'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

January 23, 2014

'Micky D's': Anso Necropolis: Ribbons with Kama Sutra

'Micky D's'
Anso Necropolis: Ribbons with Kama Sutra
Oklahoma   January, 2014

It has been suggested by scholars that the stage of Anso (Asian) in opium addiction is in reality more Hindu them Asian. Only the scientist and biologist will be able to prove the truth to those claims. But here at KAPB, we have something more of a social order when addressing religious behaviors inside of select DNA stages.

After a brief description of what is happening here, it's this post's intention to give some details that may prove to be useful.

Regretfully, again Panda Garden Restaurant has opened their door in the attempt to conceal the Anso position in this ever-going concealment to ritualism found in a university town. Listed below are the elements that are being used to make yet another position of the Hidden for the Necropolis...

Necropolis, is a place of the dead. Here it is an Al Qaeda fraction that uses crypt philosophy to create an colony of cannibals that live from the death as well as from the dead. Scholars teach the Tribe of Gad in reality was a necropolis. Bethesda, one of the three journeys New Testament and Jesus, was also a city where corpse was a part of ritualism.

Anso (Asian) who are not in control with their opium addictions are at the top of the list to use ribbons and Kama Sutra. Most authorities are confirmed that "to live in China is the only safe way to handle a person who is under the influence of an opiate".Most kids who fall victim to opium are in some way informed to the issue in the dangers of out-of-control opium poisoning, and most go to live in Southern China.

Kama Sutra is the Hindu or parent to the Ovid. Kama Sutra can be seen on the walls of the lost Roman city of Pompeii, and Kama Sutra was used by the Greek god of medicine and healing religion Asclepius. Asclepius is the forerunner to the god Apollo and his transgender-self sister Artemis both later became Aphrodite goddess of love and prostitution when, in so much, dethroned for illicit affairs and other oh-so-casual love interests with the whatever's "all in pleasure".

Ribbons have long been the icon to illustrated personal beliefs to whatever a person has to demonstrate or defend. In Necropolis the color of the ribbon is the most important. Different colors mean a different way in which to murder in the ritual. Such as, 'blue' means to destroy (kill) a soldier, 'red' is to destroy a prostitute, 'yellow' and 'urine yellow' is the signal to destroy a child, while 'pink' means destroy a pastor. As different colors have been introduced in the modern world (blended hues iridescent, marbles, blended powers) more fractions have developed, but the way in which the murder takes place stays inside of the Kama Sutra technique that is used. Traditional fabric ribbons are usually worn pinned to their clothes, but ribbons can be worn as tattoos, pinned on pictures of ribbons, or costume ribbons removed from circus garb.

The table below is how a  type 'A' Anso Necropolis travel behavior works according to standards set by American scholars today. Revolving through each group, starting at Coon, the Necros search outward from a community until a new place to victimize become available. The terms below are according to their code name (word preferred by the group itself), ancestral name, and current national known names:

Table. 1 (a collection of words used by covert Al Qaeda that are associated with McDonald's Corp. in Norman, Oklahoma)
Coon _______ Blipz _____ Mish   >>> to victim (if no victim found, the cycle returns to Coon).
Anso _______ Grec ______ Franc
Asian _______Greek _____ French

#1 McDonald's Restaurant