'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

February 7, 2014

'Micky D's': Alexander, The Wonder Woman

'Micky D's'
Alexander, The Wonder Woman
Oklahoma   Winter, 2014

Wonder Woman
There are a few accounts of the person Alexander, KAPB is no different. Within the eastern studies, Alexander is perhaps the Dark Lord who continually pushes humanity towards the Apocalypse, the great war from the heavens. This Anglo-French, late Latin, and Greek word (Merriam-Webster) is said to be the Jewish/Christian mythological and mystical cosmic ending to the world environments...with Alexander (Goetia: Alloces) as the ruler (leader demon) who has deceived the world through human trickeries, sorcery, and guile...but, Alexander (Alloces) is also Wonder Woman.

As this is the last McD post--who'd go past Wonder Woman--so, there is no reason not to put all the cards on the table.

 A female gigolo, Alex, in Oklahoma, uses the personalities of Alexander Warden, Alexander Newton, and Alexander Petrolli. Warden works in congress, Newton teaches school, both high school and college, and Petrolli is considered to be a spy, of course, from Italy. All three, in some way, teach history preferably ancient history.

Wonder Woman
Generally it's Newton in this Al Qaeda (AQ) fraction that makes the aggressive advances on homes and businesses. Using type-type sounds...type-type meaning: a human sound (sneezing, coughing, snoring,etc) is duplicated by Alexander (here forward called Alex) with a similar but more comic sounding to the quality of the sound. Again, using the type-type sounds, Newton will aggressively advance onto a person that he wants out of the way. Repeating the sound-for-sound action, Alex will move directly onto the victim's body for the kill.

It is also felt that Alex may have been the group that started the human nipple shocking. The way in which the KAPB business location and situation was used, there is really good reasons to believe Alex AQ may have played a part in Anchorage, Alaska with the small Korean family owned motel run by John Ewing and family. Alex prefers Asian to any other nationality, therefore, there is not reason to discredit the possibility that he, Alaska, and the nipple shocking incident as being interconnected.

Something that was also noticed was the voice of Alex has the same sound as the actor Colin Farrell. Farrell played the role of Alexander in the 2007 Alexander the Great version entitled Alexander Revisited. The actor himself was not seen nor heard during this entire recording of the Alex AQ at McDonald's restaurant in Norman, Oklahoma.

Alexander, The Great
After some filtering of information, it was discovered that the majority of the Alex persons were in or from the State of Florida; therefore, the consensus is that Alex is running that US state. Most religions are aware that southern Florida has become the attraction mecca for religious theme parks. Insomuch, Alex AQ has gathered a few followers with side-attractions such as Thermopylae, Athens Oracle, and Israel's Persian King that can be seen at Holyland Experience, Holy Land Church of God, and Hallowed Earth by Alexander the Great. The fascination being that Alexander the Great is that he was ushered in by high priest of Jerusalem during Alexander's conquests of the Middle East. Delivered to the Zoroastrian (Astaroph) populaces, Alexander the Great was to be King of Israel due to the ancient biblical Jewish records indicted that a powerful king would come to rule them. The Astaroph loving the Alloces, Alexander the Great became the king...Eastern Studies teach that Zoroastrians/Jews dislike the word Alexander so the name became King David. Thousands of Wonder Woman images are scattered around modern day Israel as statues of David the King.

 Leigh is best known as Leonidas (Spartan)
This image is what he would look like
as a female. 
Alex also likes to use the gang called 'Left Hand'. More of a religious order then street gang, Left Hand is located throughout the US eastern coast. The inner motto is not to allow the right hand to see what the left hand is doing, biblical. Sometimes neurologist will call the left and right side of the brain as 'hand' when neuro doctors are working in proto-dynamics, something like demonomania that physiologist work with. This connection would serve to say that Alex may very well be a Dark Lord; or, collection of Dark beings such as with plantations, but the workers are the dark Goetia. Because Alex tends to be somewhat of a house nig_er, the belief that the plantation is perhaps the style used to home this AQ fraction. Alex, as the plantation worker, is mentioned in the novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. He is the person the Scarlett O'Hara continually chased away from the back door with the note that he was to remain in the fields because he isn't able to get along with the house staff.

Alex uses the upper outside virginal area
to hold pubic fibers. The V and inverted
V are a part of this implant.
Alex likes the worker Clep. Using the Clep prostitutes as field workers, Alex doesn't get very far before the prostitutes refuse to do the deeds to which they were hired to do: loot, steal, kill. It's at this point that the disciple Thomas (Space Station) is introduced. Because KAPB had already identified that Al Qaeda SS Christian group fraction, Thomas said very little and left the area as soon it was possible. Something notice here was that the situation at KAPB became very violent and the issue of 'work' or 'working' spearheaded the action. Just where or what happened wasn't recorded, but both the verbal and physical assaults became increasingly violent. Perhaps there was an attempt to re-introduce Spyke...don't know though.

Due to the break-down in the Alex movements, several things followed within a few days: First, Alex (Alexander) made himself known as being a newspaper reporter. He then called upon for the assistance of church pastors. The Mormon (LDS) leader was identified as an 'Avidiacus', likened to the co-ruler, and adopted step brother of Germanicus of ancient Rome. The last action attempted was the introduction of transgenderism as a personal threat to the Alex AQ group.  It was at about this level that Alexander AQ (Al Qaeda) was noticed to be the Alloces Wonder Woman.

Though not in the mix with the other three, Alexander George had been found to be sitting quietly in the background. It was just after the Alex group left the area that it was noticed the computer program they use had not fully retired; thus, George was discovered and identified as being left behind to be the incognito, or to say, 'to hold the fort'.

Table. 6 (a collection of words used by covert Al Qaeda that are associated with McDonald's Corp. in Norman, Oklahoma)
Warden ____ Newton ___ Petrolli (Alexander) (#6)
Lindel _____ Spyke _____ Pong (Constellations)(#5)
Loren ______ Lin _______ Less (Muse) (#4)
Titan  ______ Olympian ____ Spartan (Greek) (#3)
Ocean ______ Sky ______ Earth (Graeae Sisters) (#2)
Coon _______ Blipz _____  Mish  >>> to victim (if no victim found, the cycle returns to Coon).
Anso _______ Grec ______ Franc
Asian _______Greek _____ French (#1)

#6 McDonald's Restaurant
KAPB believes it's time to check around the 
home front to see what the office personal has gathered. 
The next few posts will be about 'what we got in tow'.
Thanks for Viewing!