'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 31, 2012

'FLASH': Reality Shows

Reality Shows
Oklahoma  8/31/12

Within the last few days, three more TV reality shows have been located in Norman, Oklahoma. 

Reality Show: Survivor, 'Naked and Afraid'
It must be added that the three new discoveries are as illegally produced as the others mentioned at KAPB's Plutonium.

The newly discovered shows are 'Big Brother', 'Survivor', and 'Dance Moms'. What's the fascination with this dinky, over-populated, hole-in-the-wall, corn brew homo town! 

KAPB has more want-a-be's swooping in-and-out of the windows then imaginable.

Well try to keep readers informed.... It's the Boomer, Sooner!

August 28, 2012

Deinitions - Ting


This group of Asians are the most sought after among organized crime members. Mainly men, they work among the man-god worshipers around the world. Believed to be a descendant of the dinosaur Spinosaurus(earliest orgin-Egypt), 'Ting' will appear to flare outward much like the Spinosaurus when angry or seeking a victim. The picture below is a very good example of a 'Ting', and believed by religious scholars to be the choice person for the 'Magog' character in the holy bible. As little is now heard about Magog among voodoo and other dark world religious practices, scholars feel the Gog character has chosen a Magog to devil with while being each other's lover though both are lesbian males.

August 27, 2012

'TorTureD': Chick-kle

Oklahoma  8/27/12

Word: Chick-kle
Red Word: Crump
Location: Inside vaginal folds
Relative Information: Midway down from top of fold, on the left side, and affixed to the inner tissue slightly above the hair line.

August 26, 2012

'Iconic': Carl Diamond's Wife

Diamond Carl's Wife
Oklahoma 2012

Only a few short weeks later, Carl's wife had something to say. Slowly driving by from the parking area, she was subdued by the public attention her friend Kody K. had brought upon them.

There's a lot of SUV's on the road today,
this one included. The only difference is
this black rider also is featured in the
Housewives of New Jersey.
Faithful to the cause, all survived the fanfare. Kody got married to a she-cat...together they started a church group using KAPB material with a slightly demonic under tone. Carl's wife stopped by a few more times before disappearing all together, and Diamond, well he turned into a farmer. KAPB found him planting tulips at a crematory homing mainly Jews from Texas.

'FLASH': John Hopkins Hospital

John Hopkins
Oklahoma  8/26/2012

With the Plutonium post of 'Jack',  the Christian church awoke the sleeping giant hospital of John Hopkins located in Washington, D.C. 
Among the first in transgender surgeries (1960's), John Hopkins has famed itself with multi medical miracles including those in early childhood diabetes and pre-natal polio.  Following along the therapeutic needs of female impersonations, Hopkins started a French revolution of cross sexual body changes that lasted until the late 1990's. 

Though very little, if none, of the stalkers following 'Jack' seemed connected to the Hopkins Hospital, yet the hospital's name returned repeatedly during questioning the trespassers.

Questionable queries on kidnapping, slavery, and multi concubine marriages towards the homeowner carried the subtle appearance of a kidnapping.Church common wealth, was the over-all message. 

In 2013, the John Hopkins Hospital sent a voice mail message expressing their thoughts about this 2012 Plutonium post. Though the message seemed calm and motivated, their Jewish mentor said very little that was of service.  The end result was a beginning effort with one of the first governmental investigations about the varies body implants ('Aliens On Us').

August 22, 2012

Definitions: AlQaeda Clip

AlQaeda Clip
okla 8/22/12

Opus Clip. Opus clip is the group who hunt to subdue, mane, or kill any person who feels a sovereign connection towards the God of the Holy Bible named as 'I Am'. Most Clip members are affiliated within major religious organizations.

