'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

September 28, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Mack, or Mock Up

'Trash FLASH'
Mack, or Mock Up
Oklahoma   9/28/2013

This Al Qaeda is one of the famous groups. Fore warned of by Former President George Bush Jr., Mack is a high rolling transgender crime group. Comprised of many well known members who transfers between goetia characters in an attempt to build a high rolling personality, hence the term 'Mock Up'.  They are 100% UK British long term transgenders. Colonies of these types generally originate from within prison systems where the convicts have all but taken over the prison center. Though the Isle of British Commoners had an established sector of transgenders, it wasn't until the Roman Emperor Claudius, so called, conquered the British Island that the transgenders were given a higher status of living and wealth. 

Presenting live elephants at a council of leaders, General Cloudius carried a mock up elephant around the island cities as a reminder of the strength of the imperial Roman Army. Claudius and Cloudius may very well be the same person...Cloudius being a more feminine looking male character.

It should be understood the 'Mock Up' (Mack) is a very developed crime organization and one that should be considered to be dangerous and a serious threat to the USA, its states, and private citizens.

Mock Up a full-sized structural model built to scale chiefly for study, testing, or display   

They travel backwards when they pass the buck from one 'Mack' member to another. Therefore, the list below will be in the order that 'Mack'  members travel.

MACK, or 'Mock Up'

