'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

January 29, 2014

'Micky D's': The Three Children from the Parent Greece

'Micky D's'
The Three Children from the Parent Greece: Titan, Olympian and Spartan
Oklahoma   January, 2014

As a learner in Ancient History: Religion (DeVry) it's always necessary to locate the sources to the many different behaviors of mankind. There are so many news articles in the world press today that it has caused a growing interest into the beginning of some of those reports contents, and where that content information had its start with humanity. Parent/Child behavior is no exception, and it too must be addressed to truly understand just where and what humanity evolved from.

From the online site GreekMythology, listed are the names of the Titans, "also known as the elder gods, ruled the earth before the Olympians over thew them....Gaea, Uranus, Cronus, Rhea, Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion, Mnemosyne, Themis, Iapetus, Coeus, Crius, Phoebe, Thea, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Atlas, Metis" (site link).
www.suberic.netPhobos (prostitution)
Scholars believe the disease of prostitu-
tion was started by the killing of a fetus
during the third trimester of pregnancy,
 hence, the Arian Christian belief of saint-
liness for prostitutes even though that
 'worker' must continue to preform sexual
 sales ...in the name of Christ 

Each of these children has a special purpose of behavior, such as: Gaea is mother or birth; Uranus is defecation, Cronus is the head or brain; Rhea is animal behaviors; Oceanus is our water intake; Tethys is the disease we taken; Hyperion is the heart valve, Mnemosyne is menstruation, Themis is thyroid; Iapetus is waywardness behavior (Ipos); Coeus is ruler attitude; Crius is child behavior, Phoebe is sex; Thea is theories we derive; Prometheus is prostitution, Epimetheus is food intake, Atlas is position in the world, and Metis and self-identity.

All of these are the studies on humanity preformed by the ancient Egyptians who were the first to develop a system of understanding the nature of mankind in the hopes of reaching an afterlife that is beyond a godlike creation of the planet Earth...meaning the Egyptians wanted to return to heaven at the end of their life-span and felt the study of mankind would enable them that reward. As the studies progressed, more information became known about the community demands for obstructive  human behavior whether in favor or disfavored. The Olympians is the name of the 12 obstructive behaviors. Biblical 12 tribes are an example of this type of development when noticed that the 12 were given the areas to avoid conflicts and to subdue their own personal natures.

"The Olympians are a group of 12 Greek gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans....Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Aris, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Hephaestus" (Greekmythology).

Zeus is master; Poseidon is water; Hades is sinfulness; Hestia is rebuke; Hera is girl-self; Aris is sexual warrior; Athena is conflict; Apollo is fecus; Aphrodite is prostitute; Hermes is female; Artemis is transgenderism; Hephaesus is disease.

With a close look at the artwork from the Greek Antiquities,
it very noticeable that the male and female chest nipples
are reversed; male has female and female has male nipples.
The study made by Egypt became the fountainhead for all
future studies surrounding females. Hatsheput, Queen and
explorer founded the library on feminine studies now in
Cairo, Egypt. Much of her work is written in the Holy Bible. 
Finally, Spartan. Sparta was an army culture. Designed to demonstrate society, every member had to preform the role they were born to serve...and, nothing else! Today, history give credence to social democracy, mankind's social behaviors, and community developments to the colonies of Sparta, Greece. The online FreeDictionary definition of Spartan illustrates the nature of the citizenship in a developing culture, " Spartan: a. Rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained. b. Simple, frugal, or austere: a Spartan diet; a spartan lifestyle. c. Marked by brevity of speech; laconic. d. Courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity.

When the entire Egyptian study is looked at closely, three things are an evident pattern in this Parent/Child: Titans is boy childhood disease, Olympians is mangle male child, and Spartans is male infanticide.

Table. 3 (a collection of words used by covert Al Qaeda that are associated with McDonald's Corp. in Norman, Oklahoma)
Titan  ______ Olympian ____ Spartan (#3)
Ocean ______ Sky ______ Earth (Graeae Sisters) (#2)
Coon _______ Blipz _____  Mish  >>> to victim (if no victim found, the cycle returns to Coon).
Anso _______ Grec ______ Franc
Asian _______Greek _____ French (#1)

#3 McDonald's Restaurant