'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 31, 2015

Tracking Bruce: Wanted: A Theology of Atheism - NYTimes.com


Believing it to be a church that would be built in Norman, Oklahoma, the Ruceb ordered this gathering. The table of treats is the focus.

" CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — ONE Sunday last month, I walked into an auditorium past greeters and a table loaded with coffee, fruit and cookies. Onstage two young men tuned their guitars. A blank screen hung down, a silent signal that not knowing the words would be no excuse for not singing along. But this was no typical church service.

I’d come for Sunday Assembly, a godless alternative to church founded in London in 2013. "

Save This...:M. Vipsanius Agrippa (2) - Livius


Save This...:Fed Up With Islam and Sectarianism, Some Iraqis Embrace Zoroastrianism - The Daily Beast


May 30, 2015

Trash FLASH: Christian Summoning Demons

Christian Summoning Demons
Summer 2015

Kids Summoning Demon in New Social Media Craze

A new occultic social media trend has gone viral, challenging kids to attempt to summon a demon.
The homemade game is similar to using a Oujia board, and it's called the "Charlie Charlie Challenge."
It involves putting two pencils on a piece of paper in the shape of a cross, and writing the words "yes" and "no" in the boxes outlined by the pencils.
The participants then summon what they say is a Mexican demon called Charlie, attempting to ask him questions for guidance for their lives.
**CBN News spoke with Dr. Corne Bekker about the dangers the "Charlie Charlie Challenge." Click play to watch more.  
Videos links at site link under article title above.

Save This for Me: Las Vegas 1960s

Save This for Me
Las Vegas 1960s
Summer 2015

Fun picture...just file it under the table.

Trash FLASH: 8,000 Chinese Students Gone

8,000 Chinese Student Gone
Summer 2015

OUCHIE! KAPB has had a few rich student run through the business. No surprise!

Trash FLASH: Kill Core, Italy

Kill Core, Italy
Summer 2015

A 'Kill Core' is about the same thing as a .
'Ruceb' with the exception that a Kill Core member are designed to kill...and they kill. In Kill Core there are three divisions: Kilgory, Killput, and Kilcamp.

Kilgory look very much like an Irishman...burly, tall, ill dressed.

Killput look internationlly proofessional...always well dressed, clean shaven, and nail manicured.

Kilcamp look country, outdoorsman, fishman, etc.

All three are located in Italy by the River Kiliimidchi. There three branches connection, overtly,  and good fortune is believed to exist. Three personality types are favorites in a Kill Core: Lucesus, Titus, and Carl. All three must be in a stage of an assassin...some stages are highly prized as the assassin will kill guaranteed.

May 29, 2015

Trash FLASH: Jewish verses Ancient Roman Passover

Jewish verses Ancient Roman Passover
Summer 2015

It was noticed that both the Jews and the ancient Romans share a simular celebration, that of Passover.

For the Jews, Passover is the act of faith to cause the angel of death to passover the Jewish home. Doing the task they are suited for causes the grim reaper to fly by.

The ancient Romans on the other hand, celebrate Passover as the visitation of guests to pay last respects to a dead person who is lay out to kiss and say good bye to.

Damn!  We'll have reread the chapter on reaping...you never know what you might to leavening.

Endocrine:: Caesa"s Golden Age of Silver

Caesar's Golden Age of Silver, pg 1
Summer 2015

Page 2
Page 3

Studying the effects on the endocrine system, interesting information on liq uid silver was introduced to us at KAPB. Information that deserves to be published.

The primary reason Julius Caesar was assassinated in 33 BC was to that fact that the Caesar's Golden Age was being developed in the minds of the Roman populations...brain matter to be precise. The golden hue silver called "Pristucet".

The Roman gangs worn super heavy silver gold necklace, arm bands, and belts that symbolise the rank and position of workers for the political system as well as the Roman street gangs. Silver was made with the brain matter of persons who were captured and lead into Rome authority that spread into the Roman Senate and the citizen's class.

All the while, Caesar in both his male and female persona used the herbal mixture of Feranson. This herb will resemble stages of silver poisoning with none of the damages. There's no withdraw symptoms, no after effects, and no physical damages left after the herb is out of the blood system. The name of Julius means Jewel (Jul), today an Al Qaeda central core sought after by international authories...Servilla means, one who is in service to the villas (villians).

