'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 26, 2015

Art a Fact: Corbel on Spanish Catholic Church

Art a Fact
Corbel on Spanish Catholic Church
Summer 2015


The following illuatrations are deeply sexually graphic. Please be aware that the images content is extremely lude, and should be considered as porn.

KAPB has no possible way to link the images because they were found on a private blog at Tumblr.com. Thus, making it nearly impossible to make link returns in the future...simply, the blog stops uploads at a given level by the author and all images beyond can't be viewed at later dates.

Therefore, the images have not been covered in sensitive areas to permit ease in viewing...they will not be covered so they can be a part of the KAPB collection with the image content viewable. Sorry for the trouble, but again there is a WARNING! on the images that follow this statement.

 KAPB has written about the komsutra that the church has founded itself on. It's very important to understand every level of both the understanding in theuse of religious pornographic materials and the church's tolerance that lead to church, clergy, and worshipers deboucheries.
The church's pornographic tolerance is clearly demonstrated in nearly every Catholic Church on both hemispheres, while lesser denominations hide the pornographic materials in graphic reconstruction, digital imaging, and coverings such as clothe, festival florals, and children's toys.

The Vatican's Sistine Chapel and Saint Peter's Bacilla has every act of komsutra, with animals and children being the central focus of the artwork.

The Roman Church's with their other church ministries has stopped in being a outpost of salvation and stands as an outpost of deboucheries against societies for sometime now. They are dangerous, a threat to women and children, and the church should be reclassified as serial sex offenders...forgiveness is not the issue, it's a fault that can not be excused away with meaningless redertic that has changed nothing over the last 3000  years. The Christian Church (ciphers) must close!

One day the church will be only the dark shadow that looms over the graveyards of our past generations deserted of it's women and children that were stopped in life for the sake of salvation of the cannibal...and only the cannibal which is called, "The Church".