'TorTureD': Serigo, Catholic, Pube

Oklahoma  8/22/12
Serigo, Catholic, Pube

Word: Sergio
Red Word: Splash
Location: Right breast.
Relative Information: Most noted at KAPB is the Italian name Sergio as well as a restaurant by that name and from whom the word was identified
Word: Catholic
Red Word: Cath
Location: Back of the vagina folds among the pubic hair growth
Relative Information: Most known as the name used for any religious order affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church. The fibers that carry and hold an electrical charge are about the same as the fibers associated with the word 'HanHo'. The main difference is the catholic fibers are thicker and twirl as if a real pubic growth would be.

Word: Pube
Red Word: Sha-eep
Location: Front of genital area
Relative Information: Word best known as a slang for pubic hair growth. But, the word is also a card game mostly associated with poker. Most likely fibers glued in among the real hair growth. 

KAPB. Read, Write, and Ready.

'TTD': HamHo

Oklahoma  8/22/12

Word: HanHo
Red Word: A oops
Location: Upper area of buttock where to cheeks begin
Relative Information: In this area a cluster of long, dark fibers seem to be purposely attached as this growth in not normal for most people. When the word banjo is used a stream of soft, electric illumination is visible as if follow your hand around as it moves away from the buttock area. The word 'hanho' will also cause in the buttock area a release more buried fibers. Sometime Some of the open fibers will detach from the skin when the buried members surface...a release of something like a stream of beads can be felt at that time.

August 21, 2012

'TTD' Cobo:

Oklahoma  8/21/12

Word: Cobo
Red Word: Sl-lam
Location: bladder bulb
Relative Information: Best area of understanding is AIDS/HIV. Causing a urinary dripping this assault could easily to described as incontinence. A cobo assault also causes a displacement in the vagina as well as a displaced urinary bulb thus making stimulation to the bladder possible. Nearly 20% of persons using Social Security benefits is due to a cobo attack.

KAPB. Early English, Good Grades!


August 20, 2012

'Alien's On Us': Polio Vaccine

'Alien's On Us'
Polio Vaccine
Oklahoma  8/20/12

In the 2000's, the medical centers who
sponsored the US vaccine projects refused
to help remove the orbs from the arms
 of the American population. They claimed
incrimination and demanded the American justice
department find the offenders who had placed
the data information on their corporate mega-
frame computer. In 2014, the orbs are still
slowly moving to the surface while the federal
courts are closing the vaccine agencies down.
In the early 1960's, the polio vaccine was the major concern of that decade. The fear of contaminated water supplies and atomic fall-out ran rampant throughout the east coast of America. Free shot were given to all age studentsas queues of children lined the streets at elementary and middle schools around the USA. Whether or not anything was implanted during those early years isn't known yet, but in the 1970's, 80's, and 1990's the shots were randomly given to person who used the social service agencies, such as, Welfare, Soup Kitchens, Day Care Centers, etc.  

The images with this post are from the left arm and directly on the old vaccination scar. Just what year the extra implant was added is, yes, still in question, but whatever it was bubbled to the skin surface in 2010. If the herbal acid pack was included in the 1960's then people, via school children, have been carrying these little orbs in their polio scar for nearly 55 years (calculated at year 2014).

Chosen by KAPB to be apart of the leader image for Plutonium, this Goetia Parson look-alike fits the personality of that demon. The Parson personality will only work in medicine and vaccines is a favorite.

Holy, Holy, Holy Hell!

August 19, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Open Fly Wound

'Aliens On Us'
Open Fly Wound
Oklahoma  8/19/12
In 2014, the attackers are believed to be using satellite dish from the Christian network of 'Daystar'.

The image above is another fly bite version being introduced into the south central area of OK....primarily Norman. The bite has a familiar look and is questioned as to the cart and horse theory...leg bug or fly bite. 

The small wound, on the wrist bone, that's still covered is also a part of the acid sprayed at the time of the assault. Two separate flies at two separate times entered through an open door. Playing a cat and mouse game with the controller, the first fly left the building. It was the second mechanical fly that entered, attacked and quickly left back out through the open door.

