'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

February 27, 2014

"The Submarine'

'The Submarine':
Al Qaeda cluster of three : Anahita, Anunnaki, and Anaboosh, or the White, Red, and Black. 

Part 1 - FBI and the Goddess Anahita
Part 2The CIA and the god Anunnaki
Part 3Q and the god Anaboosh (Odin)

'The Submarine': CIA and the God Anunnaki

'The Submarine'
The CIA and the God Anunnaki
Oklahoma   Spring, 2024

  • Part 2: The CIA and the God Anunnaki (Buoosh)

Asking the same question that was put to the FBI, the Submarine dove in again when confronted with the next set of trespassers, all of which were in the CIA. A third group, International Query Intelligence, IQI or simply 'Q', was also discovered, but they sat back to let the CIA handle matters.

and continuing as they wait....

  • killed Senator Junel
  • killed Senator Homes
  • killed Senator Aberdeen

As the entire scene began to develop, it became apparent that the game of Russian Roulette was going to be the theme under which we all were going to be handled. Not many persons are aware of a few simple facts concerning this very dangerous game.

Russian Roulette

The gun game of Russian Roulette was first introduced just before the beginning of World War Two (WW2). Though the Russian nation never really published the nature of the game itself, it's nature did end up as a coined phrase into this day. Behind the true intention of madness brought on by a stream of madmen/madwomen, this dangerous game was equated to firing a bullet loaded pistol to your own head, spinning the bullet barrel and them pulling the trigger after the barrel stops spinning around. But, is this the real Russian Roulette, or how the situation (game) was handled in the WW2 news press releases? In Norman, Oklahoma the game is played a whole lot different.

The Lesser Keys of Solomon plays a very important role in the schism of Russian Roulette. The game, or manhunt fiction,  begins about at the time when a person is left alone and it appears they are without help or support of anyone else. Much like in the 1924 novel of, "The Hounds of Zaroff" (1924) is a short story by Richard Connel (WS, Wiki Summaries), Russian Roulette is also a manhunt, but the game is Goetia based. One person in the Goetia  is pursued by another who is not a demon. The game is a favorite of both the Greeks and Asians, and they play Russian Roulette the same way they played the game with the Russian nation after the first world war.. The Goetia demon travels from one of the seventy-two goetia characters while in flight, and the pursuer must know how to handle the demon when the 'in-flight' goetia stops at anyone demon character. Because this type of demonomania has a very nasty reputation, most pursuers will stop chasing the 'in-flight' simply because the chances of a dangerous demon appearing is very likely. Both the Greeks and Asians play this manhunt game, but the top two blends are Greco/Anso (features are more Greek) and the Anso/Greco (features are more Asian). They are also the long forgotten cluster of 'Yen and Yan'. This cluster is considered to be the ultimate in disguise, and is known also as another term used for 'transgenderism'.  The first to be noticed at KAPB was the Anso/Greco. The picture at DeMonda is one of a Greek/Anso, who is the second to arrive in 'The Submarine'.

Two weapons are the favorites was the Al Qaeda cluster of three : Anahita, Anunnaki, and Anaboosh, or the White, Red, and Black. Atom fracking and poison. Very small atom particles are noticeable when this triple A cluster enters into a home or business. Small particle lite down on the face and that aids the, here: Anunnaki trespassers. The particles will image and broadcast the  images to help the CIA to re-enforce their stand about whatever the CIA is trying to deliver to the viewing audiences. The second vessel used is poison. Most of which is dog food. Embedded in food chunks, such as Purina Pro or Chef Michael s, the bits are finely chopped up and added to chicken patties and nuggets. It will be noticed when they are present because a continual stomach ache is felt or your pet will up-chuck the bits. This kind of fracking is cancer causing such as is the electrical shocks to human soft tissues. Consider also the electrical flashing causes Glaucoma.

"Fortunately, after the long wait, making hash
 from this plant is a joy, with HUGE water
hash yields!! Dark green leaves with a hint of
red make these Cannabis Seeds an uplifting
strain that is best grown in a
Sea of Green. If grown properly, Annunaki will live
up to her name and produce an
ABOVE average yield!" 
Acquired from ancient Roman history, the accounts of the little known Queen Cartimandua is the only physical activity suggested between "Q' and the CIA. For those who are not info-ed in ancient world history, this queen may have been a spy for the Ancient Roman army--likewise her husband. Eastern Studies scholars say that between the two of them they contrived a way to dispose of the Celt tribe of the Catabolina. The husband of Queen Cartimandua over took the renegades and little is known past that point about the people other then the scholars wrote that the Romans ground up their flesh and serve it to the surrounding populations using the term of mixed meat, or the term Balogna as told by the Ancient Historian Plutarch.

Cartimandua Facts:
Known for: making peace with the Romans rather than rebel against their rule
Occupation: queen
Dates: about 47 - 69 CE
Also known as: "sleek pony" (About.com)

As more and more information is released in our system with a Freedom of Information Act, subjects of extra-terrestrials, aliens, and space encounters are used to enlighten the American public. The red complexioned Anunaki from the red planet Mars are slowly becoming another outer space story. Connected in some way with the Egyptian pyramids, their story in our space and time has yet to be known.

Perhaps the above information seems little in the average American lifestyle, but just what is the Al Qaeda using American legal agencies for? As personal who has to travel around the globe with scanty of any information about the barbarian colonies that might be encountered, our nation has supplied countries around-the-world with everything from war machines to pillow cases. Little did we know....