The image with the collection of silver stage is where the Roman Senate was at when the senate finally killed the Caesar.

It did very little because of the Ceasar estate went to a newly adopted son, Julius' child trasfiguration named Augustus (Octavian of the Junii).

May 28, 2015

Art a Fact: Circe in Open Festival

Art a Fact
Circe from a Festival
Summer 2015

Circe has become a big name here in Oklahoma. She seems to have been given a lot of space to keep her business of herbal witchcraft healthy and prosperous.

Here are two more illustrations of Circe.
With shoulders covered in lace, Circe covens go to worship their God called 'Open'. Their eyes are covered with purple shaded glasses and they carry a torch, generally not lite, to symbolise themselves being ushered into a realm of understanding with their God called 'Open'.

When they are finished with their revival they prepare themselves to walk around with mankind cleansed, understanding, and prepared for conflict. The colors in the image of Circe outside are those chosen when they are in pleasure and no need for violence...they viciously kill children after an Open festival if they are not allowed to enter the state called Pleasure, which is obtained by allowing a Circe follower to have sex any way they want...in the USA, Circe wanted sex with, today called, Gay men. The red, white, blue, and gold are generally the colors worn, though it has been recorded as blue, green, yellow that indicts herbal tundra and oneness with clean, true nature.

Teash FLASH: Professional Soccer

Professional Soccer
Summer 2015

FIFA Inquiry Yields Indictments; U.S. Officials Vow to Pursue More

"The Justice Department, F.B.I. and I.R.S. described soccer’s governing body in terms normally reserved for Mafia families and drug cartels, saying that top officials treated FIFA business decisions as chits to be traded for personal wealth. One soccer official took in more than $10 million in bribes, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch said."

May 27, 2015

Save This for Me: As Antibiotic Resistance Spreads, WHO Plans Strategy To Fight It : Goats and Soda : NPR


Vehicles: Blue Chrysler

Blue Chrysler
Summer 2015

Batman and Robin, The Joker, Superman, Lois Lane, and half a dozen vintage Hollywood celebrities drove this car.

Blue means leader. An the Chrysler means, "Crisis". In one Batman movie the car was featured in the strobe lamps that lite the sky.

What is it today!. Same thing....

Iconic: Loki in Golden

Loki in Golden
Summer 2015

Oden, Thor and Loki are the three main character in the conclusion to the Middle East to Europe colonies that are the central theme of the Holy Bible.

Every religion throughout the world created a look-a-like rendition to the works compiled by the northern most societies of Norway and Scandinavia. Following the early chapters, before Church influence, it contains the concluding parables of mankind and the Eastern Hemisphere religious studies. Written in a gothic folklore, this Scandinavian portfolio has been added to the Hermetic Studies as plausible in fact...note: Hermetic Sciences has the legal copyright of the Holy Bible.

Strange that the character of Loki is the future king of the underworld, he obtains it by decreee by Thor, his brother, after Thor wants to live and love mankind above the deceased. Thor battles Loki while Loki is in Golden, or blonde...the battles are about who will rule what is above as so below. Written as violence only between two sibling in rivalry, the substance of mankind's existence on the Eastern Hemisphere was collected for prosperity.

May 26, 2015

Iconic: The Sabine Personage

The Sabine Personage
Summer 2015

To refresh, the Sabine women are given the history of Rome for the account of a published rape or cross bred attempt that lead to the mass production of light complexion people who are speckled.

Some say the Scottish are direct descendants of the Sabine colonies because of three outstanding issues. The first, and best known in America, is the red hair. The second is the broad weight of the lower torso, common among the Scottish, and third is the lump, or lumps, the male gets in his thighs.

In the illustration with this post the inset shows show both the broad hips and the thigh lumps. The painting's tone, color hue, depicts the redness known as Scottish.

If the Sabine doesn't have broad hips, they are considered as Roman, or Romulus. If they have the hips and lumps, they are considered as Orius. Orius are leaders, Romulus are followers. Both Orius and Romulus are Goetia demons.