A residue from the droppings was removed, left to heal, and several days later the wound in the photo above was the result of that attack. The shape could also be considered a 'spade' in its shape as members of KAPB are professional card players.

In 2014, the attackers are believed to be using satellite dish from the Christian network of 'Daystar'.

'TorTureD': Sh(i)t and Da Ing

Oklahoma  8/19/12
Sh(i)t and Da Ing

Word: Sh(i)t
Red Word: Poo
Location: Right facial nostril
Relative Information:  The word shares a variety of meanings...it is also one that is in the bible. Carrying vapors the sh(i)t assault is used to launch odors into the nose. Currently, most common attack is with dog waste.

Word: Da-Ing
Red Word: Poop Shoot
Location:  Anus opening
Relative Information: Best known meaning is a verbal striking sound used by HIV's.


'TTD': Butcher, Crass, and Ping

Oklahoma  2012
Butcher, Crass, and Ping

Word: Butcher
Red Word: Scrape
Location:  Inside laval fold (female), inside penal opening (male)
Relative Information: Trade or a trader who removes, with little regard, the flesh from animal and human

Word: Crass
Red Word: Creep 
(as with a creepy person)
Outside laval, slightly back from midway down at the fold of the leg
Relative Information: W
ord most commonly use by person of developed HIV for the word 'ass'

Word: Ping
Red Word: So
( three circles sized large to small) first, inner laval just outside vaginal opening (male-testicle), second, vaginal opening ( male-skin at base of testicle), third, inside vagina opening ( inside base of testicle at knot)
Relative Information: Asian word used for most criminal activities. "Ping' is also associated with a poker card game where each player is allowed to look at the other players hand before making a bet on the winning hand.

KAPB has found that each of the words in killer diseases so far have been in a pyramid with the first word 'Euthanasia' at the bottom. Some words travel together and believed to be lovers such as butcher, crass. It also appears that body areas have been divided into individual sections, but KAPB believes the small groups will meld back into the larger group as more arrests are made rather then stopping the electrical assaults all together. Butcher and Crass maybe an example of an even further melding( thus leading back to the original assailants) because of the many arrests in the State of Oklahoma.

KAPB. For the best in children's literature and Christian ministry.


August 18, 2012

'TTD': Euthanasia and Cancer

Oklahoma  8/18/12
'Euthanasia' and 'Cancer'

Word: 'Euthanasia'
Red Word: Blank
Location: Teeth, or Veneer implants.
Relative Information: Wired fibers located in the upper jaw that controls the electrical current to the different false teeth. University of Melbourne was the last known study who invested in this USA project. 

Word: 'Cancer'
Red Word: Doop
Location: Right Breast and Nipple area
Relative Information: abrasion, left untreated, in a warm, mucus habitat the area develops into a wound that resists antibiotics.

KAPB has finally heard from the trio of physicians who have been working to develop a set pattern to spread the use of electricity on different areas of the human as well as animal bodies for non-clinical experiments .

August 17, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Spyrex Upgrade

'Aliens On Us'
Spyrex Balls Upgrade
Oklahoma  8/17/12

For the sake of fairness, KAPB will add that an upgrade from 'pimple heads' to 'pimple pads' was introduced a few moments ago. 

An unknown...Lisa...girl who also refuses to leave Oklahoma's private house is the one who bought the upgrade. 

KAPB reaction to the upgrade was, " how about 'leper balls'"? Sense that is who most of the goo is collected for.

KAPB. Early English Primers? Yes!

August 16, 2012

'Aliens On Us': FU

'Aliens On Us'
Oklahoma  8/16/12

GNFTDJ, or better said, ... FU!

KAPB...Better Reading means more info!

'Aliens On Us': Star Swirls...continued

'Aliens On Us'
Star Swirls... continued

Perhaps nothing, perhaps something.

Science Channel

'Aliens On Us': Star Swirls

'Aliens On Us'
Star Swirls
Oklahoma  8/16/12

Believing there was no cause for alarm, the next few photos were taken as a form of proof that the fiber, orbs, and herbal acid packs were being affected by the chemical warfare being waged in Oklahoma.

