'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

January 23, 2014

Supplemental - BBC News - Criminal gangs 'hotwire power supply' to help cut bills

Notation reminder: In the USA, this type of criminal gang activity is done by the LRS (London Russian Syndicate). In Oklahoma alone, 50% of electricity bills are generated by the illegal use by utility source wiretapping...water being the largest offended followed by cable TV, internet, and WiFi. Electrical ranks highest among the necessities coming in at a whopping amount of 70%, water is nearly 100% stolen. In Oklahoma, the average water bill for a small apartment is $10.00. In Norman, Oklahoma the average water bill is $35.00 for a single, cost-cost, efficiency apartment. When investigated during the reconstruction to a state's sovereign status, the reports indicted that the wiretapping was done by questionable federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and NIF. All reported that the wiretaps were installed for criminal investigations purposes. When they were asked to remove the devices, the agencies claimed self-incrimination and refused to remove the wiretapping. Today those agents are still living off of those stolen utilities claiming government control concerns until the property owners can afford to remove and improve the, now considered, illegal violations. It was also reported by the agents that a new resource would have to be installed or the agencies list above would return to again wiretap the private and city utilities to further use those energies for their primary human necessities.
It is considered by the Oklahoma legal system that these, in Oklahoma, debunked agents are forming gangs such as Gray Glove, Pony, and Gray Coat,  "Jesus, Gray coats? Sound Civil War..ish."