CIA .... Mainly with the introduction of illegal drugs in someway of another. At KAPB it was found that they transfer through varies members in this list who will pass to the Roman Catholic Church. 
Mock-Up Models .... These are high end, professional clothing models, such as with Reality TV show Project Runway. KAPB found very little activity with this member cell. 
Surreptitious .... As the word means (obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized;clandestine) so this cell does inside of 'Mack'. Comprised mostly of the Goetia demon Astorah in the stage of Edward, as in Scissorhands, KAPB found that they too past the buck quite a bit so little is known to just what this cell actuality does.  
Opus Den  .... As written earlier, 'Opus Den' is basically a 12 member coven of midgets who resemble one of each of the 12 biblical disciples who Jesus of Nazareth mentioned. The disciple 'Peter', in 'Mack' is the disciple who is used. They used three things to keep active 1. Hannibal (favorite stage), 2. Vapors, mostly from the human bowel, 3. Disciple Peter look-a-like. 'Opus Den' will be seen while a victim, whom they are stalking, is outside of the victim's personal home. These midgets are rarely seen or heard inside of the victim's home...the midgets will instruct other 'Mack' member to keep in way from inside of a private place. 
Copeland, Kennith .... This is a connection that the CIA uses. The total conversation is generally not heard after Kennith is previously reported for criminal activity...such as, at KAPlutonium. He will announce his presence simply by broadcasting that enables all persons to hear hem talk. Kennith Copeland is a Protestant minister. 
Schizophrenics .... This cell is comprised mostly of Goetia characters who uses past events to illustration a connection to a stalking. They will generally just tell the conjurer, in this case, about anything the conjurer asks about the victim when such information is needed. KAPB feels there is a Hedonic connection here but we were not able to fully understand just what it was. 
Flies .... Within 'Mack', the person known as 'Clep' is used as the liaison for obtaining mechanical flies.  
Astorah .... This Goetia demon should be considered to be a primary figure as 'Astorah' will be instrumental in a few of the other cell listed here. 'Astorah' mimicked  apes, and gestures whenever he is the active cell. Little else is seen of heard after he is identified as in the victim's home. 
David .... Fashioned somewhat after the early Israelite David of Bethlehem (King David), this cell is comprised of concubines/prostitutes. With a genuine reading of that biblical story it would show  that David was used in King Saul's palace as a concubine for the king. 
Asian  .... 'Asian' was observed to be the Goetia character of Stolas. 'Asian' also was observed to work on the crime project during the daylight hours. Catting at the victim while luring (bait and switch) outsiders into the crime circle seemed to be what the 'Asian' did the most. 
Bune .... They are the 'spies' in the Al Qaeda 'Mock Up'(Mack) group. Using gossip as the means to draw attention to a victim, 'Bune' disparages a persons personal character while the financial status, security, and the victim's stability is the targeted project. 'Bune' should not be confused with the Paparazzi. 
Dreamweaver .... Sioux Indians. This cell works only during the nighttime hours. With an assortment of stages dreams, the victim will view caries movies, as well as, commercials that are set to derail, all inclusive,  the victim, "Mock Up' members, and bait/switch money targets. 'Dreamweaver' set up an assault to kill any of the derailed by striking the heart with a jolt of electric voltage. 'Dreamweaver' will chit-chat with whom ever asks questions whether or not the person asking the questions are a trained professional. Because of this, persons should be aware of casual conversions with intruders who start chatting at night during sleep time hours. Normally, bait/switch money targets are in some way connected with a high finance organization such as a university (Oklahoma), State and Federal Government Agencies, and high finance personal properties. 'Dreamweaver' are also refered to a 'Slag' workers, as when a project is not selling concepts these nighttime workers will begin to muddle around looking for places where there might be a slag-in-the-line. 'Dreamweaver' are most prominent in towns that have both a high profile university and an active casino. 
Gamblers .... This cell is comprised of High Stakes Poker players. Annette Obrestad (in Oklahoma) seems to be the primary poker player who is consistently present whenever poker is the issue. KAPB considers Obrestan to be a syphilis. She will collect odors from the stomach of dog's belch  and pass on the collections to whomever is used vapors to assault a victim, such as Opus Den listed above. It should be noted: Syphilis is a highly contagious disease spread primarily by sexual activity(WebMD), but syphilis is known also to be airborne in some stages of development. Collecting vapors could easily be just as dangerous as mechanical flies who can carry fibers, glue, and dangerous contaminants. This Al Qaeda High Stakes Poker cell is believed to have been the group who literally stole the entire Texas state financial structure by laundering the monies through these types of poker games. Others believed to be in 'Mock Up' are Daniel Negreanu, Eric Seagel, and Vanessa Selbst. 
Cheerleaders .... As usual these members are connected to schools that have a sport sponsored program...which most schools do. 'Cheerleaders' are the component that uses ornaments as a part of the 'Mock Up' membership. Jewelry, wall hangings, porch/balcony/lawn figures should all be considered. 
Behaviorist .... These members are all British. Much like in the movie classic Jurassic Park, these behaviorist are trying to develop an strain in the human persona that will create an animal behavior pattern upon which can be built a thread to begin an experimental study into and for a behavior control assemble over other humans. 
Vatican Concorde  .... They work mainly to carry-the-ball for the 'Mock Up' group. Because of the high profile of this membership, it should be considered that they will use any high-end arena to project themselves into public attention. Such as the cruise ship Concorda that crashed (2013) and was under water until Italy raised it up again in late 2013. Thee 'Vatican Concode' will also use insects as a display of their heavy advancement into other countries, states, etc. The flying spiders in north Texas is one such environmental happening that finely illustrates how the 'Vatican Concorde' would use natural resources. KAPB believes that the sinking and raising of the Concorda cruise ship is a public announcement that they, though amid public press scrutiny, will continue to apply pressure on the USA and Russia concerning select religious beliefs, such as slavery of humans. 
Roman Catholics .... Among the varies Al Qaeda 'Mock Up' member these cells were found to be communicating with priests fromtne local Catholic churches: Mexican CIA(a drug reinforcement agency), Clep ( a monk/friar of the Benedictine Order), Annette Oberstad (poker player), Bruce ( posted here as a Buer, but KAPB later listed him as a beginning Fung). 
AT&T  .... They are the internet and iPhone company used to service this Al Qaeda group. Using folklore additives, stories, and different folklore antidotes, AT&T move the members of 'Mock Up' through the different member cells. 
Paparazzi  .... As usual, this cell uses public imagery to derail person whether they are celebrity of not. KAPB knows the paparazzi as in the porn industry and KAPB believes the photos in the tabloids are mock-ups of photos taken inside the privacy of the home itself. Previous blog entries about the Paparazzi has a good detail about what KAPB has found the cell doing.