The new wound is on her face was the cause of a violent eruption by one the fake facial hair acid packs. It's believed that the super cell tornado season in 2012 was the reason a number of fibers were ejected up to the surface of the skin.

Besides the star pattern developing, the shape of the Iris flower can also be seen. The Iris blossom is many times used as a substitute for Lotus flower, the herbal agent used to alter the mind in Vishnu chanting. Vishnu is a coloring stage in Zoroastrianism, most live in India during that period, but some smokers stay in the Himalayan mountain regions. Pope Urban (Jerusalem Templar Crusades) went to the Rome Papal throne while in this stage...he used the hemp strain called Hindu Kish known for the blue staining of the skin cause by smoking that hemp.

With this photo the 'swirl' can be seen inside of the wound itself.
On the upper right corner the port where the acid pack had exploded. The swirl may have been made by exploding the herbal acids inside the varies orbs strings that are used by the implanted packs themselves. But, this is a guess.

The next tow images are just before the explosion of the acid packs. On the top of the wound a load of acid is forming a bubble. A small image inside of the wound is somewhat clear.

While in the next image at picture of something or someone is visible inside of the wound.

As seen in the first two photos the star pattern began soon after the person who exploded the herbal packs. Whether or not is is some form of identification by the attacker is not known for sure, but KAPB believes that not only a pomp by the facial attack by by the person who started the 'Star Swirl'. 

KAPB, for the best in childhood primers!

'Iconic': Smaller 'Star Swirl'

Smaller 'Star Swirl'
Oklahoma  8/16/2014

This is the smaller cloud whirl seen in the southern skies during the 2013 rainy season (tornado season). This photo was also taken on the morning of August 16, 2012.

These delayed storms are the result of war type efforts by Christian coalitions trying to defend the southern bible belt. The violent storms were noted as severe aggression against the State of Oklahoma. The World Court (UN) was called into help with the violent attacks on the newly sovereign state.

'Iconic': Cloud Star Swirl

Cloud 'Star Swirl'
Oklahoma  8/16/2012

Hovering over a multi crop circle field...underground
water springs with pagan worships were
noticed in the area
During the violent storms attacks following Oklahoma's sovereign state vote, the wet season created some different cloud patterns never seen in Oklahoma before.  On August 16, 2012, this cloud pattern was dubbed the 'Star Swirl'.

But 'Star Swirl' also caused some strange patterns all around the area, including on human skin were optic fibers had been implanted.

August 15, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Sponge Mat from Ear

'Aliens On Us'
Sponge Mat from Ear
Oklahoma  8/15/12

Just what the mats are used for is unknown, perhaps to hold spyrex balls in place because of the terrain (inside of the ear), or to work as a sound buffer for either concealment from the victim or to hide the transmitter from other spyrex orbs. 

Top of mass is a hair or fiber. Mass is bubbled throughout with a core bulb among the bubbles at the base of the matter that's stuck on the demonstrator's nail plate. 

A carry through image may be needed if the above illustrations are off focus in delivery to site. KAPB

We're Growing! Join in the fun of reading well.

August 14, 2012

'FLASH': Mama's Boys

Mama's Boys Oklahoma 8/14/2012
Oklahoma  8/14/12

Dennis from the reality TV show 'Mama's Boys of the Bronx' has been identified as the man in one of Plutonium's posts. The entitled 'Rat Monk' post has disappeared. KAPB hopes it has been misfiled, and it will be found during the update of 2014.

That's him!
All the same, it seems Oklahoma has become very popular for reality shows.  First the illegal 'Housewives of New Jersey' and its filming at private residential properties, then the illegally filmed 'Kim's Getting Married' that appeared to have been placed on an electrical transformer box by the pool of Jersey housewives, now it's 'Mama's Boys of the Bronx', also being filmed illegally at the same apartment complex. 