Hashish is the major component in the making of the Hasassissan, "The Marchosias will fellowship the Astaroth during the very early stage of that demon's development...Astaroth will work as a Hashshashin if they are introduced to hemp, which most are.  With law enforcement officers given the chose in the way of handling any under-cover assignment, generally most will chose to use Marijuana in some way as in many US state hemp is legal to use. " (The Submarine - FBI, Plutonium blogspot)

  • Part 1: The FBI and the Goddess Anahita
  • Part 3: The Submarine 'Q' and the god Anaboosh (Odin)

'Supplemental News' and 'Tracking Bruce': Republican: Women Are Baby 'Hosts' - The Daily Beast

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014

This news release was intended for the Plutonium 'Supplemental News' section, but ti also the the central reason for the 'Tracking Bruce' cluster of news link. KAPB believes that the murder of females and girls children is the main motivator in ritual crimes, and police websites that collect and publish links to public police work is a very good resource for tracking hate crimes. The link at this post is a very good example of what is the key reason why ritual sacrifices are very common.


Excuse me, but isn't a 'host' the name of the wafer given to christian followers when they are to "eat of the bread of life", as their priests say. The use of the 'sacrament' words is slowly becoming a cannibal expression towards the distaste of the American female population.

Bruce also called for this behavior to be preformed as the church cardinals felt it needed to be present in the collection which the christian churches were assembling in order to counter-maned the supreme court decision on church slavery. 

'Tracking Bruce': Drunk teen driver kills retired officer, injures cop wife

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


The Al Qaeda 'Bruce' ordered this attack hoping to get information about just how local and or state police officers would handle a situation like this...FBI hitting police officers with an automobile...there were other issue orders for different types of pedestrian, disabled, women, children, etc. Continuing... There were others talking in the room at the time but the best answers are the Greco/Anso mix who were conducting the so called survey. Bruce (Weatherford Oil Consultant) seemed very happy at this new issue or orders from Greece and I put the matter into an official file for further study. This Police One report is the first for an open online news that is connected to this possible spy operation.

The Bruce best fit is Anahita/Yazata, but this news report was released during the investigation on the CIA who are Anunnaki. Ancient AliensSeason 7 ...Red Planet gives a good explanation of the Anunnaki in relationship with today. 

February 21, 2014

The Submarine has been updated!

We hope the information at Plutonium serves you well.
Thanks for viewing! Update

February 20, 2014

'Tracking Bruce': Video: Man fatally shot after climbing into trooper's SUV

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


Norman, Ok was in an awareness about the number of familiars who were working around in the local stores. They also knew from images and links posted on blog that they were working with Fung. It was during this transition in the information flow that Bruce ordered his workers, etc to try getting into a police car, No concern on when or where, they were to just get into the car...but an arrest wouldn't count.

'The Submarine': FBI and the Goddess Anahita

'The Submarine'
FBI and the Goddess Anahita
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

  • Part 1: FBI and the Goddess Anahita (Agh)

Warning: The question used to retrieve answers from the FBI may offend some. The question may sound horrible, murderous, or threatening. Please stop here if you are offended by the suggestions of murder or the thoughts of blood.

The technique that was used to get this information is something uses only by persons who are authorized through both the USA and the UN (United Nations). Using the system called 'Coliber Neurology', an attempt was made in the hopes of retrieving any information that would lead to answers as to why the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) refuses to leave a crime scene in which members of their own legal agency was found to have participated in.  A warning has been posted above this note, and the reader should re-read that warning if the suggestions of murder or blood is offence as this Plutonium post is about to start.


After the post entitled The Cedars; Ptolemy and The Popes,  KAPB felt it was still necessary to find out why persons, legal agencies, and an assortments of other types of stalkers were persistent on continuing to trespass on to and into private property. The insanity level had reached it the maximum level, and law enforcement agencies were volunteering to go to the federal prison of Leavenworth. Wow! What in the hell happened!

*The question was, "What is the major one thing that you did that if you went out the door they would slit your throat?" The word 'you' meant the FBI personal and the word 'they' meant other FBI members or someone an FBI agent would be answerable to for leaving the area.

Though this list will continue onward past the ones listed below, this publication is done in the hopes that other stalkers, whether legal or not legal, will heed this information as a warning... KAPB is in this for the long haul.  Either leave the premises, seek a lawyer if needed, and stop the transmitting of criminal trespassing as allowable by the FBI/CIA, etc. or the consequences will be your own.

After this start of The Submarine. It may be advisable to ask your local FBI personal if they are collecting up females for use as religious conduits in both Iran and Israel. Books on religious conduits are beginning to arise in the Middle East has the internet greatly broadens the scope to the true nature of mankind...with it comes the enlightenment to other cultures both good and bad. God and goddess are also viewed in a different understanding, as well as, the persons who worship other gods.

 Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata
This is also the stage of 'Funnel' in the Goetia Astarof.
In the Funnel stage 
females believe they
are legal hashashin, thus in the USA an FBI agent. This image
 is of 
an FBI agent who would serve as a goddess of
water, sex, and order. They will look like men in later stage, but
the beauty turns ugly. Astarof and Asmodas are the
two primary goetia demon gods who live in
the country of Israel. 
Here is the beginning of the list, with no understanding as to the last person on it: in brackets is the phrase used as the start up each individual FBI personal aquised the KAPB personal of. the two word after the dash (-) is what that agent replied after hearing the question listed at
the above asterisk *.

  • (starter) - killed Cassie
  • (casino owner) - killed Morne
  • (owes money) - killed Jeff
  • (prostitution) - killed June
  • (I'm a Jew) - killed Joelis
  • (good luck) - killed Jason
  • (woman hater) - killed boop
  • (lies) - killed Junebe
  • (fake it) - killed Johna
  • (got any food) - killed Joea

and continuing as they mount up....