Art a Fact: Corbel on Spanish Catholic Church

Art a Fact
Corbel on Spanish Catholic Church
Summer 2015


The following illuatrations are deeply sexually graphic. Please be aware that the images content is extremely lude, and should be considered as porn.

KAPB has no possible way to link the images because they were found on a private blog at Tumblr.com. Thus, making it nearly impossible to make link returns in the future...simply, the blog stops uploads at a given level by the author and all images beyond can't be viewed at later dates.

Therefore, the images have not been covered in sensitive areas to permit ease in viewing...they will not be covered so they can be a part of the KAPB collection with the image content viewable. Sorry for the trouble, but again there is a WARNING! on the images that follow this statement.

 KAPB has written about the komsutra that the church has founded itself on. It's very important to understand every level of both the understanding in theuse of religious pornographic materials and the church's tolerance that lead to church, clergy, and worshipers deboucheries.
The church's pornographic tolerance is clearly demonstrated in nearly every Catholic Church on both hemispheres, while lesser denominations hide the pornographic materials in graphic reconstruction, digital imaging, and coverings such as clothe, festival florals, and children's toys.

The Vatican's Sistine Chapel and Saint Peter's Bacilla has every act of komsutra, with animals and children being the central focus of the artwork.

The Roman Church's with their other church ministries has stopped in being a outpost of salvation and stands as an outpost of deboucheries against societies for sometime now. They are dangerous, a threat to women and children, and the church should be reclassified as serial sex offenders...forgiveness is not the issue, it's a fault that can not be excused away with meaningless redertic that has changed nothing over the last 3000  years. The Christian Church (ciphers) must close!

One day the church will be only the dark shadow that looms over the graveyards of our past generations deserted of it's women and children that were stopped in life for the sake of salvation of the cannibal...and only the cannibal which is called, "The Church".

Art a Fact: Orange in Infanticide

Art a Fact
Orange in Infanticide
Summer 2015

For those who are studying physiology, this image is from the Religion sector. The illustration is the delusion seen when a person first injests the flesh or organs of either a new born or an aborted fetus. The orange color returns after each new development. From there, the new cannibal begins an entirely new visualization of a lifestyle. Psychiatrist work to bring a cannibal back to a safer visualization where the doctor can recover who and why the infanticide took place.

May 23, 2015

Definition: Medical Meme

Medical Meme
Summer 2015

Meme. Medical. Male/Female. Phallus/Vagina. Godworships. For here at KAPB 'Meme' is the word used for the activity the blood produces when it's exploded to air...many times the platelet appear active and able to communicate. With very small features, a Meme will blink, wink, smile or even hop. These activities are visible only under a microscrope unless the platelets are pulled to the surface throught the over use of drugs, alcohol, torture, herbs, STD, etc.. Venus, Apollo, and a few other gods were envoked using one or more of the ways, drugs..., that cause the 'Meme' to blink, etc.  With Venus, the worshiper would watch the 'Meme' at the vagina...the goddess legs were spread and pins stuck into her butt cheeks until the platelets moved. With Apollo, pins were used on the phallus until the platelets blinked, etc inside the phallus channel.

May 22, 2015

FYI: Seven Colors of the Converso

The Seven Colors of the Converso
Fall 2014 - Summer 2015

Important to understand, the seven colors that Converso wear to conduct, each day, to obtain their daily bread...to over use a phrase.

Searching department stores, fuelIng (gas) stations, laundry mats, grocery outlets, etc. KAPB found the colors listed below to be the color hues they wear to conduct their illegals.

  • Sunday -- Christian -- blue
  • Monday -- Buddhist -- red/orange
  • Tuesday -- Hindu -- pink
  • Wednesday -- Greek -- purple
  • Thursday -- Atheist -- light charcoal
  • Friday -- Muslim -- cream
  • Saturday --  Jews -- yellow

The KAPB  finding are posted with the consent of the Tristan Collections who helped the publishers to understand and detail to observe the colors associated with each converso and the business of crime converso use the colors with. Secondly, the finding were proven by two seperate state police officer agencies, Alaska and Oklahoma. KAPB would like to thank all three for their assistance in these finding.

