'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

February 4, 2014

'Micky D's': Lindel, Spyke, and Pong

'Micky D's'
Lindel, Spyke, and Pong
Oklahoma   Winter, 2014

These two men look very much like a Lindel agent would
appear. These pictures should be considered as
identity images only.
This Asmodus (Goetia) group is not very well known. Consisting mainly of Jews who have left the trodden path. Adding themselves in among pirates, Lindel seems to be the leader, even though Pong is the stand out character who demonstrates a pirate's way of life. Spyke is the warrior. Once Lindel leaves the scene, which is pretty quick, Spyke will declare a war and begin to shot the hell out of people. This gang should be considered to be  very 'violent'. Again, this gang is very violent!

This is a Pong. Cantonese Pirate
Ching Shih
With the right return of action, Spyke will surrender. In this case, knowing who Spyke was (aka: Jolie), Spyke's whereabouts, and a clear understanding of the possibility to make both her location and identity, via, Google Map Print screen, publicly known (online blog) she will most likely stop the aggressive actions. Neither Pong, the Asian partner, and most likely JuJuBee, never entered the action, but remained silent and stayed in the background...Lindel had left the scene altogether, and no clear identity is known as to who Lindel is other then the Mexican detective agency who was recently in the news. That agency was mentioned in connection with an arrest of an FBI agent who is accused of dealing drugs in Mexico. But it is understood that the Lindel who trespassed at KAPB was a Marax (Goetia) who was connected with the Mexican Knight Templar.

With the three combined, they sometimes refer to themselves as Capircornus, a Mexican Al Qaeda fraction that has only recently been added to the developments of gang warfare here is the USA. Constellation of Words, an online website details different constellations. With that site, Capricorn is considered a pirate star cluster that "represents the Winter Solstice (December 21st or 22nd)"...Capricornus.

It can not be stressed enough, THIS GANG IS VERY VIOLENT!

The Marvel Comic Spyke is the best for illustrations of Spyke and his friends. The image to the right is one of Marrow (Sarah) and also a very good likeness of a Neva, a French extraction who blended with the Lombard barbarians during the settlements of Western Europe. The Lombard were conquered by the Christian Aryan Vandals who later subdued the western Christian church and became the Roman Catholic's monarchy sole ruler and owner the result of those crusades.

Following the Fourth McD post  (FBI...), it seems likely that the USA also has a Lindel Agency and FBI connection. The two of them certainly do here. Whatever the reason for the two of them together, the next McD, they being introduced by this Lindel group is the 'Dark Lord, Alexander'.

Table. 5 (a collection of words used by covert Al Qaeda that are associated with McDonald's Corp. in Norman, Oklahoma)
Lindel _____ Spyke _____ Pong (Constellations)(#5)
Loren ______ Lin _______ Less (Muse) (#4)
Titan  ______ Olympian ____ Spartan (Greek) (#3)
Ocean ______ Sky ______ Earth (Graeae Sisters) (#2)
Coon _______ Blipz _____  Mish  >>> to victim (if no victim found, the cycle returns to Coon).
Anso _______ Grec ______ Franc
Asian _______Greek _____ French (#1)

#5 McDonald's Restaurant