'Requiem' is the only legal reality series being filmed at the in-questioned complex. 'Requiem' is best known for exposing hate mongers towards the USA's first amendment 'Free of Religion', the 17th Amendment to abolish slavery, and the continual international human rights violations.  

KAPB. Primer Educational Literature

Found it!
This image is entitled 'Rat Monk' because this cathor likes to eat mice and rats.

August 12, 2012

'Aliens On Us'': Spyrex Balls Rebuttal

'Aliens On Us'
Spyrex Balls Rebuttal
Oklahoma  8/12/12

KAPB has had a flood of trespassers who've came to tell the company that are confused about the Spyrex balls. 

Without hesitation, the trespassers faithfully claimed that the balls are 'pimple heads'. 

KAPB's return comment was, 'whatever!'.

KAPB. The value of a good education is worth the time to get it.

'Iconic': Computer Mobsters

Computer Mobsters
Oklahoma  8/12/12

'Queen' is also the name
of the AL Qaeda cluster
that robs casinos, gaming
sites, and home type
gaming fun.

In the USA, the first digital computers were designed in about 1944 at the University of Pennsylvania. This Dutch community had a fanfare gala party to introduce America's contribution to the world of computer engineering, and everyone who was anyone wants to be a part of the action... Including to mob, Italian gangsters...as they were called in those days, today, Vassago.

Though the mob has been a part of the Italian crime scene from the very beginning of the Rome Empire, Americans seem only to understand them as racketeers, hit-men, and boozers. While drunk of warm vino and cold pizza, the mobsters paid several hundred thousand dollars to digital engineers to develop software programs that would create number patterns to control the gambling circuits. Not only did they get slot machines codes, but newly designed card sequences to aid in looting casinos and the skilled, professional card players who use casinos as places for employment.

'National Ghetto' is one such card trick used by the mob. The word 'Ghetto' by Italian terms is an actual pool of poop. And, most 'Ghettos' were a part of the civil system of ancient Rome only the 'Ghetto' was just out side the front door, or under a window, which ever was the most convenient. 'NatsG', as the name has become, is played on gaming Internet sites, iPhone apps, mob owned casinos. In 2011, five major online gaming site were forced to pay back millions of dollars to customers as 'NatsG, the mob's binary babe was found being used on sites such as Poker Stars, Ultimate Poker, and WPT. 

KAPB knows these two...
Phil Ivey - link
Shells and a Pea - link

Education through English Primers!

August 10, 2012

'FLASH': Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus
Oklahoma  8/10/12

If unfamiliar with the Catholic Men's club called The Knights of Columbus, they are a branch of the Knights Templar. Where the Templar's are formally a warlord group, the Knights of Columbus work silently appearing to be social and civilly involved. 

It was noticed that the Knights of Columbus have aligned themselves with the new movement in Christian evangelism. Tampering with online religious websites, the K of C are diligently seeking ways to change around the words written, they are power suggesting Catholicism phrases, and trying to develop a colony of friar monks who build towers of deceit.  Cow punching themselves into homes of judges and police officers, this medieval monolith of worker bees want only their concepts of Christ to be known. Bob Rossman the Knight leader in the OU university town of Norman, Okla says he 'will not give up until either the KAPB blog collection is dead or within the Catholic's holdings.  KAPB says, "Why bother, it would only return because of all the slave reparations the Catholic Church has to pay out...Your troubled, Mr.UnJesus...seek medical advice!"

One more thing, "Swing and burn, sorcerer!'

There's no greater education then 
from someone who actually read the Holy Bible. - KAPB.

'Vehicles' White means Drugs

White means Drugs
Oklahoma  8/10/12

Connected to the reality TV program entitled Housewives of New Jersey, the vehicle in this photo is white.
Persons who are selected to drive white cars are somehow associated with drugs. Most work at hospitals, clinics, or private doctor offices.