and, finally... 
Delores .... A Belgium word that means to 'spy'. This is the cell that KAPB first found opening up an operation on them soon after the Al Qaeda 'Duelin' post was published. After questioning 'Delores' the information collected was that 'Delores' was the European contact for the Al Qaeda cell called Bloab. KAPB is unaware of who 'Bloab' is as the crime group that was associated with this Belgium was 'Mack' (or, Mock-Up).

September 26, 2013

Article - Tea Party Support Dwindles to Near-Record Low

Article - Predicting Danger to Others

Article - Gov. Brown signs bills aimed at paparazzi, family leave and quakes - latimes.com

Article - Migrating Spiders Sailing Through North Texas Skies « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

Article - Grover Cleveland pardons bigamists, adulterers, polygamists and unlawful cohabitants — History.com This Day in History — 9/25/1894

September 23, 2013

Article - Do you 'Cee' what I see?: An Ahistorical Collision Between Hip-Hop,Manhood, Silence, and Sexuality | TheUrbanTwist.com

Article - North Carolina school board bans 'Invisible Man' - UPI.com

Article - Three-fourth of children with TB in city are girls - Hindustan Times

FLASH - Thanks! Ligature: A Contemporary Look at Modern Biblical Events - okla

Within the next  few weeks KAPB'S Plutonium will be welcoming Pastor: Advanced Studies onto this site. We will have special link that leads to a page with linked brief summaries of each essay now located at P :AS. This change will be KAPB's introduction to the professional journal entitled 'Ligature: A Contemporary Look at Modern Biblical Events' which KAPB proudly introduces to the US American and the contemporary international world. Congratulations to all staff, and many thanks to our faithful viewers.

September 18, 2013

Article - Why Is There So Little Innovation in Water Infrastructure? - Henry Grabar - The Atlantic Cities

Article - Chinese Gangs Fuel Meth Scourge in US, Mexico: photo 2

'Trash FLASH': McDonalds Swiling Feces

'Trash FLASH'
McDonalds Swiling Feces
Oklahoma  9/18/2013

This 30 year old photo shows someone had their five minutes of fame...and then it was forgotten. And, then in 2013 McDonald fame starts again, and again, and again.

Who's having trouble is the burger giant?  Lord, KAPB sure is!

Article - Drug-resistant 'superbugs' deemed urgent threats: U.S. report: MedlinePlus

Article - Some Women Undergo Unnecessary Double Mastectomies | LiveScience

Article - Missouri Is Now "Open Territory" For Motorcycle Gangs | KRCU

Article - Public Enemies: Social Media Is Fueling Gang Wars in Chicago | Underwire | Wired.com

Article - Persian Gulf is Growing Drug Hub For LatAm Groups - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas

September 17, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Familiars and Satan

'Trash FLASH'
Familiars and Satan
Oklahoma   9/17/2013

History Channel
KAPB has post a few entries about the Goetia characters. Though Fung is listed here in among the different demon characters, we again want the readers to understand that it is our learned understanding that Fung/Peril/Satan is not in the 72 different personality traits of an individual person...as we are taught when learning about Disassociate Identity Disorders.

But, they are still a huge threat to modern societies. KAPB wants to express an idea about the activities of the Fung and their use of the Familiars as KAPB has written about over the past few months. Remember, Familiars are police officers who were not able to handle the pressures of the criminal justice system.
History Channel
Combined with Fung, this party of bandits could prove to be both a state as well as a national threat.

Police officers are taught logistics, surveillance, tracking, identity, seizures, evidence plus many other areas of tactical operations in the save-guarding of our communities and country. Seeing them standing side-by-side with a person who is emotionally disturbed towards women and children is quiet un-comforting.

