May 21, 2015

Iconic: Circe and Tamara

Circe and Tamara
Summer 2015

Circe is the favorite among the sorceress because she is able the only naturally born  female in the Converso movement.

In former post, the person called Tamara is generally a male transgender.

There is only a few stages in the Goetia Decarabia that will allow for a natural female to exist within sorcery, Tamara in 'Step' is one of them. But, this is not the female who lives in the palace, that one is a boy.

Just what the work difference in sorceress is isn't known yet, but it's only a matter of time before that information shows up.

The next few illustrations are of Tamara, either side, and Circe. KAPB will later add several photos of church apparel for more insight to this mysterious witch.

In the 'Endocrine' post of Tamara, she is shown as a person with tally, spotty skin. In the Ancient Aliens, cave temple illustrations show these guards as attendants to the master sorcerer. Likewise, they also have spotted skin...Tamara is likened to the spotted leopard, and some authors suggest a sexual encounter is recorded in the Holy Bible.

This illustration is to depict a Tamara and
the lifestyle she lives. Christine Ricci is not
the subject here. If thr reader interprets it
that way, they have missed the witch part
One reason Tamara is forbidden to have a cat as a pet. She normally has a dog, but reports say she will try to alter the dog into a cat when she becomes a master in herbal medicine. If she suceeds, she will be removed from the temple.

As all members of a royal court must show themselves in the stage of 'Cartoom', Circe (Tamara) must also. For Circe that step is called 'Cron'. The bible does tell of her during an episode of panic at King David's palace. Both she and Beersheba will run nude, and Circe (Tamara) will be holding something to cover the head, usually the fashionable type of equipment.

Again, the bible reads that during a panic and David's call for help several can running into either help save him, his household, or the palace. Each time the attendants had bloody noses. Circe in 'Cup' are these characters who run in to help David.