With this person, the character 'Theresa' is the central theme. Using a private apartment complex pool and a private cell phone, lookalikes sell drugs and drug paraphernalia.  As for the TV personality herself, it's little wonder that that tabloid queen was able to find a way into the scene, and said to have had stolen the entire set-up of drugs, cars, and kids. Along with other cast members, Theresa, on-air, makes the questionable phone calls. These same calls are over-heard at private pool. The difference is at the apartment complex the dope on the call is 'dope'. 

The next color (blue print) is generally the colored used by the person who is a leader. Blues will organized, manage, and distribute the dangerous and highly illegal street drugs, as well as, stolen prescription drugs. There are two types of blue color used in this set (Red and Black being the other two of three).

August 6, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Spyrex Images

'Aliens On Us'
Spyrex Images
Oklahoma  8/5/12

In the first attempts to photo capture a 'Spyrex' ball,
the orb was removed from the first pit inside the right ear.

Removed from the neck this ball was on an artery 
just behind the jaw bone. 

This ball was in a vein just behind the ear on the right side. 
Pulled along with the orbs is the scab that had formed after a
previous org removal. One large ball and a piece of a broken string 
is on the near left. A smaller ball is horizontal of the large orb. 

'Spyrex' balls are placed in the skin by a varity of ways. Medical equipment, unscrupulous doctors,  false fingernails, restaurant seating and serving sets, as well as, mechanical insect, metal chard, hard paper chads, and ball point pen ink.

These tiny objects swell into large balls inside the skin as they fill with plasma creating their own sculptures around the facial features, fingers, and breasts. The more 'Spyrex' balls planted in the face, the more likely the person will appear different then their original birth features. Thus, using this type of local robotic imaging, criminal behaviors of identity thief, false identities, fake ID cards, human impersonations, etc are easily affordable as only one string of 50 balls may cost a criminal only $5.00. 

Something to think about...

KAPB. For the best in children's literature...

August 5, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Spyrex Balls

'Aliens On Us'
Spyrex Balls
Oklahoma  8/5/12

Though the colors are not
the same, the pattern of the balls
are just about the way the
'Spyrex' balls run inside the
body. To remove, individually
balls must to pulled from
the flesh, leaving a huge
hole in the skin as scar tissue.
'Spyrex' gum balls, a very soft latex, are commonly used in medical surgeries today. If unfamiliar with any type of blood fusions procedures, then the 'Spyrex' will have very little meaning to you. The 'Spyrex' plasma balls are used to collect blood products for oral surgery.

These latex orbs are also used by the manufactures who operate the mechanical flies that are being found in the State of Oklahoma. Mechanical insects(bees, flies, gnats, and ants) have become a criminal's dream. The motorized insects can be easily driven, or flown, into homes and businesses with the use of a computer, iPhone, and notepads.

Carrying a pay loads of these latex balls, it's simple for the criminal pilots to adhere a sticky orbs to hard objects, such as dishes, drinking glasses, silverware. Unfortunately for humans, the mechanical insects carry electrical conduits that aid into burning the 'Spyrex' orbs into the under layers of human skin that enables the orbs to collect blood plasma. With the use of filled orbs, nanotech fiber optics the balls act as small robots inside the layers of body skin, including the mouth, stomach, bowels getting there from the eating objects and food we use.

Currently the 'Spyrex' plasma orbs are made at the state university in the country of Belgium. Through the formulas of science attributed to Albert Einstein and his work with the female population who had contracted Proto Viral Meningitis...a condition related to first and proceeding generations of characters within the colonies of prostitution.  

August 4, 2012

Definitions: Multa Nig_er

Multa Nig_er
Oklahma  8/4/12

Multa Nig_er. Al Qaeda. Italy. Most of this nig-er cell is living in the USA. Even though legally registered as immigrants, as of April, 8, 2012 this cluster of Aver are being deported back to Italy because of the refusal to stop their practice of slavery and other human rights violations.

KAPB. For the best in children's literature and Christian ministry.