Is it possible to prevent a holocaust? Is there a way to signal a newly dedicated police officer to prevent possible mishaps in the field if they were to suddenly lock-up and run off from the line of duty? Perhaps North Americans should think about possible ways to prevent a holocaust of women and children during these days of religious unrest, uncertainties  and governmental over-throws. We are a thinking nation, so lets think about it the combination of these two schizophrenics working and hanging out together. Cowardly, logistical tacticians bumming around with Satan...Hum.

'Trash FLASH': Christians are the Fire

'Trash FLASH'
Christians are the Fire
Oklahoma   9/17/2013

'Merlin' Flames are favored
by Christians
When searching for early Christians in Old Testament books, scholars teach that the word 'Fire' signifies or represents the Christian ideals. Jesus said he was on the earth "not to bring peace, but fire".

Remember, in Eastern Studies study of social behaviors the word 'Fire' represents the behavior of Christians that we are familiar with today.

Caesar Augustus was perhaps the first known ancient ruler who actuality took steps to unify the 'Fire Bands' or better said 'Fire Gangs' by offering freedom from slavery in lieu of faithful serve as 'Fire Guards'. Fire Guards were ancient Rome's firemen and fire squads that did both set fires and put fires out...as so to affording the interests of the Caesar.

This is about what Christians see when
they begin to play with the flames

This image is also about what the left side
refers to a 'Ipos'...'Ipos' love fire flames, and
will stare at flames for many hours

Even more studies suggest the Goetia character named 'Ipos" has an 'affinity for fire'; thereby, placing Christian in among the first settlers while still in the Garden of Eden as Cain. Adam and Eve's temptation lead to the conception of that child while the two where still existing in a state of evil...left side of the brain. Pain in child birth and expulsion was as Eve's punishment for trusting something beyond the norm of the Garden. While, Adam was expulsion and hard labor. It is believed this curse was the result of teaching Eve himself of God rather then including Eve as part of the ritual services Adam had with God while still in the Garden.

Article - The Christ Child on Fire: Southwell's Mighty Babe - Kenney - 2013 - English Literary Renaissance - Wiley Online Library

Article - When Enough is Enough: Location Tracking, Mosaic Theory, and Machine Learning by Steven M. Bellovin, Renee M. Hutchins, Tony Jebara, Sebastian Zimmeck :: SSRN

Article - The Voynich Manuscript, The World's Most Mysterious Book

September 16, 2013

'Trash FLASH': MACK Men w/ AT &T

'Trash FLASH'
MACK Men w/ AT &T
Oklahoma  9/16/2013

It should n"t come as a surprise anyone that American Telephone and Telegraph (AT &T) would rear up its ugly head after the great fall of the evil one...or, so it goes. But, yes, while decoding an Al Qaeda group called 'MACK' up pops AT &T...who is also the third intruder on the list of MACK men.

AT &T, of course, has Mexico connections that's full of pomp and glory. Daring threats if a Plutonium post publication on AT &T.   Connections may be slow tomorrow and maybe the rest of the week.

This man looks very similar to the
MACK men trespassing
into Oklahoma home.

You'll have to wait to hear from Mexico. Hoping fully we'll stop hearing from MACK.

2014: MACK is still hanging around Oklahoma homes. Seems MACK men work more at the Oklahoma State University in software development than as a computer technician. Creating iPhone apps, casinos in Oklahoma have been under attack by players who use MACK's software to alter the appearance of chips and cards. Bad Boy, bad, bad boy.

'Iconic': Duelin from Hamilton/BurrHistory Channel

Oklahoma   9/16/2013

Fung, Peril, Satan
History Channel
'Duelin' is perhaps a shorten version of the word dueling. This Al Qaeda group is one of the oldest clusters in the known world. Starting with Old Testament Moses and the battles with the Egyptian ruler Ramses, this group is normally used to start a Satanist movement in newly developing countries. In the United State, the duel that killed Alexander Hamilton changed the course of US America and ushered in a change of policy for both the political system as well as the term of murder by dueling. At About.com the Hamilton/Burr duel reads as, "The duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is not only one of the more fascinating parts of early United States history but also one whose impact cannot be overstated. The foundation of their rivalry was set many years before they actually met on a fateful day in July of 1804."

