. Though few people know that others were present on this planet at the time of Adam and Eve, it's true people were living outside the 'Garden of Eden'.  Some translations of the Holy Bible have translated the word 'traveled' to being moved, marched, and even roamed as to the way in which Adam and Eve arrived at one of the outsider's camp. The sucken eye socks is a strong indication that this skull is a Marchosias Goetia demon.

6. Price Charles Statute

Brazil proclaims the UK's Prince Charles as "The Savior of the World". If history hold true then this proclamation should be the wait-up call to the kingdom that they have traveled much to far. As during the reign of Catherine (Queen) who shared the throne of England with her husband (Richard), it was decided to never along a man to serve as ruler of England ever again. It seems the temptation of the royal monarchy drove him and the three sons into madness where war, incest, and demography was found to be the lifestyle of the throne when Catherine returned from a business trip she had in Europe. The sons and King Richard dies shortly thereafter and their bodies were discovered in the late 1900's underneath the moot of Catherine's castle. This statue was discovered in 2007. Still no Charles, just lots of publicity...as did Richard.

An Excerpt: A quick check to Cohen's book, Antichrist And A Cup of Tea, reveals that Prince Charles is a descendent of Count Dracula [Page 77], while the listing of the website, above, also lists Prince Charles as being descended from the Romanian family of which the father of the original Dracula was a part. It is a most powerful satanic location, deeply rooted in the occult for hundreds of years. http://www.cuttingedge.org/News/n1678.cfm.

7. U.S. Army Women in Combat Statute

In 2013, the United States planned and placed a statute of a female in uniform to commemorate the women who serve in the armed forces during times of war and combat. - A personal thanks from KAPB and Kara Aghijlar, "She's beautiful".

8.  The famous Elongated Skull

All across the continent of Africa elongated shull have been found. The reports never mentioned the historical evidence that it was the barbarian Hun was also one of the pre-ancients who practiced this form of identification of woman. The Huns were made famous by Attila the Hun who is suspected to be among the many captured children who were raised to be traitors to their own people, thus he was among the early years of building the sociopathic murders coming to light in the 21st century. Aetius, the Roman general, took control of the Attila the Hun movements into the central region of Italy. It is General Aetius of which it is believed by historians to be the Marchosias character of Attila the Hun. And, as Rome was well apart of the Egyptian colonies it would serve that the Huns were taught this form of torture by the Roman Empire who were primary transgender, and very possibility still are today. The reason to elongate skulls...their need for children to surface a family environment for further invasions. 

9. Pakuku in the stage of Pure

This stature in West Virginia is a very good example of the Pakuku demon during the stage of 'Pure'. It is sometimes referred to as 'Mothman'. It is later in the Pakuku that the wings become separate and the face becomes fatter, or pudgy. Pakuku is famous for the wings on the Ancient Roman Scotum (shield). This sociopathic demon is developed by the murder of one's own father, whether in the genetic linage, religious affiliations, a cultural practice, or in a personal defense, such as incest rape.

10. Santa Claus Plug

In Rotterdam, Netherlands Santa Claus is depicted as a sex offender. Derived from Nicholas of Patara (Turkey) he was admired for his 'piety and kindness' (History Channel). Giving away his fortune, he traveled around helping the poor and sick. The story of prostitution and slavery of three poor girls and how he provided a dowry for them is perhaps the most likely told of his worldliness. History Channel write, "Even after the Protestant Reformation, when the veneration of saints began to be discouraged, St. Nicholas maintained a positive reputation, especially in Holland." In Russia, where the church was removed by the government, Saint Nicholas is told to be a moocher, con man, and child rapist if the household would not give Santa the presents. In America, the frivolities of St Nicholas have been removed and replaced with the gift giving and child loving Santa Claus. Rotterdam appears to be a blend of world-wide cultures that's for sure!

11. Anti-Christian Poster

It has only been in the last few years that anti-Christian awareness has been a huge issue in America. This image is considered to be one of many vintage copies in the attempt to derail the considered abuse of Christmas in America. Christmas has had a long an dis-favorable history, and in America is no different. History Channel/YouTube has videos about the Christmas in America and some of the reasons the holiday as been a scourge for many throughout the decades sense its arrival on the North American continent. The US Government made allot of attempts to alter the negative aspects of Christmas, but the ugliness seems to also rear its head on us. Judge for yourself at the video site mentioned above.

12. Amulets from Turkey

These are great pictures of amulets that were found in Turkey in 2013. The engravings are so perfect that little could be said about the way great care was taken to save their integrity. Studying religious history, it is easy to see the secularism in pre-ancient and mid-ancient history.
13. Barbarians on a Celtic Map 

This 1570 Celtic map is a good one to illustrate something important about the barbarian tribes who flooded Europe from the time of the last few Roman Emperors to about the  1700's. Mixed and mingled in Germania, today's modern day Germany, it is a big surprise to many who study ancient history because this country also has a history of Hitler and the Arian race issue. Why Rome use Germania used to mix nations is evident in ancient Rome, but all of them! Wow!

14. Vintage Christmas Games  

AllThatIsInteresting.com featured an article about the vintage games of the 1950's and 1960's. Calling the gaming a "vision of a loud, cacophonous an automated future of the toy industry was rather prophetic" ATII featured several posters of the boxes used during those times. But, how deep was the prophetic influences were these games to the culture in the United States?
Biblical historians tells something of a cultural inclusion hoping to 'settle down' the wild nature of the many incoming immigrants from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and gaming played an intricial part. Here are some clues: Grinch was associated with Gaap coming in from mainly Europe. Hula Hoop was with Andrealphus who likes to play that game of risk, so to say. Play-Doh was the toy of Israel's Asmoday, Barbie Dolls were the favorite of Belgium/Knights Templar, Yahtzee was the games favorite of the Roman soldiers, or: the Italian immigrants, Rock'em Sock'em Robots belonged to Greece, Snakes in the Grass was the Egyptian game, and Kerplunk! was the Great Britain, or the English toy.

America quickly settled the war torn refrugees into American homes during the holiday seasons with gifts for all...and each gift especiality made for them.

15. Knight Templar and Sacrificial Child 

These two images are unique. The first is one of the actor who plays the a lead role in the History Channel documentary The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross. He does a narration telling the story from the side of the Templar. The interesting point is the image of the child in the second one below.

The child, featured below, looks remarkably like this actor here who is a very good likeness of what some of the Knights Templar looked like that invaded the Middle East during three of the four crusades by the documented European and Mediterranean countries.

This child is apart of a NatGeo film made by Simcha TV.com about the 'Holy Land' has the Christian, Jews, and Muslims believe to be. The film indicates that the baby had been placed in an earthen jar, and made to be a sacrifice to the god worshiped during a 101BC ritual, mostly likely to Moleck. Moleck worshipers slowly demand children as a food. And, is also the Golden Calf god known at the time of Moses and the Israelite.  

With both images it's easy to see that the Templar were in that region long before our history lessons have taught us to believe. The crusades, as we know it, took place at about 1000 to 1200ADE.


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