'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

January 2, 2014

'Disciple Mania': Thomas

'Disciple Mania'
Oklahoma   January, 2014

Beginning: January 1, 2014 .... Ending: Jan 9, 2014

Thomas is in the Goetia character of Cimejes.
Some News: Culture Shock: Reviving Ancient Cholera. Jan 23, 2014. MedPage.  ...Cholera swept out of India in the early 1800s and has been responsible for several pandemics since, including the one that caused the Philly outbreak in 1849....

Thomas will use dog urine by the means of the animal urinating on either his dog clothes or dog toys. It is common for a Christian Thomas to suggest children's toys as the target if those items are present in the home.

Thomas is also the disciple Peter. Peter is darker then Judas and Peter is also referred to as being Thomas "Peter is to Thomas, as Thomas is to Peter".

Thomas will use the Irish and Ireland for protection when the circumstances with a Thomas business becomes really threatened.  The Irish, in turn, will send the threatening situation to the London Russian Syndicate who has a space station at the 7:00 location when facing west.

Thomas seems to remain silent once a publication is make of his entrance into a home or office.

Today, this is the way Thomas would look.

It is suggested that the use of the word "Mass' in ritual Christian gatherings is attributed to this disciple. There, the 'Tho' is an ancient form of the word 'through'. Adding the meaning of 'Thomas' in the Christian Mass service is by way of, or through, the ministry of the Apostle Thomas. 

Thomas is the disciple who is the favorite of India. Most likely a follower of Zoroastrianism, he most likely will define the world in terms of solidarity. This may not mean as a peaceful community development, or it may if the attempts to gather slaves fails to the wayside and he is left to defend his, so called, holy mountain.

Thomas is befriended to the Goetia character of Balam with the stage of turtle as the favorite character within the Belam demon. His second friend is Zagan who also loves pro sports. Thomas will also consider 'familiars' as workers for the church...familiars will come out strong for this church demi-god.

Believed to be the only one of the twelve who visited that Asian continent region in attempts to convert the Indians into a, then modernized, Judo/Christi understanding of the monotheist forerunner of the Egyptian 'RA' movement.  In reports sent back to Rome, Thomas reported that India was full of filth, decay, and debaucheries, as well as, they being heavily infected with the disease called 'Ganges' a bacterial cancer caused by feces, urine, and rotten foods like meat and entrails.

In this image, the infection in Thomas is noticeable by the enlargement of the eyes where the first signs of contamination can be visually seen. 

Thomas loves to steal clothes. Sharing part of the loot with helpers, the thieves are normally among the Asian females...here the Asian transgender male to female has a major part in this crime gang.

The bowl of flames, or called, 'The Bee' is a standard icon in both Zoroastrianism and Christianity. The religious order formed its ideals in Persia.

Varies types of grain, meat, human, etc. sacrifices were once offered into the flames. The number of times this bowl and flames are mentioned in the bible is enormous. It seems to be the standard in ritual sacrifice. The picture here captured The Bee as well as the icon the Zoroastrianism god Ahura Mazda

Thomas uses the 9:00 (Jealously) space station to communicate with. Understandable, as the Asian female is the reputed favorite gang member. He also likes the SS group  located at the 5:00 (London Russian Syndicate) when facing west.

Important to Remember: Whether a person chooses to believes in demonomania or not to believe in this psychological condition is really up to the individual, but remember mental patients who have demonomania many times act on what is detailed in the Goetia.

Space Stations*: Face West:
1:00 'Playful' ... varies, 2:00 'Caesar' ... Benedictine Friar, 3:00 'Hun Hurt', 4:00 'Sparta' ... Greek, Royalty, 5:00 (London Russian Syndicate), 6:00 (Fung), 7:00 (Silk Road/Trade gamblers), 8:00 'Kcblown' ... pedophile in clown, 9:00 'Jealous' or Jealously'... Asian females, 10:00 'Forty Five' ... child prostitutes, 11:00 'Duel' ... female football players, 

12:00 'Kherali' ... Roman Catholic Church. 

Straight over the head is called 'North' or 'Jesu' (Jesuit priest/monk) who are Goetia Paimon. This is the third in the line of the demon messiah...Purson and Marbas being first and second.
"The Ninth Spirit in this Order is Paimon, a Great King, and very obedient unto LUCIFER".  - S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904)
* Space Stations in Religion...  - Plutonium blogspot.com

Thomas is a window peeper. Using a pillowy white cloud like vapor, the mass moves around both inside and outside the home while using an open window or one with the shades/curtains pulled open to observe into a home.

Thomas normally has some kind of investment in the arena sports. Generally money is owed to Thomas because of law suits, court ordered recovery (student loans), or personal loan sharking by the arena business. Example: University of Oklahoma pays 30% of the sports business intake to Thomas upon a money loan. Here is another place the London Russian Syndicate (5:00) is used for protection.