The picture to the right is of a Fung and the one KAPB uses to show who we found as the perpetrator and leader of the 'Duelin' movement in the USA. The picture clip is from the YouTube video entitled, The Witch Hunter's Bible.

History Channel
KAPB has noticed that over a period of four years an entire city street corner as been uprooted and the employees in that busy urban section is being operated by Fungs. Her, as he likes to be referred as, gang is made up of several different Al Qaeda types. KAPB has posted about most of them but never as an operation that was completely unraveled.

In an attempt to help understand what we found, as usual, we will list the components (members) and add a little information about what it is that was discovered in Oklahoma.

'Duelin' has to primary Goetia characters (demons)...Astaroth
 and Cimejes. Astaroth is the homeopathic pharmacist and Cimejes works with diseases, viruses, etc. Peril works very closely with the demon Astaroth, and the two can be seen together very frequently. It is these three (trinity) though that conduct and rule each individual section listed below. In some way or another, in sequential order, each member has or does something to show that they are present and accountable. 'Does something' can be as little as tapping a fingers or simply a glance with the eyes.

Here is the list:

Flies - four varieties have been noticed...the horse fly being the used most frequently, followed by the black, common house fly, and finally the insect from Mexico that looked like a fly but is really a type of water bug that will live on the water in homes when necessary.

Sadist - Fung and Grongrels. Fungs, of course, are the perpetrator; while, Grongrels want to persecute persons who have made promises or vows all in an attempt to topple a religious foundation.

Tamara - Homeopathic Pharmacist
House Nig_er. Here is were every member returns to when they, as an individual, repeatedly fail at their attempts in the invasion. Using a homeopathic pharmacist, they belive herbs will help them recover.

Christian - KAPB found the Lutheran Church to be the denominational used in this Al Qaeda group. Perhaps some colloquial connection with the word Lucifer makes this church order the church of choice. Whatever the reason, they are the prostitutes who are used in this campaign.

Gestapo. This is something of a change. KAPB has been working on this project for several years and posted a few times about their activity. Within the 'Duelin' group the Gestapo say they are gamblers. KAPB questions this and feels it's most likely a revenge by the friars (clep). Notice the clep in the word Asclepius below.

Snake. Snakes work as announcers in the campaign. Though men, snakes like to use a female tone of voice. They try to traffic persons, but they are more likely to be someone who is placed in the group...much like Katie is in the cluster Plume.

Flop House. These members will trespass into vacant apartments, houses, and buildings. They will chat around with persons in their every day activities all the while searching for other possible entrances into the community in which 'Duelin' is trying to invade.

Backpacks. These are transients/hobos. They make up the greater part of the flop house. It is not unusual for Backpacks to have prostitutes in among them which is most trafficked by a Snake through the snakes orientations.

Paparazzi. They make porn videos of unsuspecting victims. Anywhere any type of nudity can be viewed, the Paparazzi will make movies of...this includes any personal toileting activities.

Lobbyist. Mainly Paparazzi. During a campaign, Paprazzi lobby for the general cause at any given moment in the campaign...normally during a failed attempt that leads to House Nig-er.

Opus Den. These characters are visual only. They are seen outside the home or on internet connections that broadcast into private properties, such as homes. Opus Den's 12 members look like the 12 disciples of Jesus and Opus Den are midgets.

Purson Christ
Chiggers. They are Grongrels (listed above). They chat with a bit of a quiver in their voice and mainly about nothing when not working to over throw a promise or vow.

Prisoners. Most of the 'Duelin' members are supplied through the prison system.

 Jews that Bomb. These members will bomb whatever they are told to do it to. They are listed as Asdrumia Schizophrenics who were made with the herb Acacia...the leaves are eaten. Acacia is listed as a feminine stool softener, and is grown mainly in Israel.

