'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 23, 2015

Definition: Medical Meme

Medical Meme
Summer 2015

Meme. Medical. Male/Female. Phallus/Vagina. Godworships. For here at KAPB 'Meme' is the word used for the activity the blood produces when it's exploded to air...many times the platelet appear active and able to communicate. With very small features, a Meme will blink, wink, smile or even hop. These activities are visible only under a microscrope unless the platelets are pulled to the surface throught the over use of drugs, alcohol, torture, herbs, STD, etc.. Venus, Apollo, and a few other gods were envoked using one or more of the ways, drugs..., that cause the 'Meme' to blink, etc.  With Venus, the worshiper would watch the 'Meme' at the vagina...the goddess legs were spread and pins stuck into her butt cheeks until the platelets moved. With Apollo, pins were used on the phallus until the platelets blinked, etc inside the phallus channel.