June 29, 2015

Endocrine: Ceasar's Golden Age of Silver , pg 3

Ceasar's Golden Age of Silver, pg3
Summer 2015

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Finally, the Age of Silver, or gold as believed at KAPB, attempts to located the silver market than Ceasar might have create a precious metal market with.

As the Roman Empire was directly connected with the Greek temples that developed the Zoroastrian (Jewish) religion, it would be a correct determination that the House of Saul is the coduit in this Roman caper of greed and murder.

Because the Balkan (Central Arabia) people are the patriarchs of modern Greece (ancient King Phillip of Macedonia) combined with biblical House of Judah's Caleb (also Central Arabia), these two notable family linage can be understood as the Silk Road merchants from that region's historical past as no one was ever permitted to travel through without permission, and, including, search and secures!

During the Great Exploration of Egypt, as reported by Great Britian, Arabia was the capital of the silver market, yet Saudi Arabia doesn't have a silver mineral thread under it's land...at all! That highly suggests a trade market with someone that dates back to 15 BC. Most silver sample sold from Arabia indicate a Mediterranean origin.

The one family that has the greatest similarities to Julius Ceasar is that of the royal family in the House of Saud. Saud being a derivative of Saul its a good assumption that the two are inter related, and this is where the ancient silver made in Rome was sold.

Other than the simple fact that police reports, hospital records, and patrons of sporting arenas, gym training and excerise businesses, as well as, nearby merchants all say they are ingesting, inhaling, and finding traces of silver power on themselves. All told, around the world the silver is still very high on the stock market lists. Perhaps it's time to UIT (urine testing) for silver nitrate compounds.

America loves the Arabian Nights tales, desert wonders and camel rides. So easy for them to fall prey to today's Egyptian gang violence, and Gay Rights stories of desert bands of thieves and bandits, such as, Prince of Persia. American violence has risen with a international court need for slave reparation from nations who practice this human traffic as well as in the human silver markets. Time to UIT.

Servilla of the Junii. Ancient Roman matriarch. Greek Goddess of powders.