'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

February 19, 2014

'The Cedars': Ptolemy and the Popes

'The Cedars'
Ptolemy and the Popes
Oklahoma   February, 2014

Part 2: The Popes

Plutonium has done several posts on the 'Fung'. As a refresher, Fung is a cultural word that persons with typhoid like to use. The disease typhoid comes from the improper handling of waste materials like, feces, garbage, and caucus of dead humans and animals. Understanding the nature of typhoid Fung became an serious part of this blog as Fung played an important role here at Plutonium and the word 'Satan' in connection with the word Fung grabbed some attention when members of law enforcement switched onto a stage of goetia that caused them to become an easy passage for the Fung to use against communities. Familiars is the religious term used in the black magic or better called sorcery.

The second part of The Cedars is entitled, 'The Popes'. The reason being is that the Popes were once again discovered by KAPB in the apartments and business of KAPB members. After the Popes, there was no other enclave resulting in a two member Al Qaeda fraction. 'The Popes' had a few resources, but it's hoped that all have been found, or, otherwise, most of them will be listed.

Plutonium noticed that three different personalities were giving audience at Kara's apartment in the Cedars. Much after her move-in in 2011, she discovered that a few murders had taken place that involved middle-school children as well as some of the parents and siblings. Following these confessions, 'The Cedars' apartments began to hop in excitement with the thrill of the murders, and this is about when this blog was started.
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) introduced the Popes and the threat of infection became the threat by the church to get things into control. 
  • The Andrealphus goetia followed and characters also formed a party of gypsies who stood guard along with members of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation).
  • Tamara was introduced as the leading FBI person. She also has a reference in Plutonium. Representing herself as a possible family member, she likewise stood guard as a leading informant.
  • The Vandals started to cause spills, tipping over cups. bumping things around, etc, The Vandals were the barbarian group of which the Catholic bishops and Popes sold, or gave, the city of Ancient Rome to. Vandals are Aryan Christian, best known today as the Protestant church. Today the Catholic Church is classified as Protestant.
  • As the Vandals acquired more and more Ancient Roman territory, they developed a system for a 'spy-base' of soldiers for the church. That system is still in place as they indicated that 'The Cedars' would serve as the spy unit while their church business was going on. Booty was the reward and the subject of 'salvation' was also a part of the initial set-up.
  • Then the country of Belgium was heard in the immediate area. They were called into attention when the activity was reported by the Oklahoma authorities.
  • The incest members of the church, such as, Greece, USA, and Israel were pulled into attention. They played little part or they were simply not heard from much From here a series of persons where added to the cluster of characters: Red Rose Dilum, Marchosias in Balloon, Savages (Providence Hospital fits best here), Empathy (Al Qaeda cell), Beggars or Beggary (software application), the Insane, Hobo, Anso who torture, Al Qaeda 'Mustache of Blood', the Thieves of Baghdad.  
Things changed at this point. The goetia character called 'Pic' was introduced. For those who don't know what are Pics, they are mainly Scottish member of the church. They were famous during the Roman occupation of Britain, and the Pics were able to run the Roman soldiers back to southern England. Here the Pics were introduced in with the Popes as the Superman who wears or carries the huge S icon but behind it is a church block-type holy cross.

Then Prostitutes began to flood through the doors. Every kind, shape, and gender, both cross and new, were represented. the best find was a senior secretary who was employed by Senator Charles Randel of New York. Randel is the Chairman for House Ways and Means Committee. This committee handles DHHS (Health and Human Services), Welfare, Low-Income Housing, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, etc. She says she was a part of a political coo that up-seated Collin Powell, the former US Surgeon General.
She currently is vying for tht same position with the assistance of the church.

Then the Wezer were introduced. Wezer, if recalled, are adult Knight Templar. With them were the goetia Naberous. Naberous is known for an ability to talk about just anything. In a delusional state, a Naberous will act out authoritatively and most times convince others they are hearing the information from a professional. When they too were confronted, the Harems were unleashed. Harems were discovered to be throughout the following episodes after they were introduced at this point. Investment in Anso (Asian) owned casinos became the financial interest when money was needed to continue with a possible FBI take-over of 'The Cedars'. Little was heard from the Anso casinos after this point.

Again the country of Belgium was called, and they began to fully enter into the fray when the mega-frame computer application was started. The program is entitled, 'Return Call'. This program is designed to return whatever an assailant is targeting at victims. thereby, shocked to the nipples were fired back at the shooter, and so forth.

For several days this was the activity. 'Return Call' was handling the assaults and slowly the FBI were the only members of the controversial gathering to still be able to fully communicate. Confessing receiving money from the Christian Church assemblies, the FBI (stage of 'On-Dough') began to confess their sins, or so to say. The information was submitted to the proper authorities.

Again the continual flow of one member after another  started the fixed routine and little else has happened. It is here that KAPB felt all information had been gathered and waited several days before post this second part of 'The Cedars'.