'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

February 27, 2014

'The Submarine': CIA and the God Anunnaki

'The Submarine'
The CIA and the God Anunnaki
Oklahoma   Spring, 2024

  • Part 2: The CIA and the God Anunnaki (Buoosh)

Asking the same question that was put to the FBI, the Submarine dove in again when confronted with the next set of trespassers, all of which were in the CIA. A third group, International Query Intelligence, IQI or simply 'Q', was also discovered, but they sat back to let the CIA handle matters.

and continuing as they wait....

  • killed Senator Junel
  • killed Senator Homes
  • killed Senator Aberdeen

As the entire scene began to develop, it became apparent that the game of Russian Roulette was going to be the theme under which we all were going to be handled. Not many persons are aware of a few simple facts concerning this very dangerous game.

Russian Roulette

The gun game of Russian Roulette was first introduced just before the beginning of World War Two (WW2). Though the Russian nation never really published the nature of the game itself, it's nature did end up as a coined phrase into this day. Behind the true intention of madness brought on by a stream of madmen/madwomen, this dangerous game was equated to firing a bullet loaded pistol to your own head, spinning the bullet barrel and them pulling the trigger after the barrel stops spinning around. But, is this the real Russian Roulette, or how the situation (game) was handled in the WW2 news press releases? In Norman, Oklahoma the game is played a whole lot different.

The Lesser Keys of Solomon plays a very important role in the schism of Russian Roulette. The game, or manhunt fiction,  begins about at the time when a person is left alone and it appears they are without help or support of anyone else. Much like in the 1924 novel of, "The Hounds of Zaroff" (1924) is a short story by Richard Connel (WS, Wiki Summaries), Russian Roulette is also a manhunt, but the game is Goetia based. One person in the Goetia  is pursued by another who is not a demon. The game is a favorite of both the Greeks and Asians, and they play Russian Roulette the same way they played the game with the Russian nation after the first world war.. The Goetia demon travels from one of the seventy-two goetia characters while in flight, and the pursuer must know how to handle the demon when the 'in-flight' goetia stops at anyone demon character. Because this type of demonomania has a very nasty reputation, most pursuers will stop chasing the 'in-flight' simply because the chances of a dangerous demon appearing is very likely. Both the Greeks and Asians play this manhunt game, but the top two blends are Greco/Anso (features are more Greek) and the Anso/Greco (features are more Asian). They are also the long forgotten cluster of 'Yen and Yan'. This cluster is considered to be the ultimate in disguise, and is known also as another term used for 'transgenderism'.  The first to be noticed at KAPB was the Anso/Greco. The picture at DeMonda is one of a Greek/Anso, who is the second to arrive in 'The Submarine'.

Two weapons are the favorites was the Al Qaeda cluster of three : Anahita, Anunnaki, and Anaboosh, or the White, Red, and Black. Atom fracking and poison. Very small atom particles are noticeable when this triple A cluster enters into a home or business. Small particle lite down on the face and that aids the, here: Anunnaki trespassers. The particles will image and broadcast the  images to help the CIA to re-enforce their stand about whatever the CIA is trying to deliver to the viewing audiences. The second vessel used is poison. Most of which is dog food. Embedded in food chunks, such as Purina Pro or Chef Michael s, the bits are finely chopped up and added to chicken patties and nuggets. It will be noticed when they are present because a continual stomach ache is felt or your pet will up-chuck the bits. This kind of fracking is cancer causing such as is the electrical shocks to human soft tissues. Consider also the electrical flashing causes Glaucoma.

"Fortunately, after the long wait, making hash
 from this plant is a joy, with HUGE water
hash yields!! Dark green leaves with a hint of
red make these Cannabis Seeds an uplifting
strain that is best grown in a
Sea of Green. If grown properly, Annunaki will live
up to her name and produce an
ABOVE average yield!" 
Acquired from ancient Roman history, the accounts of the little known Queen Cartimandua is the only physical activity suggested between "Q' and the CIA. For those who are not info-ed in ancient world history, this queen may have been a spy for the Ancient Roman army--likewise her husband. Eastern Studies scholars say that between the two of them they contrived a way to dispose of the Celt tribe of the Catabolina. The husband of Queen Cartimandua over took the renegades and little is known past that point about the people other then the scholars wrote that the Romans ground up their flesh and serve it to the surrounding populations using the term of mixed meat, or the term Balogna as told by the Ancient Historian Plutarch.

Cartimandua Facts:
Known for: making peace with the Romans rather than rebel against their rule
Occupation: queen
Dates: about 47 - 69 CE
Also known as: "sleek pony" (About.com)

As more and more information is released in our system with a Freedom of Information Act, subjects of extra-terrestrials, aliens, and space encounters are used to enlighten the American public. The red complexioned Anunaki from the red planet Mars are slowly becoming another outer space story. Connected in some way with the Egyptian pyramids, their story in our space and time has yet to be known.

Perhaps the above information seems little in the average American lifestyle, but just what is the Al Qaeda using American legal agencies for? As personal who has to travel around the globe with scanty of any information about the barbarian colonies that might be encountered, our nation has supplied countries around-the-world with everything from war machines to pillow cases. Little did we know....

Hashish is the major component in the making of the Hasassissan, "The Marchosias will fellowship the Astaroth during the very early stage of that demon's development...Astaroth will work as a Hashshashin if they are introduced to hemp, which most are.  With law enforcement officers given the chose in the way of handling any under-cover assignment, generally most will chose to use Marijuana in some way as in many US state hemp is legal to use. " (The Submarine - FBI, Plutonium blogspot)

  • Part 1: The FBI and the Goddess Anahita
  • Part 3: The Submarine 'Q' and the god Anaboosh (Odin)