'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 3, 2015

Cross and Crescent, Hashassassin, Pt 2

Cross and Crescent, Pt. 2
Spring 2015
Norman, Oklahoma

In this section KAPB wants to draw a point the the Hashassassins. Most people have known the Hashassassins as Muslim hitmen for the Muslim kings in Iran and Iraq. Yes, they were hitmen. The History Channel video, The Crusades, The Cross and the Crescent illustrate also the the Christians were also a Muslim fraction at the time of the third crusade. A young king who tried to defend a very well developed kingdom hired a few men who later became known as the Hashassassin.

Deeply drugged on marijuana, these first hitmen tried to kill the Eastern famed Saladin, conqueror and messiah for the drug damaged Muslim and Jews who had suffered in the harems of villainous kings.

The images shown in this post are from the collections drawn during the third crusade campaign. They show a much more open monk who freely helps the Christians enter in and kill the populations of the Middle East from the hamlets of Edessa to Jerusalem...the crucifix is visible in the hands of a Hashassassin as he finishes the last totes of prayers before entering into battle.

Though the records are few, they do show and suggest cannibalism was used on both the adults and children of the smaller hamlets while the larger cities were burned, destroyed and redeveloped as Christian in the efforts to hide the mass extinction of the European nation history calls the Dark Age Inquisition.

The Crusades and the Inquisition's timeline are so close it's difficult to believe that not only were the Christians impaled, burnt and exiled, but they, 200 thousand plus traveled across informidable and traitorous territory with wives, children, seniors, and livestock.

Part 3 is the final section of this series.

King Louis is the famed monarch who's life, family, and wealth are the sole financial support for the third crusade.

Part 3...