'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 17, 2014

'Iconic': Greek Medical Mushrooms

Greek Medical Mushrooms
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

In the Garden there were two trees. One was laurel
(bay leaf), and the other was Acacia
As a follow-up to the June 16th Stonehenge Mushrooms, this post is also about the mushrooms popping up in circles and other wild shapes resembling a vary of ancient medical devices. In this post KAPB will show another set of mushrooms in Norman, OK.

Because of the many LG digital images associated with this subject, it became necessary to change the order of things and put one image after another with some information beside each of the major points of interest.

Just across the road from the Cedars Stonehenge report is another sprouting of mushrooms. The shape of this new set also has suggestions of foul play in this part of town. But the iconic interest is very important because of the means and devices used predates the Egyptian Pharaohs.

In the yard of the Witch Lair  on Plutonium posted
two years earlier
As more images are added, KAPB hopes to illustrate the consensus of a worship to the god Orion. The three mushrooms at the bottom of the picture are positioned in the frame of the three major stars in this peculiar constellation. The mushrooms in the far ground will be talked about in the next few pictures.

Is it possible to prearrange human issues (stool, body parts) in order to mark the ground with mushrooms? Forensic pathologists all say yes! As a matter of fact, that is exactly the way this type of religious worship is done. Either from the air or ground any ritual site can be located by this technique of territorial marking.

Here is a medical tool called a 'Placker Rack'. Readers may have seen a version of this ancient tool in the dentist office. A lesser type of this Placker Rack is sometimes used to hold the tongue down to capture X-rays positions. In this image, the Placker is the icon being used to identify an area where ritual sacrifices were held, or to be held.

The top side of the Placker can be seen in this image. The far right mushroom illustrates a protrusion that is sometimes used to drain fluids from the surface, such as, blood, saliva, or internal organ tissue.

This area is believed to hold the instruments, medical tools,
used at this ritual site. with a landmine effect that suggests
possible booby-traps to anyone who is not authorized
to open the crypt
The bottom side has an indentation of a smaller Placker with the handle moving downward towards the bottom center of the picture.

It is in the next image below the similarly of Stonehenge is also noticeable. Each set of mushrooms has a circle mound and ditch. This is very similar to the mounds at Avebury, England.

Similar to the Stonehenge at Avebury, England, this mushroom pattern also has moots and a mound
Just across the road at the Cedars Apartments are four rocks, some of which KAPB has already posted on. What unique with these four is that they all face the Placker Rack. This rock image is the largest and sits straight forward about 200 feet from the mushroom pattern. In further pictures, as well as this one, boring marks are visible. They either make some kind of face, flower, or symbol...this rock has a very distinguished 'heart' cut into the surface of the stone. A few other markings around the heart suggests a Goetia Beleth might have been a master at this ritual site.

Of the 72 Goetia seals only two have a noticeable heart in the icon, Beleth and Vapula. Because Vapula normally serves as a gateway to Glasya-Labolas, were speaking phyco sciences of the brain, Beleth would be culprit in this crime scene rock as as an example of physical evidence.

These are image close-up of the heart area as well as a cluster of blue pebbles
that are embedded into the large stone
Directly across from the heart and blue pebbles is this cut-away. Between the cuts, fume, and pebbles, the scrupture left impressions in the rock that suggest a likeness of which the religious Jews consider as one of a Satan.

Groves, cuts, and holes have been punched into this rock. Leaving marks that resemble a variety of icons


As written before, the Placker Rack mushroom pattern has four rocks that face directly at that location. The other three rocks sit in a direct line of each other. Each one of these large stone also has some kind of scripture chiseled into the surface. In the next few images KAPB will help illustrate the markings and give some information about it.

The embed in the lower image is a flower. Possibly the floral designfrom the seal of Purson.
On the further rock back, is a small flower. ..most likely a flower of Purson that can be seen in the Goetia character's seal.
A cut-way of that flower is on the right side image. It's possible to see some of the bores and discolorations used
to create impressions of characters and other symbols. The discolorations may be caused by select herbs and berries
that are used in the apothecary field of medicine.
This is the second, or middle, rock in the diagonal line pointing towards the Placker Rack Mushrooms. At the right end
of this stone a face has been sculptured into the side. The impression seems to be one of a cimejes (goetia) in 'puff'
This is the first stone in the line facing the Placker Rack Mushrooms.  There are two distinguishable images: one of a cimejes 'Krupt' (right) and a female goat seeming to be hugging the 'Krupt' with the two's lips close to each other.
The front of this first rock has a faint impression chiseled into the
surface that seems to resemble a cimejes (goetia) 'Krowgel'.
This images shows a better impression of the
'Krowgel', while other impressions are either
of friends or relatives. A small impression
of a cat can be seen on the second rock back,
which suggests that the Orion god is the central
figure with this group when linked to the mushrooms
across the road.
That is the final image. KAPB hopes you have gotten some information from this posting, and it will serve the viewers well. Thanks for viewing and God Bless you all.