The Following Day: After an entry that suggests the FBI may very well be the goddess Yahata, it comes as no surprise that a gang-warfare type of a trespass would be the ultimate result. Three countries entered at KAPB and began to taunt personal, and those foreigner were Korea, United Kingdom, and Israel. As the day continued on, it was found that they are not members in the submarine, but goddess creators who came to snatch away any chance of a goodly salvation.

It was felt necessary to cover the genitals in this
illustration because of sex offenders who prowl
during publication such as this. And, the possibility
of a  future censorship because of the A-sexual type
of anti-social behaviors. - KPAB
It wasn't any surprise that the U.K. has a god-like personality. That country was formed through the catha-licks who use the herb cardamom. The Catha virus comes from the ingestion of human child blood and organs. Long-term transgenderism was introduced during the Roman invasion of the Isle of Britannia (Great Britain). Israel, also derived by a Roman occupation, would also have hidden faults that stem from that Marchosias nation. The Marchosias will fellowship the Astaroth during the very early stage of that demon's development...Astaroth will work as a Hashshashin if they are introduced to hemp, which most are.  With law enforcement officers given the chose in the way of handling any under-cover assignment, generally most will chose to use Marijuana in some way as in many US state hemp is legal to use. But the combination of demonomania and hemp does lead to Hashshashin behaviors. Korea, a Greek satellite country, would be the third nation in this list, even though, Korea was the first to start the criminal harassment at KAPB. Korea being a satellite nation, like most Asian nation, they also would have a somewhat different idea of what this goddess would look like.

All-in-all, each of these foreigners have been found  soliciting females in law enforcement to become a part of the federal level in U.S. police work. Likewise, the new recruits are generally solicited to work within hemp assignments and pursue Astaroth as a means to obtain the highest level in an illegal hemp operation. Hemp and Astaroth and hemp lead to Hashshashin--Hashshashin leads to FBI--FBI leads to Vatican, who then distributes the females around to the varies countries that like the look of Anahita/ Yazata (Yehweh, Asherah).

and continuing as they wait....

  • (?)
  • (?)
  • (etc)

  • Part 2: CIA and the god Anaunaki
  • Part 3: The Submarine 'Q' and the god Anaboosh (Odin)

Images are from a Google search.

February 19, 2014

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes

The Cedars Apartments became the center of attraction when the area became known as a ritual murder site. It was discovered that many middle school children, along with their parents and siblings, were either killed or forced into a ritual prostitution mecca.  After many legal rounds in the City of Norman, Oklahoma concerning the pagan ritualism, the true culprits began to emerge. The two links below are, with the grace of God, the last two deeply involved characters in what happened at ritualistic murders that has become to be known as, 'The Cedars'. 

Regretfully, in the early fall of 2014 the God felt hopes were dashed as the Taliban became the central focus at the scene of the crime.

Part One: Ptolemy
Part Two: The Popes

Following, will be the entries of KAPB's,  'The Submarine'.

Thanks for Viewing...

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes

'The Cedars'
Ptolemy and the Popes
Oklahoma   February, 2014

Part 2: The Popes

Plutonium has done several posts on the 'Fung'. As a refresher, Fung is a cultural word that persons with typhoid like to use. The disease typhoid comes from the improper handling of waste materials like, feces, garbage, and caucus of dead humans and animals. Understanding the nature of typhoid Fung became an serious part of this blog as Fung played an important role here at Plutonium and the word 'Satan' in connection with the word Fung grabbed some attention when members of law enforcement switched onto a stage of goetia that caused them to become an easy passage for the Fung to use against communities. Familiars is the religious term used in the black magic or better called sorcery.

The second part of The Cedars is entitled, 'The Popes'. The reason being is that the Popes were once again discovered by KAPB in the apartments and business of KAPB members. After the Popes, there was no other enclave resulting in a two member Al Qaeda fraction. 'The Popes' had a few resources, but it's hoped that all have been found, or, otherwise, most of them will be listed.

Plutonium noticed that three different personalities were giving audience at Kara's apartment in the Cedars. Much after her move-in in 2011, she discovered that a few murders had taken place that involved middle-school children as well as some of the parents and siblings. Following these confessions, 'The Cedars' apartments began to hop in excitement with the thrill of the murders, and this is about when this blog was started.
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) introduced the Popes and the threat of infection became the threat by the church to get things into control. 
  • The Andrealphus goetia followed and characters also formed a party of gypsies who stood guard along with members of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
  • Tamara was introduced as the leading FBI person. She also has a reference in Plutonium. Representing herself as a possible family member, she likewise stood guard as a leading informant.
  • The Vandals started to cause spills, tipping over cups. bumping things around, etc, The Vandals were the barbarian group of which the Catholic bishops and Popes sold, or gave, the city of Ancient Rome to. Vandals are Aryan Christian, best known today as the Protestant church. Today the Catholic Church is classified as Protestant.
  • As the Vandals acquired more and more Ancient Roman territory, they developed a system for a 'spy-base' of soldiers for the church. That system is still in place as they indicated that 'The Cedars' would serve as the spy unit while their church business was going on. Booty was the reward and the subject of 'salvation' was also a part of the initial set-up.
  • Then the country of Belgium was heard in the immediate area. They were called into attention when the activity was reported by the Oklahoma authorities.
  • The incest members of the church, such as, Greece, USA, and Israel were pulled into attention. They played little part or they were simply not heard from much From here a series of persons where added to the cluster of characters: Red Rose Dilum, Marchosias in Balloon, Savages (Providence Hospital fits best here), Empathy (Al Qaeda cell), Beggars or Beggary (software application), the Insane, Hobo, Anso who torture, Al Qaeda 'Mustache of Blood', the Thieves of Baghdad.  
Things changed at this point. The goetia character called 'Pic' was introduced. For those who don't know what are Pics, they are mainly Scottish member of the church. They were famous during the Roman occupation of Britain, and the Pics were able to run the Roman soldiers back to southern England. Here the Pics were introduced in with the Popes as the Superman who wears or carries the huge S icon but behind it is a church block-type holy cross.