May 21, 2015

Endocrine: Codex Weed

Codex Weeds
Summer 2015

Found it interesting that this weed is called a 'Codex'. Thought to be a prise jewel in herbal remedies, most schooled naturalist say, "No, it's a weed".

Iconic: Circe and Tamara

Circe and Tamara
Summer 2015

Circe is the favorite among the sorceress because she is able the only naturally born  female in the Converso movement.

In former post, the person called Tamara is generally a male transgender.

There is only a few stages in the Goetia Decarabia that will allow for a natural female to exist within sorcery, Tamara in 'Step' is one of them. But, this is not the female who lives in the palace, that one is a boy.

Just what the work difference in sorceress is isn't known yet, but it's only a matter of time before that information shows up.

The next few illustrations are of Tamara, either side, and Circe. KAPB will later add several photos of church apparel for more insight to this mysterious witch.

In the 'Endocrine' post of Tamara, she is shown as a person with tally, spotty skin. In the Ancient Aliens, cave temple illustrations show these guards as attendants to the master sorcerer. Likewise, they also have spotted skin...Tamara is likened to the spotted leopard, and some authors suggest a sexual encounter is recorded in the Holy Bible.

This illustration is to depict a Tamara and
the lifestyle she lives. Christine Ricci is not
the subject here. If thr reader interprets it
that way, they have missed the witch part
One reason Tamara is forbidden to have a cat as a pet. She normally has a dog, but reports say she will try to alter the dog into a cat when she becomes a master in herbal medicine. If she suceeds, she will be removed from the temple.

As all members of a royal court must show themselves in the stage of 'Cartoom', Circe (Tamara) must also. For Circe that step is called 'Cron'. The bible does tell of her during an episode of panic at King David's palace. Both she and Beersheba will run nude, and Circe (Tamara) will be holding something to cover the head, usually the fashionable type of equipment.

Again, the bible reads that during a panic and David's call for help several can running into either help save him, his household, or the palace. Each time the attendants had bloody noses. Circe in 'Cup' are these characters who run in to help David.

Iconic: Lansquette, The Midget Praetorian

Lansquette (Preatorian Midgets)
Summer 2015

Learning about the Lansquette Guards, KAPB wanted to post images of them with some information on who they are.

Praetorian is the name of the Roman Spartian. It is throught these guards that the emperors of Rome were chosen. When an overthrow had taken place, a new order was to be set into motion, or
an war advancement was prepared the taller guards would be there to handle matters.

The smaller version called 'Lansquette' are the Victorian Guard. Lansquette likewise
are Roman Spartan Soldiers, but more like watchmen. The midget version work as Vatican stewards who patrol the Vatican hallways with the tourists, as well as with visiting diplomats.
The midgets look a bit like pirates. Where the taller Praetorian Guards look like robots of a sort.

May 20, 2015

Vehicles: Silver Mustang Convertible

Silver Mustang Convertible
Summer 2015

KAPB made a mistake!

The convertible silver Mustang is not high profile prostitution as formally written, but the silver Mustang is driven by those (mobsters) who has committed 'Grand Theft Auto'. The 'high profile prostitution' is where they end up at if loyal to the mob, or Church so to say.

Iconic: Hunamun and Favorite Girl

Hunamun and Favorite Girl
Summer 2015

The illustration is that of the Hunaman Nd his favorite girl.

Together they live in fabulously, in extreme wealth, and very rich tastes. Hunamun will keep several houses where girls are turned into his favorite, so it should be understood that favorite means sexual, and not love of her. Also the houses were the women live are generally whorehouses, and the girls are the leaders even when boys excell to a Hunamun leader.

Hunamun is a Cimejes (Simon). He is also proclaimed as the beginning of mankind when lecturing on the early lavatories that were used to encourage a blending of animal to.man experiments. Hunamun is featured throughout the Indian Vestor, Vesta, and even the Holy Bible.

May 19, 2015

Art a Fact: Bael the Lion

Art a Fact
Bael in Lion
Summer 2015

This is a nice picture of the Goetia Bael.

