'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 3, 2015

Cross and Crescent, King Louis, Pt 3

Cross and Crescent, Pt 3
King Louis
Spring 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

King Louis was the sole financier of the third crusade. For the readers interest, there were 7 to 9 Christian Crusades. Again, Louis sponsored the 3td war on the Middle East around 1100 AD.

When the Vine` Goetia move themselves into the monarchy level of king, their hair begins to turn dark and spotted white. They have a ghostly color to their complexion such as in the image of the Vine`. Biblical books tell stories of these goats in the tales of the two sisters Rachel and Leigh...their father herded this brand of goats. Also, as posted before at Plutonium, the Vines` were used by Spartacus to ascend and descend Mount Vesuvius the volcano. Some historions say the story is about the gladiator rise and fall in the social world because the skin of person in Vine` mixed with hemp was found among lost artifacts and destroyed castles...Vines` are the premier castle builders in ancient history.
These hemp skin vines were used as decorations along walls and railings, yet there is no evidence that the Vines`put it there. It should be said that King Louis was made a Saint by the Catholic Church when violent disruptions developed into a riot...what the disturbance was about was never recorded but records do show the king and his wife were completely broke by the time the third crusade end as a total failure. The region was Muslim controlled until just after WW2. King Louis' fortune was never found.

Interestingly, is this resent publication of a magazine who's cover page is of the three main Vine` characters that the Church used in the Christian Crusades.

The Church having to pays trillions of dollars because of slavery indictments, one might think the fortune of Vine` is again on the block.

Hope that's not marijuana!
 (; ·) ...

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