Vatican. Asclepius. "Asclepius was a Greek hero who later become the Greek god of medicine and healing. The son of Apollo and Coronis, Asclepius had five daughters, Aceso, Iaso, Panacea, Aglaea and Hygieia. He was worshiped throughout the Greek world but his most famous sanctuary was located in Epidaurus which is situated in the northeastern Peloponnese. The main attribute of Asclepius is a physician's staff with an Asclepian snake wrapped around it; this is how he was distinguished in the art of healing, and his attribute still survives to this day as the symbol of the modern medical profession. The cock was also sacred to Asclepius and was the bird they sacrificed as his altar." MythicaThe Roman Catholics build their churches on top of Asclepius' medical clinics. Scholars believe that the Vatican itself is built over top of this Greek doctor's main clinic in Rome. The symbols seen in the medical standards are also among the icons in the Astaroth lamen (medallion).

September 10, 2013

Article - What made Typhoid Mary's infectious microbes tick?

Article - Ancient Jewish ritual performed ahead of Yom Kippur in Israel - PhotoBlog

Article - Consumer Updates > Goal of Label Changes: Better Prescribing, Safer Use of Opioids

Article - Warning: Explicit Sexual Contents! - Ancient Roman coins depict sundry sexual acts, but what were they for?

Article - Will the Real Digital Girl Please Stand Up? Examining the Gap Between Policy Dialogue and Girls’ Accounts of Their Digital Existence by Jane Bailey, Valerie Steeves :: SSRN

Article - Religion: Lessons learned from church spies

Article - Ancient sex culture in Mahabharat, Rig Vedas and religious scriptures - daily.bhaskar.com

Article - Ancient notoriety and wealth of awards | Stuff.co.nz

September 9, 2013

Article - Explanations of mixed-sex partnered homicide: A review of sociological and psychological theory

Article - Sexual offenses against children: Patterns and motives

Article - A general strain theory of intimate partner homicide

'Trash FLASH': College Fans Shout "Give Us Sex Kids"

'Trash FLASH'
College Fans Shout "Give Us Sex Kids"
Oklahoma   9/9/2013

Canadian college students have been reprimanded for chanting about non-consensual sex with underage girls during freshman orientation. Ooyala.


Bing.com video service with Newsy.com video

Aug 14, 2010 ... Accusations of financial misconduct, sex abuse scandals: The dark ... chants a mysterious mantra, and magically finds the equanimity that has ... What they probably won't know is that the unnamed guru is a hugely controversial figure who ... sexual abuse, molestation and sexualintercourse with minor girls.

September 6, 2013

Article - Ancient copper mines in south of Israel dated to King Solomon's period - UPI.com

Article - Toxic Gas First Used in Syria 1,700 Years Ago : Discovery News

Article - Am I a Monkey?

Article - Video series sponsored by Jesuits promotes homosexuality | LifeSiteNews.com

Article - Jimmy Hoffa vanishes — History.com This Day in History — 7/31/1975

Article - Satanic Ritual Abuse - How Prevalent is Satanic Ritual Abuse?

Article - Stray prenatal gene network suspected in schizophrenia

Article - Donations by Strangers to Lutheran Churches during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Article - How ventriloquists trick us | Futurity

Article - Neanderthal Art and Play vs. Modern Human Art and Play

September 4, 2013

'FYI': A CalVisto Pirate Organization

A CalVisto Pirate Organization
Oklahoma   9/4/2013

'CalVisto' is the name of an Pirate organization who is operating in the homes and businesses of Eastern Empire descendants.

The word 'CalVisto' is an anagram, Like the clusters, groups, and packs, 'CalVisto' also has its preferred members.  The founding members compromise on the word, and it's generally comes from the primary family this type of cartel has selected to build up from. In the case of the 'CalVisto', the family name is Calisto/Calvetti, a superior wine producing family from the Eastern empire of Turkey. the inserted 'V' is most likely a meaning forwards the 'Vatican'.