Thomas is first known in the religious world as the third leader (High Priest) of the Israelite nation during their exodus from Egypt. As the religion evolved so did the practice. Moving away from the traditional Moses rituals to a closer connection to Zoroaster, the High Priest, the name used by the Israelite was Zoroastrianism. Though there is no legal reports to the next name change, some followers of the practice called the religious order as 'Judaism', which is patterned after the Western Roman Catholic alter rituals and formal mass services. This image is of Thomas in Zoroaster.

Thomas also has a family trail in the Spanish communities. It is this family that was sent to the new world (South America) to bring home gold or silver or not return at all. Royalty, political contacts, and the so called education was forfeited if he failed to live up to the Spanish Inquisition as the next generation of total Christian.

Thomas in Conquistador.
Thomas in the adjacent image is also in conquistador of the famous Francisco Pizarro. Described by some scholars as a womanizing playboy with little regard for anyone but himself. And, it was these credits that he was selected to conquer whatever there was of South America, which is what he did.
"Those “desperate adventurers,” gold-mad [sic]Conquistadors, were led by Francisco Pizarro, a Spaniard of scrambled ancestry who was ably abetted by three half-brothers, Hernando, Juan and Gonzalo. (BROTHERS OF DOOM (Thomas Allen Limited), by Hoffman Birney).... Francisco was with Balboa when that worthy discovered the Pacific; and it was he who placed the discoverer under arrest when the Balboa luck ran out. It was while serving as a mere foot-slogger in Panama that he first heard of the land of the land of the Incas and its fabulous wealth. Years would pass before she was to feel that gold run through his fingers, but pass they did and Peru ran red with blood while he and his cutthroats hacked and thrust at everything five centuries of [sic]Inca civilization had built." - FerturTravel.com
This is Thomas. A Templar Knight who derailed the Peruvian nations.  As for KAPB, after several years of intense legal investigations  it was found that the 'rocks' in office members personal living location was placed and used by persons who are nationals from Peru. Without a doubt, volts of electricity are used on ovaries while facing down assaults by space station crews. Guesses like Thomas don't like girls any more then the Oklahoma Peruvian (?).

Something to look for when Thomas is in conquistador. The appearance of two faces. This image is just about the way he would look. The feminine physic is mostly likely true also as there is no reason not to believe that the Spanish government likewise favored 'girls' in demonomania who will travel through the many different stages in the Goetia Balam. Using women was the usual way in which the Roman, Greek, French, and Spanish armies were assembled, so it stands to reason that conquistadors were also females who turned themselves into male look-a-likes through the Goetia process.

Thomas also has friends in pseudo Hollywood/Bollywood. Look-a-likes of Paul Newman are slowly becoming an intricate part of the people surrounding around the Thomas' cluster. KAPB has no information about why and what these look-a-like persons are there for.

Thomas is gullible, he doesn't really venture out about anything in his personal frames he simply takes thing as they appear. As for the 'doubtful' characteristic written about in biblical gospels and written of as if he checked on major concerns, such as, using his finger to check the wound in Jesus' side, here is where things are somewhat different these days. Now a disciple Thomas uses his finger to assault. He will stick his finger into anything on the human body that resembles a hole of any kind.

For those who are not phyco savvy, at the very last image of the Goetia Paimon is a type of rock person, or a rock materiel matter...at the top of the images pile is a crowned raider on a camel.

Here at the Thomas post in Disciple Mania, Paimon is a major player. If you recall, Paimon is at the straight up north location with the space stations (SS) we posted about. But, something important is that the ancient Roman Patorian Guards were the predecessors of the Catholic order of Jesuits. So very likely Thomas has called in the Guards! The image on the left side, inside this fieldset, is the very best way Paimon/Palatine/Jesuit will look near the end of 'Formation' the stage of mass formation in that demon.

Thomas likes to use the technology that the Paimon will use. That is whatever the Christian religions deem natural or flowing with God. KAPB is not sure of what that is, but Thomas seems to use the technology that is well worked out.

Thomas loves voodoo (hoodoo). He will get into shaking the stick and stones at people if he's incited. The sprinkling of holy water is an excellent way to illustrate the way in which Thomas throws out benedictions, and warnings to someone. Thomas uses dream weavers to assist him in the voodoo ritual.

It was difficult to find an exact picture of the way a Thomas shaman will appear in the USA. These two if combined consists of the costume they would wear. Not saying much, they simply stare at his intended victim and begin to shake a variety of rattles towards his religious offender.

Again, it was difficult to find images of all the rattles the Thomas shaman used. All the same, below are a few of them.

Thanks for viewing!