Some say he isn't a demon but was added because he looked like a lion, others say Bael was added because Old Testament stories say the ancient figures in history, such as King Darius and King David, had to fight, and somtimes kill, their ego which is portrayed as a lion, or first ego.

In the Goetia, Bael is listed first in the Lemegaton (Lesser Keys [Ars] of Solomon); thus, adding to the ego assumption of the lion and bravery.

Whatever the story, it is a fact that the bible story of Jesus as Christ, details what DID (physiology) explain about Bael...the warnings, temptations, the satan like character that's seen, and the word "Salvation" that is being offered. It is most likely that early Greek drama portrayed the lion as the male ego and the two (Bael and Christ) collided through the centuries leaving the bible stories in the book and the Goetia characters on stage.

Art a Fact: Russian Phenex

Art a Fact
Russian Phenex
Summer 2015

The Russian children stories had a greater impact on Americans then formally believed...most Americans don't really know of any. The illustration with this post is from a book republished in English for the American readers.

The demon Phenex was retold to readers as a huge peacock...Phenex are generally very tall looking girls. It says they had plumes of many colors...their complexion changes throughout the array of the rainbow. Phenex mysteriously rose from the earth to live with man...Phenex work mainly as farmers, farmer's market's, and grocery store produce clerks. When the Phenex dies, she dies by fire...she will set the place ablaze if crossed. Finally, the Phenex will rise again to restore herself to mankind in guidance.

Because the peacock story is so close to the miracles of a Christlike life and return, there is little doubt the reason for the creation of a truly female born Phenex is at the top of the list for sin sacrificial lambs...which they are generally on when they learn the community is vixed and a ritual girl is needed.

Iconic: Goddess Diana

Goddess Diana
Summer 2015

The Goddess Diana is the least known god. She is fro. The Roman collections that had to alter the dieties or suffer abuse and war, mainly because of the Greek ego and separatist beliefs.

Diana is one of the three female impersonators that were used to consecrated women into the societies of Rome. Much like the USA debates of religion and presidency, in ancient Rome, temple worship was also mandatory. It was necessary for Jewish girls to go and have their hymen erupted by a temple master, or the husband could be removed from the Jewish (Zoroastrian) societies. The reason being the blood vessel that runs across the hymen. Erupting the vessel with the phallus (penis) would create a violation of Jewish (Zoroastrian) Mosaic laws. Therefore, the females were sent to temples th have the hymen broke...normally by a vestal. If the betrothed failed to follow this creed he and his family would have to take a permanent lesser position in the community. Normally, they would end up working as a temple vestal because of the blood letting.

The Goddess Diana is one of the stages in the transfiguration of male/female in the primary god Apollo.

May 18, 2015

Endocrine: Cedar Extract

Cedar Extract
Summer 2015

Cedar is the #1 extract in naturopathy. Used nearly in everything, is tree's bark is high prised. It has been used on persons for thousands of years, and no doubt it will continue to.

There is also little doubt that the Israeli royal families looked like the children in the included photo because the child in the foreground is that of a Tamara, the royal sorceress; plus, and most importantly, the entire palace of both David and his son Solomon was built, decorated, and managed with cedar wood.

Lastly, the Goetia demon Dacarabia can be envoked in the brain with the use of cedar pellets, chips, etc.  Cedar balls was the favorite for moth prevention up until the late 1990's when the chemical was found to be intoxicating and caused delusions...fits of anger, weaponry, and full blown rage was continually reported until the US government declared cedar extracts unsafe.

Art a Fact: Post WW2 German Palace

Art a Fact
Post WW2 German Palace
Summer 2015

The burnt out palace is one of the few who's framework was still intact at the conclusion of WW2. As subtle reminder, this picture is being added to the KAPB 'Art a Fact' collection.  Thanks for viewing...

Endocrine: Tamara Alien Prostitute

Tamara Alien Prostitute
Summer 2015  Norman, Oklahoma

In the illustration is a girl in the stage of Tamara. Tamara is one of the girls who will be found in a king's palace.

The black gloves generally indicate
that of a person who will kill females.
View Iconic: Circe and Tamara for
added info.
 In the bible, Tamara was given jewerly her by King David. The reason being, an incest rape that she had claimed happened. She slowly fades from the text, but the records indicate she worked in the alter rooms and tended the foods, etc. for ritual sacrifices.