This is the 'CalVisto' workforce:
  1. Nazi ... Nazarene Church, Asmodeus, or  A
  2. Pirates ... Mostly Siciline Pirates, but some Morgan
  3. Lawyers ... Darrow Associates, they are operating within the United Kingdom(UK)
  4. Dreamweaver ... Sioux Indians. The use of sleep derivation accompanied with visual and audio power suggestions during sleep
  5. Actors ... More like gossips, they tend to be over productive and the input on minimal
  6. Flies ... Zeus ('Al Jazeer') worshipers comprised mostly of Greek Orthodox Church members with "Lo Saturnalia" within the USA
  7. Vandals ... Apollo (Salbo Nig_er) worshipers comprised mostly of Roman Catholic Church members
  8. The 12 Disciples ... Opus De and Opus Den (DM) make up the two separate councils: whether or not they are functioning together is not known, but Open Den members would most likely look like kids to the average person. These two groups were formed during the Spanish Inquisition.
  9. Pralates ... Developed through of the medicine of Acupuncture, they work mostly as kids.
  10. Inquisitioners ... persons of whom are the survivors from the church's torture eliminations in eastern hemisphere. All can be identified in the PBS historical entitled Secret Files of the Inquisition.
  11. Familiars ... failed police officers who turned to living in the world of crime as police officers in familiars
  12. Town Criers ... mostly gangs such as 'Katie'

Article - Animal Sacrifice Powered Ancient Jerusalem's Economy | LiveScience

Article - Girls Cannot Give Consent

September 3, 2013

Article - 2012 Pre-Election American Values Survey

 Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that God is a person with whom one can have a relationship.


Article - Find Faces On Earth, In Clouds : Discovery News

Article - Mead: Ancient drink is a modern-day success | Lansing State Journal | lansingstatejournal.com

'Iconic': Borick Nazi

Borick Nazi
Oklahoma   9/13/2013

'Borick Nazi' were/are the members of the German Nazi Party that worked in the so-called upper crust.
Two very well documented videos by the History Channel are entitled, Third Reich: The Fall and Nazi Titanic. Both DVD's have loads of images of the Borick (Malphus) and the camp Jews who came to America (Halphus). More importantly, These two videos, plus the others in the History Channel collection, show just how the Third Reich built an Goetia imperial realms in America for the Germans.

The killing off thousands of persons who did not choose to be a Halphus, as well as, the killing thousands of German nationals who wouldn't be a Malphus created the Nazi Party, or the Red, Black, White Goetia fractions we are fighting in America today. These historical video documents are for the viewing interest to maximize the post WW2 knowledge...very well done in the classical Russian cinematography.

The image plate here is a collection of Google images of the typical look to a 'Borick Nazi', or, better understood as, Malphus demonomania.

'Iconic': Today's Ancient Weapons of the Al Qaeda

Today's Ancient Weapons of the Al Qaeda
Oklahoma   9/13/2013

Plutonium has talked a lot abut the mechanical 'Flies' being used in Oklahoma, but, we haven't compiled a list of the, so called, traditional weapons they're using. Guns, dynamite, and knives seem to jump into mind whenever weapons is mentioned; however, in Oklahoma, the 'Ancient Weapons' are more to the truth.

Anso Knife - some what like the Anso Bar-Key tool
Waffler Paddle -  such like to grid wafers used in electronics
Erd Bird - looks like a condom
Scarp Razor - still looks like to ancient scarp torture tool
Plat Flat Iron - looks like a ping-pong paddle
Shiva Blade - ultra fine blade...sometimes used in medical surgery

Most of the weapons found being used on Oklahoma can be seen in this photo.  With today and their use in communities, the design will have a varied shapes, more into punk art art design but still in the concept shape ancient ones...jazzed-up a bit.

Several different versions of the Scarp and Razor being used to both sleeve and decorate patios, porches, and as lawn Knowns. ,Also in Oklahoma are the Wafers, or the Waffler Paddles, and the Erd bird members look a great deal like a Raum demon in advanced stages.