Then Prostitutes began to flood through the doors. Every kind, shape, and gender, both cross and new, were represented. the best find was a senior secretary who was employed by Senator Charles Randel of New York. Randel is the Chairman for House Ways and Means Committee. This committee handles DHHS (Health and Human Services), Welfare, Low-Income Housing, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, etc. She says she was a part of a political coo that up-seated Collin Powell, the former US Surgeon General.
She currently is vying for tht same position with the assistance of the church.

Then the Wezer were introduced. Wezer, if recalled, are adult Knight Templar. With them were the goetia Naberous. Naberous is known for an ability to talk about just anything. In a delusional state, a Naberous will act out authoritatively and most times convince others they are hearing the information from a professional. When they too were confronted, the Harems were unleashed. Harems were discovered to be throughout the following episodes after they were introduced at this point. Investment in Anso (Asian) owned casinos became the financial interest when money was needed to continue with a possible FBI take-over of 'The Cedars'. Little was heard from the Anso casinos after this point.

Again the country of Belgium was called, and they began to fully enter into the fray when the mega-frame computer application was started. The program is entitled, 'Return Call'. This program is designed to return whatever an assailant is targeting at victims. thereby, shocked to the nipples were fired back at the shooter, and so forth.

For several days this was the activity. 'Return Call' was handling the assaults and slowly the FBI were the only members of the controversial gathering to still be able to fully communicate. Confessing receiving money from the Christian Church assemblies, the FBI (stage of 'On-Dough') began to confess their sins, or so to say. The information was submitted to the proper authorities.

Again the continual flow of one member after another  started the fixed routine and little else has happened. It is here that KAPB felt all information had been gathered and waited several days before post this second part of 'The Cedars'.

'Tracking Bruce': Thinking it through: Scientists seek to unlock mysteries of the brain -- ScienceDaily

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


Pioneering researchers work to uncover the circuitry of human cognition, identify the genetic roots of disease, unlock the power of Big Data for diagnosis, build a new generation of computing hardware inspired by the brain, and perform revolutionary experiments on a realistic model of the brain.

Within the areas in which the Goetia was discussed, Bruce formed a clinical group at the OU Behavorial hospital...in the hopes of creating an interest to redirect the Goetia to a better place other then the exposure that told place at the cedars apartments. 'Big Data' was the password he used.

'Tracking Bruce': Meera, Priyanka and Parineeti: The Chopra war continues - Emirates 24/7

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


'Gunday'.  Started here in Norman, Oklahoma by the darker headed Pussy Cat Riot member who was jailed in Russia and released in 2014. This member is currently employed at McDonald's Restaurant 12th and Alameda, Norman, OK . He is working as a line chief. His partner and other 'Riot' member is the blonde headed day manager.

'Tracking Bruce': 'Kasargod gang': Gold smugglers with a bag of innovative tricks - The Times of India

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014

HYDERABAD: 'Kasargod gang' is the new buzzword at major international airports in the country. Reason: Gangs from Kasargod, Kerala, have been storming the country's airports with their innovative bullion smuggling skills. In the past one week, customs officials at the Rajiv Gandhi International (RGI) Airport in Hyderabad nabbed two smugglers from Kasargod, who arrived here from Dubai with the yellow metal deftly concealed in their baggage. On February 10, the customs sleuths intercepted Abdul Rahiman, who arrived from Dubai on an Emirates flight. When his trolley bag was scanned, bright wires were visible in its lining. On closer examination, customs officials were shocked to find that the wires were not made of iron, but gold coated with aluminium. The weight of the gold was 400 grams and its value was pegged at Rs 12 lakh.

Absolutely, Bruce did this! The article is all most word for word. Bruce's connection in that part of the world is Dubai. The connection is Weatherford Oil consultants who are now believed to be in the hands of the US FBI who is playing the roles of field techs, such as field diagnosis for possible crude oil in the state of Oklahoma. The Dubai connection varies from role to role including females such as Katy, one of the major players in the chase at Plutonium.

'Tracking Bruce': Video: Oakland sideshow crowd fire guns, throw bottles at police

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


Juneau, Alaska
the use of slideshow action was introduced by the FBI after reports of the use of a Christmas puppeteer that rolled around while the beads and gold and silver threads tossed about as the puppeteer jerked in the rotation of a complete circle. In jest a semi-video was made placing a cigar in the hand of the puppet with the puppet dragging the lit cigar around the clothing of person who were stalking Kara Aghijlar. Later the cigar was moved to make a round burn mark on the arm of a stalker, which is about there the mini-video completes.

As the mini-video became more famous, which it is still used, more agencies became involved. As the FBI was an intricate part in Juneau, AK, they as well made a retaliation mini-video to the one created for and by Kara Aghijlar. Either rumors or the other mini-videos (FBI statements) caused a round of affirmative actions, the end result is this type of introductions to crime stories. 

The stalkers in Juneau, AK were later identified as the same religious converso cluster of Muslim.Jew Christians.

