'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 7, 2015

Iconic: Eastern Mary and Purson Jesus

Eastern Mary and Purson Jesus
Summer 2015

KAPB loves posting about the infallibility of the church. There are more flaws in church history then any other study known in the world. Everything from homosexuality/transgenderism to demon and the Succubus Jesus.

During the Russian turn over from landlord and serfdom to Sovet Union with Lenin and the Stalinist industralism, Russia forced the Easter Church to make decisions about the artwork and the truth as to what it represented.

In the first image above, Mary and Jesus are in the classic gold leaf finish famous in religious artifact in Russian antiquity. The little known fact can be seen in the area of the mouth and chin...male!

The hands are called coalbit...a medium used in Russian art that was used to illustration the hatred for women by that secular Christian church. Very few women survived the church's occupation...it lasted for nearly 400 years. Russia will never root out the darkness of that transgender occult, but Russia can keep such falsehood in control, and the passing of this portrait to the Eastern in Syria sent Mary back home to there transgenderism is believed to have started.

In the second image, Jesus has a pot belly. Classic to carvings made to illustrated a Jesus in the Goetia character of Purson. He is the most favorite DID (disassociative identy disorder) among the church followers, or say Christ followers. Perhaps those in the Purson DID created a bais so that carvings, pictures, etc.  would have to resemble those a Purson, and, considering, church followers didn't really care for any other depiction images like the one posted here flooded the religious markets until only one image was known...Purson.
Should all the people say, "Amen".