August 1, 2012

'Iconic': Diamond Carl Fraction

Diamond Carl
Oklahoma  7/31/12

Diamond Carl is a little known gambler who spent his life following after the famous financier Diamond Jim Brady. As much as Brady developed stocks and bonds in the early American construction ears, Carl built his smaller empire with organized crime interests. Mimicking the patterns of Diamond Jim Brady, 'Diamond Carl' had boys and girls in every side port that Diamond Jim Brady had stocks in. The U.S. American post Civil War history is simply littered with one story or another of this kind, and this post is no different. Reportedly, 'Diamond Carl' was a member in one of the early 1900's notorious gambler gang in Saint Illinois. Some archives show Carl as having an association with two others who used the name 'Diamond'...Jim and Michael...neither of which was Brady, or so it has been reported.

A close reading of Diamond Jim Brady inset below it's very noticeable just how Diamond Carl' has himself set up along side of the famed financier.

Diamond Jim Brady was famous for three things: making millions selling railroad supplies, wearing oodles of sparkling jewelry and eating enormous amounts of food. This last distinction has made him a celebrated.

Brady, Diamond Jim (James Buchanan Brady), 1856–1917, American financier and philanthropist, b. New York City. He was a bellboy and messenger and then worked for the New York Central RR in various capacities. He later was employed by a railroad supply company, and his selling ability rapidly brought him a fortune. He began collecting diamonds and other jewels and amassed 30 complete sets of jewelry estimated as worth well over $1 million. He was famous for his appetite and elaborate meals and was one of the best-known men in New York's Broadway nightlife. In 1912 he gave funds to Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (where he had received treatment) to found the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute.

President James Buchanan

It is believed that the gang in which 'Diamond Carl' is connect with has its roots in the Civil War scandals surrounding the neglect to prosecute the prostitutes in both the States of Virginia and Maryland even though the US Generals reported them as spies, much more then simply whores who used a church as a way to solicit customers. The prostitutes actually worked for President Gronn of Paris, a little known financier who sold cards, letter, and pictures of Saint Nichols or there about. Because Diamond Jim Brady used the name of Buchanan it is said by historians that Brady is most likely a organized crime boss. as most likely so is 'Diamond Carl' as he uses an Al Qaeda fraction follow-through name of 'Diamond'.

'Diamond Carl', who now lives in Oklahoma, is the successor to the AFL-CIO fortune accumulated during the famed Jimmy Hoffa union crime syndicate leader. Carl, involved with the Hoffa scandals, is some how considered to be a part of the 'stolen union dues and funding' fraud that lead to the Hoffa disappearance. History has its wonder stories. In reality, 'Diamond Carl' created a new corporation entitles 'Colfax'. It's said by using 'all' the reported union monies.  And, Hoffa moved to Alaska, married a native american woman, and started a numbers gambling racket in Anchorage.

Carl is still called 'Carl' but his last name is 'Waters, Sr',
Jimmy Coolgin is the new Jimmy Hoffa,
And, James Buchanan is still known as the 15th President of the United States.

Kara's Primers!

'FLASH': Gay Parenting Study

Gay Parenting Study
Oklahoma  8/1/12

Controversial Gay-Parenting Study Is Severely Flawed,
Journal's Audit Finds July 26, 2012, 
By Tom Bartlett

link to article

Many studies were developed on the social behaviors of gays following news articles in the world wide public press. Everybody who wanted a piece of the action wrote stories, fables, and religious conduits.
Heating up the newspapers, scores of news items detailed the lives of gay men, and slowly same-sex females.

Writers formed secret overt study group labeled Faithful Followers of Good and Evil. Shrouded surreptitious authors in surreptitious studies in with fake names encrusted as 'pin-name', that meant 'pin-pat'. 

In question at the above article why it was published?

One answer here at KAPB's... 
Seminary in Chicago
Fr. Robert Barron

Check back later...

Kara's Primers!