'Tracking Bruce': Video: Wis. man walks into station, spits on officer

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


Juneau, Alaska
After a police report was made about a possible murder at the local homeless shelter, several attempts were made to re-write the report of that crime. On one such attempt (Bruce via Jesuits/ Israeli Jews) the offering of spitting in the police station as if to cover up who reported the murder of a US Muslim girl who worked in Christian homeless shelters. The Juneau police again heard of this murder through the reporting of this maneuver.  Juneau, AK is the largest gold producing legion in the United States. 

'Tracking Bruce': Video: Dash cam captures near-collision with cruiser at crash scene

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


Members in Bruce took money from TV producers who are looking for ways to not only bust audiences but at the same time to deflect negative behavior towards the way most TV reality shows are made today.
Housewives of New Jersey, LA, and Atlanta have all offered money to Bruce(Christian cartels[cardinals/monseniers]) hoping to heighten the realism as well as to establish a fraction or cell for any minor Al Qaeda cluster that might be able to get a foot hold in smaller communities.
KAPB has a list of these types of cluster and possible goetia members.

February 18, 2014

'Tracking Bruce'

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014

Tracking Bruce - the Al Qaeda fraction

News Clip: After months of aggression, KAPB has finally located the Al Qaeda Bruce .... Cop Shop!

  • Off-duty cop suspended after pursuing robbery suspect - link
  • Ill. officer brawls with suspect at gas station - link
  • Okla. cop narrowly avoids careening car - link
  • LAPD motorcycle officer critical after crash - link
  • Police: Crowd tramples security guard at Miami music festival - link
  • NY officer killed in shooting - link
  • Texas officers save driver from burning vehicle - link
  • Fla. man high on Xanax fires shotgun at cruiser, arrested - link
  • Okla. police arrest dispatcher for smoking pot on the job - link
  • Republican: Women Are Baby 'Hosts' - link
  • Drunk teen driver kills retired officer, injures cop wife - link
  • Man fatally shot after climbing into trooper's SUV - link
  • Thinking it through: Scientists seek to unlock mysteries of the brain - link
  • Meera, Priyanka and Parineeti: The Chopra war continues - Emirates 24/7 - link
  • 'Kasargod gang': Gold smugglers with a bag of innovative tricks - link
  • Oakland sideshow crowd fire guns, throw bottles at police - link
  • Wis. man walks into station, spits on officer - link
  • Dash cam captures near-collision with cruiser at crash scene - link
  • Police Taser And Beat Innocent Deaf Man Until He's Unconscious - link
  • Teen in banana suit cited for carrying AK-47 - link
  • Brutal killing of teenage girl tied to suspects' satanic ritual - link

After the completion of a series of share reports at PoliceOne.com, it became a matter of finding a place to continue to collect news clips of brutal, and etc press releases that evolved from KAPB while trying to clear off the trespassers who flow through the KAPB doors. KAPB will make a separate link that will have whatever notation, short summary and the link to the press release. With the huge volume of informant working within law enforcement, KAPB gives PoliceOne a thumbs up for the effort they put in with their help on the severity of trained legals and the rampant growth of demonomania.

Thanks for Viewing!

'Tracking Bruce' - Police Taser And Beat Innocent Deaf Man Until He's Unconscious

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


This started because of the newest eye implants that allow the vision disabled to see in a greater volume. The stalkers who were sent out to assault a blind woman told the female to relate any information to the Bruce of she would suffer evil consequence. The message to her was simply tell them first or she would be put into a position to work as a 'whore'.

February 15, 2014

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes: Ptolemy

'The Cedars'
Ptolemy and the Popes
Oklahoma   January, 2014

Part 1: Ptolemy

Ptolemy is the least known in ancient history, but the  Greek General who served under the rule of Alexander the Great is perhaps Alexander himself. Little is known about either of the two, so it seems to serve as a good focus point when talking about that time in history. All the same, Ptolemy came into focus here at KAPB soon after the last post in the McD entries. The similarities between the two, Ptolemy and Alexander seemed to fit the rumors of a duel personality to the Ruler and the General that here too we believe that the famous ruler and his general are one and the same just classified by temperament rather then separate individuals.

Choosing illustrations to best make Ptolemy more visible, the activities are listed with some information of the character he may be.

For some reason it became
a part of art to color his
hair as red as seen in
this sculpture.
Ptolemy made his connection through an Asian restaurant that was located next to a merchant who sells small items that cost only a dollar each. Why that location was chosen is not known, but it is believed that a different area other then the 'free grid'* might have been what made the final decision by this Al Qaeda fraction. Including the strength of the dollar merchant who is home based in the state of Virginia, USA.

Notice that the artist
has one finger either
pointing up ward of
away from the other
fingers. A sure sign
that Ptolemy is a
Thomas in Cimijes.
Very soon it became noticeable that transgenders who were in a posse party with prostitutes were going to be the stalkers along with Ptolemy. All of them seemed to be working for an Anso named 'Aristotle'.  Aristotle is believed to be another AQ fraction that former President Bush listed as a criminal organization who was involved in the 9/11 bombing of the World Trade Towers, USA.

Using assault and battery to gain control, the demagogue Andrealphus (Ptolemy) takes steps towards the situation they are trying to subdue; or, so to say, 'obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace' (Answers.Yahoo). This red-headed mongol is soon noticed to be more of a house boy then a fierce Greco general and Egyptian god Orpheus.  With a favoirite name of 'John', Ptolemy will stylized that name to fit the need...such as, John Carpenter for a Jesus movement or John Weaver for stealing from a seamstress.