This illustration shows Tamara as a prostitute. And, one who is in serious advanced stages...the breasts are small, the skin tallow and blotchy, and the body mass is losing weight. The inset in the photo is how medical artist passed onward the inside texture of the skins pigmentation. The inset is how the inside of her vagina looked.

During this stage, Tamara is looked upon as an alien. She is beginning to form the shape of a long term STD.

May 16, 2015

Endocrine: Elm Extract

Elm Extract
Summer 2015

Elm extract became popular during the American Civil War. Centraled around Atlanta, Georgia, Sherman's army marched through and burn down Atlanta carrying the message of "stop the warring". Hundreds of civilians flooded the country in attempts to hide both from the Union's General Sherman, as well as, their own Confederate Army troops scrounging for non-property holding rengrades soldiers.

While Elm trees once roamed the hillsides of Georgia, the general's call was heard and the flood of hungry, forsaken and weary maroders showed little mercy in the attempt to disguise who they were...French dutont. Thousands pulled the bark from the trees and billions of gallons of extract was made, all the the effort to "stop the war". Chestnut extract was made underground and Elm surfaced and used, in plenty, to soothe the depressed, tattered, and drawn.

Elm extract and it's physical effects on human flesh was started in that era as a giant mass produced agent for beauty and it's calming effects...not to mention it's deadly side effect of mass murder.

Endocrine: Chestnut Extract

Chestnut Extract
Summer 2015  Norman, Oklahoma

(Sorry for the construction but this post is being further developed. -KAPB)

The series intended on the endocrine system will also have photos of different probabilities in which the endocrine system cound be effected throu the use and misuse of obscure plants and habitats. Thanks.

Chestnut. There are several types of chestnuts in horticulture. This post will focus on the Chestnut tree.

It's in the developed stages of chestnut use that
the word 'chestnut' becomes a favorite to identify
themselves. It is for this reason that most theorists
believe those southern citizens were Europeans.
With the simple useage of chestnut extract,
Americans could have been physically altered
until they resembled something of a long term user...
thereby replacing the southern land owners
it would have been easy to repel...something to
look for in future conflicts.
During the early American colonization,  natural medicine was the only form of treatment known, very little was used, or known, of the modern pharmaceutical blends with minerals that is used today. It was either plants bodies, roots, blossoms, and seeds that were mixed with other plants, etc.

Chestnut tree bark, leaves, and roots were the favorite. When mixed with opium, popular in pre-civil war, the drug would carry through the blood stream much easier. Problem was, the mixture darkened the skin to a chestnut color.

(edit photo for inset)

The personage called 'Paula' that has been detailed through 'Plutonium' is a good example of a chestnut.

The girl in the photo here is also a Paula, or for Endoctine, a chestnut.

Aliens On Us: Heart Shaped Wound

 Aliens On Us
Heart Shaped Wound
Summer 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

 Found on the left cheek, a small string of beads on a rope slowly surfaced leaving an embed mark of a heart. Discovered when dabbing the wound and after examining the area it appeared as either a ting tear drop or the vintage heart shaped tattoo.

Inside and near the bottom of the wound pit is another the heart. These type of tattoos were very common in the 1900's, though today the cartoon heart has replaced those earlier version. Little was known that those early tattooed hearts were occult darksided.

Today, the demons have gained an open door, and depictions of devil and demon hearts are the trend.

Vehicles: Hippi Mini Bus

Hippi Mini Bus
Summer 2015

These vehicles are famous. The earliest versions of today's SUV, this hippi van is still on the road.

Yellow is drugs, red is bodies, blue carries fineries, with pink hauling prostitution. Afew few notables are green: stolen landscaping, black: mafia leaders, and orange: yes, Ironman. The color list is the top all time for vehicles...hippi mini bus is the winner.

May 15, 2015

After Dog: Praying Mantis

After Dog
Praying Mantis
Summer 2015

 One of the few creatures thought to have special purposes on earth is the Praying Mantis. This insect comes out of a dead Goetia character called Botis.

