'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 3, 2013

'Escalade': Sector Split: Clep

Sector Split: Clep
Oklahoma   6/3/2013

'Clep' will have quiet a few personalities.
They will wear costumes, images, etc when
 they feel like it.  Hero characters
Batman and Robin, Superman, and Knight
Rider are all 'Clep' personalities
And, yes, 'Clep' steals
a lot.
'Clep' (Stef) is the second member of a grouped crime mix entitled 'Sector Split'. 'Clep' likes to work alone, but will work with others only until a 'Clep' can disposed of them.

It should be understood that not all demons of the Goetia will present themselves, many ignore any request to communicate, so a consiterable among of information is never covered. Another factor is a language difference. Society has literally forces goetia demons to learn the language words, all the while, society not understanding that the goetia character has placed their own meaning to a nation's common language.

Medical Psychiatry, Law Enforcement Forensics, and the Hermetic Science are three studies in demonomania, and it is that and mental health sciences that proves the maximum information about the 'Dissociative Identity Disorder'.

The rope in this image is specific. When 'Clep' gets caught at crime, mainly a serious crime, they will act-out poses with some kind of a rope, thin belt, or cords, such as a Venetian blind cord. Generally, the flipping of a cord means the 'Clep' person is a felon at large.