With a structured hierarchy colony of followers, it is evident that every position to the apex must be filled by either a Marax or an Andrealphus. The participants, or followers, are mainly from the Anso (Asian) groups found inside the Goetia characteristics. The Alexander personalities are best seen when Ptolemy is working on a position such as the 'Weaver'. Upon a completion, Ptolemy will return to the Andrealphus character.

Ptolemy looks like this.
Using the human urethra, the fluid made to create the yellow color in urine is used to literally broadcast radio waves to small-based stations that are normally located near the home or business of the person this Al Qaeda fraction is stalking. It is necessary to send a charge to the human body area, thus, giving a small electrical shock to the urethra entrance. A cold compress will usually stop the electrical shock, but  the stalkers will force the shocking to travel back to the bowel opening. It is from these areas that Ptolemy will cast votes. or somethings, to the followers of the now Apollo church of worshipers located at the toilet with an Andrealphus priest of this newly formed occult worship to preside over the 'tioletiers'. If the cold compress is used to subdue the broadcast, it can be expected that assault and battery insults will follow.
His feminine nature.
See the red hair. Even
in female his is pic-
tures as such.

Ptolemy likes to rape...perhaps the use of the herbal weed called Ambrosia is the cause. This weed when smoked, steam vapor, or drank will cause the contraction of the testicles and ovaries making the release of semen all most impossible. Thus, creating a similar state as in transgenderism and the loss of genitals through a surgical procedure.

Ptolemy are idiots. They vandalize, dictate orders without any limits, their pedophiles, wasteful and normally the 'retarded' in Nazi organizations. In the hierarchy of the upper church, he is of the lowest order , or referred to as a 'Pleb'. The Popes, of which there are three, like to use Ptolemy because of these characteristics, as when confronted Ptolemy is simply 'go to war' rather then to find other way to get control of a situation.

The use of the weed Ambrosia has mind-altering effects that can eat away at the flesh transforming the human head onto a bead of the plant itself. Greek colonies dedicated to the Greek god Dionysus, the better known Beelzebub of early American folk lore were the result of the use of the weed Ambrosia.

The Popes is where Ptolemy went when KAPB forced a confrontation with the Ptolemy Al Qaeda fraction.

 If you are unfamiliar with the free grid it works like this. Dial your own iPhone number into your own iPhone. You should get a different tone much like a pager or fax signal. After a while the noise should clear and the line go blank. At that point you should here somebody talking. You can talk back to them if you wish to. If you don;t want them to hear you simply press the mute button.

February 14, 2014

'Micky D's'

'Micky D's'  
McDonald's Restaurant 
Compiled from late 2013 through January 2014

As the 'Modern Day Goetia Kings' (MDGK) came to a close, it became evident that KAPB had reached the end of where those characters had themselves stuck inside of our stratus-sphere grid*.  

Following after the Modern Day Kings, KAPB went to the free grid just above the stratus-sphere to who was chatting in the Cedars Apartments. If you are unfamiliar with the free grid it works like this. Dial your own iPhone number into your own iPhone. You should get a different tone much like a pager or fax signal. After a while the noise should clear and the line go blank. At that point you should here somebody talking. You can talk back to them if you wish to. If you don;t want them to hear you simply press the mute button.

Because the management and staff at the local McDonald's Restaurant were continually interfering with the MDGK chat conversations, it was felt that KAPB had to 'jump ship' and head on over to a new grid pillar, up there. The possibility to find out as to what was the great attention getter for the Micky D staff to travel back and forth between the earth bound restaurant and heavenly wiki portal. Their continual interruptions clued Plutonium to another series to rat on them about. The below links is the result of the KAPB inquiry.

#1  Anso Necropolis: Death Ribbons with Kama Sutra .... link
#2  Gaudie Gaia and the Graeae Sisters .... link
#3  The Three Children from the Parent Greece: Titan, Olympian and Spartan .... link
#4  The FBI Counter-part: The Muses: Loren, Lin, and Less .... link
#5  Lindel, Spyke, and Pong .... link
#6  Alexander, The Wonder Woman .... link

'Tracking Bruce': Teen in banana suit cited for carrying AK-47

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


When the online ad about the banana and weight lose was continually shown, the fact that the pro Muslim religious activist made press when the advertisement was suggested as being sexual aggressive. Most people in the USA don't know that social media such as Facebook originates from prostitution in Iran where Facebook is the number one site for sexual partnering.  It is believed that the Converso Christians dreamed up this stunt to create a different environment as the related humor towards the banana commercial had all but left the public scene: therefore, this stunt should be considered to be a 'further step' in espionage while using a social media outlook.

'Tracking Bruce': Brutal killing of teenage girl tied to suspects' satanic ritual - Houston Chronicle

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014

(After the completion of a series of share reports at PoliceOne.com, it became a matter of finding a place to continue to collect news clips of brutal, and etc press releases that evolved from KAPB while trying to clear off the trespassers who flow through the KAPB doors. KAPB will make a separate link that will have whatever notation, short summary and the link to the press release. With the huge volume of informant working within law enforcement, KAPB gives PoliceOne a thumbs up for the effort they put in with their help on the severity of trained legals and the ramp
growth of demonomania.) 


Though there is no clear understanding of who was being instructed, One of the Bruce's made a suggestion that is closely connected to the murder. Because KAPB was heavily pursuing the felons at a murder scene, the issue of satanic ritual was in the center of attraction. With the Christian church as a forerunner to the possible crimes, the Fung (Satan, ref) made the arrangements to carry out a ritual murder in the hopes to stop any further investigation at the Oklahoma crime scene. Because this investigation is closely controlled, it is known that the murdered child and the murdering teens would have had to have been a part of a gang related to the Christian church in some way. KAPB is sorry for the death of the girl--doesn't surprise us that it would be the girl who is murdered--but KAPB doesn't feel responsible for the murder crime that was committed.

