'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

January 11, 2014

'Disciple Mania': Luke

'Disciple Mania'
Oklahoma    January, 2014

Beginning: January 9, 2014 .... Ending: Jan 10, 2014

Luke is in the Goetia character of Hygentii.

Luke uses dog urine that has been touched by human hands. As when picking up the animal after their urination and getting it on the hands, etc.

Luke is at the 11:00 space station (SS). He like s to work with the crew of the 3:00 SS.

These two images are very good ones of a Luke. These are of Ireland's Prime Minister named 'Luke Flanagan (Ming)'. Though rumors are flying around, it's still a wonder just where all this will end with the modern day Luke's.

KAPB found some pictures in history that prove to be interesting. The image on the left is of a Luke in Shiefh (Arab), the other, on the right, is a Luke in Rasputin or blood bulge, such as in the second image on the right.

This image Of Rasputin is from the Russian archives. Deep into the Russian monarchy and referring to himself as a Catholic saint, Rasputin won over the hearts of the ill-established German monarchy for the Russian empire during the revolts that lead to the First and Second World Wars.

Luke operates the largest whore* house in the world. He is the physician as to when the word 'physician' is ment as 'pimp'.
*The word whore is used because of the personality difference between prostitute and whore is very different. A whore will use the genitals to assault and offend a victim, where prostitutes use to genitals for financial concerns.

This is a Luke in Russu. As in other posts. Russu are mainly living in the United Kingdom. They are and organized crime syndicate called the 'London's Russian Syndicate'.  

The post on Thomas, it was this crime syndicate who was called in to help him with the troubles the USA is giving the space stations (SS*) about the Surveillance of private homes and business in the United States.

* the use of SS throughout Disciple Mania has become known better in relationship to the Nazi influence of WW2. Though space station is the primary word for this abbreviation, Neo-Nazism has taken over as these gangster groups refuse to stand-down and remove themselves from the United States. Threats were made to law enforcement by the Vatican and Hashishin from Great Britain made themselves known via the video set and UFO stories by the series Ancient Alien: Aliens and Cover-Ups.

Luke operates from charity soup kitchens and dump homeless shelters...dumps are run by prostitutes and like kind pimps.

Luke uses sleep depervation to stress and try to control the situation on a victim.

Rasputin as the priest in the Middle Eastern region who traveled to Russia and became the physician for the the monarchy. With a vast array of rumors, this werewolf is perhaps the most famous blood-letter in the world...outside of X-Men: Wolverine

"Some researchers believe that Rasbotn was a priest, while still others that he is not only representing the brilliant mastered the role of fortune-telling and persuaded many that saint Mokhtar. After these visits, religious considered himself a saintlived in his early youth visiting churches and holy places, walking on his feet, as he claimed, and arrived in roaming to Greece and Jerusalem. selected and announced, stressing that it possesses the capacity to bring miraculous healing. Spread rumors about the priest across Russia, he went off to people from the far reaches of the country for blessings for the treatment of various diseases." Excerpt link

The latest biography of Rasputin is portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, a name famous here at KAPB. Though the later stages of entering into the blood-bulge (far left image) are the best known there are pictures of Rasputin from country to country that shows him developing into the "monster" he became. n the final years, Raspution demanded girls for whores, boys for booty (money) and infants for their blood...even to the point of forced line-ups to extract blood in human queues.

Luke will use Joshua's Army (a Jewish Al Qaeda situated in Ireland) if the situation become dangerous for him. Sitting back he will allow that Al Qaeda fraction to work the area the way in which he feels will resolve the matter close to his own organized crime structure.  

Luke left the KAPB arrangement when they were ordered by the Vatican to leave the area. When Joshua's Army was reported to be at KAPB, the US Army was notified. Following the advice from United Nations the Vatican repeated the orders to the Luke Space Station (SS) 11:00. The Vatican was notified to the failure to report the army of Space Stations they have in their services.