'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

January 12, 2014

'Disciple Mania': Thaddeus, Jude

'Disciple Mania'
Thaddeus, Jude
Oklahoma   January, 2014
Thaddeus Jude

Beginning: January 11, 2014 .... Ending: January 12, 2014

Thaddeus is favored to be on the right side of the brain.

This image is a good one of a Thaddeus. Also known a Jude, Thaddeus in the bible had very little to say to anyone, as he is today. Very quiet. he will normally leave the area before his name is called to answer anything.

Somewhat of a Norse looking fellow, Lief Ericsson the Norse nobleman who founded the new world is perhaps a great grand parent to this fellow here.

Thaddeus does not use dog urine.

Thaddeus has no space stations.

Thaddeus was never heard from during this study of modern day disciples.After several hours KAPB still hadn't heard anything inside of void this disciple had created., much to his personality.

But, in about three hours a group of imposers began to talk. When questioned, Thomas again began to talk. It seems Thomas had taken over the position of Thaddeus and had placed a crew inside a space station who acted out the varies roles from the John Wayne movie Hellfighters. Continuing to talk and act out their roles the issue of the Louisiana oil spill at which the Thomas 1:00 SS crew said they had taken some part in it. At that point the SS crew turned to a 'flem flam' routine thus avoiding any further conversations with KAPB.

It was during this escape maneuver that Thomas and SS crew called in the local, now famed, Burger King workers. Everything from espionage to slavery were used in an attempt to deflect the multitude of courteous who began to flank the faked Thaddeus arena. Even the local dogs were made to help in the cover-up by jumping up onto their keepers, all in the hope to get out of the public awareness.

It was at about this time that personalities of Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church made threats about the use of the term SS in relationship to Nazi with a Catholic's involvement pertaining to the current connection about the space stations...KAPB believes that the Catholic Church is indeed connected and deep involved within that fallen organized crime syndicate. And, the Pope was told to leave the area. Two Hashashin were sent to say something about the Space Station (SS) wording in the blog Plutonium.

By nightfall, with the aid of a neighborhood dog to urinate on a KAPB front lawn the Thomas SS crew changed the communication link to 'Andrew'.

Thomas used a Jewish boy who appeared to be as a character of Lesser Key of Solomon called 'Halphus'.