Note: boy pictured is a Cimijes (Blue Boy coming out). The murdered girl was seen imaged in the YouTube video make by Wolvoman80, demon possession during the clip of of the India female and a camera crew, and the china scene of her sitting in the corner of a room, etc.

February 13, 2014

Supplemental - Why cutting off the tail off someone's horse used to be a huge insult

Supplemental - Rare ancient Greek statue found near Gaza | Art & Culture | Worldbulletin News


This statute is most likely from the era in which the disciple Paul was canonized as a true follower to the Greco/Roman one God concepts of the mid-ancient religious era.  The biblical Paul strove for Roman neutrality with multi-worships and the fact that he believed his position within the religious communities was the adaption by any means, it is little wonder the Greeks and Romans would have dedicated the Apollo worship to the likeness of the Disciple Paul. Also, Paul was one of a few who taught religion in the country of Greece, but Paul was also the only Christian worshiper who was allowed to teach in the Greek Apostolistic amphitheaters. The word Apostle itself is derived from the word 'Apollo', and it was during the time of Paul's speeches that the word came into popular use. Therefore, it should be considered that an Apostle from that era in Christian development would be a dedication to the god Apollo rather then to any other one god worship. Whether of not the same is true today is unknown, but scholars agree that the Apollo worships of today still call teachers and disciple of Apollonian theories as 'an Apostle'. 

Supplemental - Unani Medicine - What Should I Know About It?

Supplemental - Should Europe grow hemp crops for cooking oil? | Futurity

February 7, 2014

'Micky D's': Alexander, The Wonder Woman

'Micky D's'
Alexander, The Wonder Woman
Oklahoma   Winter, 2014

Wonder Woman
There are a few accounts of the person Alexander, KAPB is no different. Within the eastern studies, Alexander is perhaps the Dark Lord who continually pushes humanity towards the Apocalypse, the great war from the heavens. This Anglo-French, late Latin, and Greek word (Merriam-Webster) is said to be the Jewish/Christian mythological and mystical cosmic ending to the world environments...with Alexander (Goetia: Alloces) as the ruler (leader demon) who has deceived the world through human trickeries, sorcery, and guile...but, Alexander (Alloces) is also Wonder Woman.

As this is the last McD post--who'd go past Wonder Woman--so, there is no reason not to put all the cards on the table.

 A female gigolo, Alex, in Oklahoma, uses the personalities of Alexander Warden, Alexander Newton, and Alexander Petrolli. Warden works in congress, Newton teaches school, both high school and college, and Petrolli is considered to be a spy, of course, from Italy. All three, in some way, teach history preferably ancient history.

Wonder Woman
Generally it's Newton in this Al Qaeda (AQ) fraction that makes the aggressive advances on homes and businesses. Using type-type sounds...type-type meaning: a human sound (sneezing, coughing, snoring,etc) is duplicated by Alexander (here forward called Alex) with a similar but more comic sounding to the quality of the sound. Again, using the type-type sounds, Newton will aggressively advance onto a person that he wants out of the way. Repeating the sound-for-sound action, Alex will move directly onto the victim's body for the kill.

It is also felt that Alex may have been the group that started the human nipple shocking. The way in which the KAPB business location and situation was used, there is really good reasons to believe Alex AQ may have played a part in Anchorage, Alaska with the small Korean family owned motel run by John Ewing and family. Alex prefers Asian to any other nationality, therefore, there is not reason to discredit the possibility that he, Alaska, and the nipple shocking incident as being interconnected.

Something that was also noticed was the voice of Alex has the same sound as the actor Colin Farrell. Farrell played the role of Alexander in the 2007 Alexander the Great version entitled Alexander Revisited. The actor himself was not seen nor heard during this entire recording of the Alex AQ at McDonald's restaurant in Norman, Oklahoma.

Alexander, The Great
After some filtering of information, it was discovered that the majority of the Alex persons were in or from the State of Florida; therefore, the consensus is that Alex is running that US state. Most religions are aware that southern Florida has become the attraction mecca for religious theme parks. Insomuch, Alex AQ has gathered a few followers with side-attractions such as Thermopylae, Athens Oracle, and Israel's Persian King that can be seen at Holyland Experience, Holy Land Church of God, and Hallowed Earth by Alexander the Great. The fascination being that Alexander the Great is that he was ushered in by high priest of Jerusalem during Alexander's conquests of the Middle East. Delivered to the Zoroastrian (Astaroph) populaces, Alexander the Great was to be King of Israel due to the ancient biblical Jewish records indicted that a powerful king would come to rule them. The Astaroph loving the Alloces, Alexander the Great became the king...Eastern Studies teach that Zoroastrians/Jews dislike the word Alexander so the name became King David. Thousands of Wonder Woman images are scattered around modern day Israel as statues of David the King.

 Leigh is best known as Leonidas (Spartan)
This image is what he would look like
as a female. 
Alex also likes to use the gang called 'Left Hand'. More of a religious order then street gang, Left Hand is located throughout the US eastern coast. The inner motto is not to allow the right hand to see what the left hand is doing, biblical. Sometimes neurologist will call the left and right side of the brain as 'hand' when neuro doctors are working in proto-dynamics, something like demonomania that physiologist work with. This connection would serve to say that Alex may very well be a Dark Lord; or, collection of Dark beings such as with plantations, but the workers are the dark Goetia. Because Alex tends to be somewhat of a house nig_er, the belief that the plantation is perhaps the style used to home this AQ fraction. Alex, as the plantation worker, is mentioned in the novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. He is the person the Scarlett O'Hara continually chased away from the back door with the note that he was to remain in the fields because he isn't able to get along with the house staff.

