'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 4, 2015

Iconic: Saturnus, God of Public Sacrifice

Saturnus, God of Public Sacrifice
Spring 2015 Norman, Oklahoma

Inthe City of Norman, Oklahoma there have been several worshipers of the god Saturn. Saturn is the Roman god of revelers.
 There are several important issues about Saturn that attracts worshipers as the gifts of Saturn allow for faith-based initiatives such as transfering sins, or bad reputations, free power or mankind during religious observance, and human sacrifice to appease the inner sole...something like the crucifixion of Christ.
Saturn worshipers are allowed to transfer themselves from one sole to another on their highest holiday...if all is well and fortune riding with them, they may live as the other sole for throughout time. It is only on December 25th, the birthday and holiday of Sol Invictus, God of Warriors, that retaliation are permitted for the sake of revenge.
 The sun's rays are illustrated throughout religious artwork. Symbolic of the rays of the sun, they represent the Church, Converso, and God(s). Unique of the Saturn 'heh' is the Tau symbol...Hermetic Science.
Nice publication note only that sacrifices are a part of this pagan worship, while other press will say the sacrifice are of children...KAPB will add senior aged men and women. Formed around and attracted to ritual alters, these little imps have little part in the worship. Why they are wandering around burial sites shouldn't be difficult to understand.

Kronia, sometimes called Cronin, is the parent god to this devil. Kronia eats his own chikdren in retaliation for loss of fame. One form or another godlike personage developed during the rise of Greek mythology, and Kronia ended his problems when he devoured all but one, Zeus the god of all nations. Jesus Christ is patterned after Zeus, the temple coins and table parable is fashioned after the Saturnalia festival gambling, and sole switching/sacrifice is common to christ worships.

The interest of KAPB does not reflect the interest of any others. The illustrations are only to inform or enlighten viewers to this pagan worship the way KAPB believes is true. --Thanks