A strong character, Botis likes to eat grass, and will spend hours doing so. But, he will not survive to become an After Dog member, or cluster, because he's not a dog. Like all the other non-dogs in the Lemegton, the Praying Mantis Botis will only give into the demon collection this insect of beauty.

Because if the Mantis' superb mantra, it is considered to have mystical properties and is preserved by the After Dog members as faithful, loving, and collected to God.

Vehicles: Silver is Pakuku

Silver is Pakuku
Summer 2015

 Silver steel is the color driven by a full member of a Pakuku temple.
Pakuku is believed to a demon that embeds itself into young girls. DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder)
is the medical term for the effects from severe sexual abuse to a young girl, aged 9-13.
The physical trauma mixed with religiuos chants forms a connection in the mind to alter the personality to prevent the sexual abuse from happening any further.

Two countries have the largest population of Pakuku temples, Italy and Spain. Though not legal in the USA efforts to establish temples in California has failed that state's senate several times.

May 13, 2015

Iconic: Japanese Mineral

Japanese Mineral
Summer 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

Just looking at this mineral I instantly says Japanese. With this mineral in the ground, all of the food, water, and oxygen is filtered through this trase mineral.

Definitions: Mandrake

Mandrake. Herb. A favorite of the Al Qaeda, this herb is used for surgical purposes. The name comes from the shape of the ant as well as the effects the plants has on humans...very little is detected in the blood stream and the mobility of the body is extremely low and painless to some degree. Mandrake is a favorite herb used in rapes for all of the above reasons. The single exception to Mandrake is that the human body awakens long before the mobility and blood stream clearance. Conscious but unable to move the eye lids, rapist never know they have been identified by the victim.

May 12, 2015

Vehicles: Blue Camaro

This car is run by a girl getter. He will pick her up and drop her off dead on  beach. So many girls on spring break died during the 70's that the auto industry stopped making any further models until the 1970's. Regretfully, the murders have started again, but this time along the coastal shores of Texas. The newer models of the Camaro are also beginning to be seen hauling around girls...it hasn't been decided if the new fancy model is a girl killer also.

Art a Fact: Naval Boarding Sword



Save This for Me : Homer Epic Poetry


Definitions: Sisterwolf

Sisterwolf. Al Qaeda. Same is Shewolf except for the location of the church, synagogue, or mosque, as well as, north, south, east or west. Primary, attempts to create a Greek third stage god or goddess through the use of dangerous herbs. If the victim fails to agree or cope with the herbal transformation into a Greek god or goddess then the Shewolf, here Sisterwolf, comes out to kill the already victim. Shewolf can sometimes be a 'trans two face' where the member looks both male and female. These are sent out to kill when more then one victim is together. Confusion on victim or fear on the part of the Shewolf isn't really known, but the closest bet is the fear factor as Eastern members are somewhat of a sissy.


Art a Fact: Venus at her Toilet

Artist are the prime target of the church...one wonders why.

Check out the Circe posts KAPB has published for the last year. Ouch!


Art a Fact: Women throughout History.

What's interesting here is that the women all look about the same. Why female have been portrayed this way is not quiet known, other then only three natural females are left alive inside of cannibal colonies...one blonde (Carley), one redhead (Angie), and one brunette (Karish).


Vehicles: Yellow Cars Hypersport

This yellow car was created for mobsters who want to follow an Ironman around, all the while, pretending to be a super star. Though not dangerous, they will run over up of a person if that person is trying to get the yellow car.

Vehicles: Yellow Cars

This model is used by persons who have connections with the black markets. They steal and sell goods from private homes and public offices walls, plaques, and ornamental shrubs, etc. Mainly Jews, this position is deeply coveted; therefore, this dealer should not be pampered with. Legal authorities train specialist to do this type of criminal because if the violence and the international court laws governing transportation of stolen artwork across and into other countries.

Vehicles: Black Car

This Black Mercury(?) is driven by dukes who help mafia leaders...not so much as a chief or don(na), but a lieutenant of sorts. Church refer to lieutenant as monsenior. Black is generally depicting disease, such as rodent, dog, and birds. All of which this dukes will eat as a food source.

Vehicles: Orange Car Supersport

Another Ironman car.
(other orange car posts have more information)