Alex uses the upper outside virginal area
to hold pubic fibers. The V and inverted
V are a part of this implant.
Alex likes the worker Clep. Using the Clep prostitutes as field workers, Alex doesn't get very far before the prostitutes refuse to do the deeds to which they were hired to do: loot, steal, kill. It's at this point that the disciple Thomas (Space Station) is introduced. Because KAPB had already identified that Al Qaeda SS Christian group fraction, Thomas said very little and left the area as soon it was possible. Something notice here was that the situation at KAPB became very violent and the issue of 'work' or 'working' spearheaded the action. Just where or what happened wasn't recorded, but both the verbal and physical assaults became increasingly violent. Perhaps there was an attempt to re-introduce Spyke...don't know though.

Due to the break-down in the Alex movements, several things followed within a few days: First, Alex (Alexander) made himself known as being a newspaper reporter. He then called upon for the assistance of church pastors. The Mormon (LDS) leader was identified as an 'Avidiacus', likened to the co-ruler, and adopted step brother of Germanicus of ancient Rome. The last action attempted was the introduction of transgenderism as a personal threat to the Alex AQ group.  It was at about this level that Alexander AQ (Al Qaeda) was noticed to be the Alloces Wonder Woman.

Though not in the mix with the other three, Alexander George had been found to be sitting quietly in the background. It was just after the Alex group left the area that it was noticed the computer program they use had not fully retired; thus, George was discovered and identified as being left behind to be the incognito, or to say, 'to hold the fort'.

Table. 6 (a collection of words used by covert Al Qaeda that are associated with McDonald's Corp. in Norman, Oklahoma)
Warden ____ Newton ___ Petrolli (Alexander) (#6)
Lindel _____ Spyke _____ Pong (Constellations)(#5)
Loren ______ Lin _______ Less (Muse) (#4)
Titan  ______ Olympian ____ Spartan (Greek) (#3)
Ocean ______ Sky ______ Earth (Graeae Sisters) (#2)
Coon _______ Blipz _____  Mish  >>> to victim (if no victim found, the cycle returns to Coon).
Anso _______ Grec ______ Franc
Asian _______Greek _____ French (#1)

#6 McDonald's Restaurant
KAPB believes it's time to check around the 
home front to see what the office personal has gathered. 
The next few posts will be about 'what we got in tow'.
Thanks for Viewing!

February 4, 2014

'Micky D's': Lindel, Spyke, and Pong

'Micky D's'
Lindel, Spyke, and Pong
Oklahoma   Winter, 2014

These two men look very much like a Lindel agent would
appear. These pictures should be considered as
identity images only.
This Asmodus (Goetia) group is not very well known. Consisting mainly of Jews who have left the trodden path. Adding themselves in among pirates, Lindel seems to be the leader, even though Pong is the stand out character who demonstrates a pirate's way of life. Spyke is the warrior. Once Lindel leaves the scene, which is pretty quick, Spyke will declare a war and begin to shot the hell out of people. This gang should be considered to be  very 'violent'. Again, this gang is very violent!

This is a Pong. Cantonese Pirate
Ching Shih
With the right return of action, Spyke will surrender. In this case, knowing who Spyke was (aka: Jolie), Spyke's whereabouts, and a clear understanding of the possibility to make both her location and identity, via, Google Map Print screen, publicly known (online blog) she will most likely stop the aggressive actions. Neither Pong, the Asian partner, and most likely JuJuBee, never entered the action, but remained silent and stayed in the background...Lindel had left the scene altogether, and no clear identity is known as to who Lindel is other then the Mexican detective agency who was recently in the news. That agency was mentioned in connection with an arrest of an FBI agent who is accused of dealing drugs in Mexico. But it is understood that the Lindel who trespassed at KAPB was a Marax (Goetia) who was connected with the Mexican Knight Templar.

With the three combined, they sometimes refer to themselves as Capircornus, a Mexican Al Qaeda fraction that has only recently been added to the developments of gang warfare here is the USA. Constellation of Words, an online website details different constellations. With that site, Capricorn is considered a pirate star cluster that "represents the Winter Solstice (December 21st or 22nd)"...Capricornus.

It can not be stressed enough, THIS GANG IS VERY VIOLENT!

The Marvel Comic Spyke is the best for illustrations of Spyke and his friends. The image to the right is one of Marrow (Sarah) and also a very good likeness of a Neva, a French extraction who blended with the Lombard barbarians during the settlements of Western Europe. The Lombard were conquered by the Christian Aryan Vandals who later subdued the western Christian church and became the Roman Catholic's monarchy sole ruler and owner the result of those crusades.

Following the Fourth McD post  (FBI...), it seems likely that the USA also has a Lindel Agency and FBI connection. The two of them certainly do here. Whatever the reason for the two of them together, the next McD, they being introduced by this Lindel group is the 'Dark Lord, Alexander'.

Table. 5 (a collection of words used by covert Al Qaeda that are associated with McDonald's Corp. in Norman, Oklahoma)
Lindel _____ Spyke _____ Pong (Constellations)(#5)
Loren ______ Lin _______ Less (Muse) (#4)
Titan  ______ Olympian ____ Spartan (Greek) (#3)
Ocean ______ Sky ______ Earth (Graeae Sisters) (#2)
Coon _______ Blipz _____  Mish  >>> to victim (if no victim found, the cycle returns to Coon).
Anso _______ Grec ______ Franc
Asian _______Greek _____ French (#1)

#5 McDonald's Restaurant