'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 29, 2013

'Iconic': Monastery in Northern Nevada

Monastery in Northern Nevada
Oklahoma   8/29/2013

Good things can happen! Members of Kara's Associated have been invited to study at the primary monastery in Northern Nevada. If all goes well, Civil Compliance, Diseases will have a new worker in the work force one day.

Blessing to all and congratulations members! -  KAPB

Article - Architects Are Part of the Prison Industrial Complex, Too - Mike Riggs - The Atlantic Cities

August 26, 2013

Article - Mistake Prompts State to Test Dozens for HIV, Hepatitis | NBC Connecticut

Article - Female-to-Male Transmasculine Adult Health

Article - the modesty purity movement and our sacrificial virgins

'Iconic': Council of Nicaea

Council of Nicaea
Oklahoma   8/26/2013

The 'Council of Nicaea' was once the leader in organizations affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, as well as, it's counter-part the Eastern Catholic Church. Nicaea is located in the northern region of what is Germany today. The Eastern Catholic set up the arrangements for Nicaea to be the council of church leaders, and everything that was documented at the 'Council of Nicaea' was church law and had to be followed. Period!

Roman Emperor and French King Constantine the Great was perhaps the first Christian to break the rules, or laws of the Nicaea Council when he killed all of the Western Christians, their Archbishop, and subdued today's City of Venice, Italy, the Western capitol of the Catholic Church in ancient church history.

Here is a link to documents dated to the 'Council of Nicaea...


August 23, 2013

'Pirates' Asmodeus, Their Pralate

Asmodeus, Their Pralate
Oklahoma   8/23/2013

Asmodeus in "Drag", as they
call it.
For the third time 'Asmodeus' is the one who returns to keep the attention of our KAPB business members.

Because of it, KAPB feels that 'Asmodeus' is the 'switchboard'. Primary Al Qaeda pirates, such as mentioned in the post with grocery store cashiers and other notable clusters. With the publication of Five Pirate Band, it's fair to say 'Asmodeus'(Granmoire`) is not fully aware of who is next in line within the international organized crime mecca and its infrastructure. Thereby, with all opinions aside, KAPB consider 'Asmodeus' a simple errand boy; or, as stated at About.com, Asmodeus, a begger much like King Solomon became when he entrusted and evoked the demon 'Asmodeus'. 

A little information about 'Asmodeus' may help to remove the myth and mysticism from this Goetia character, and put him into today's frame of  mind, and to continue to be enlightened as just what secular religions in the USA has developed into... 
Asmodeus is a temptress. For the most part,
while working in prostitution, this
character will carry a snake which is never
included in the S and M sex shows they
like to perform. This Cimejes is also
known to be leaders of television churches
while in the stage of snake.
For what ever reason, King Solomon had to build a physical temple in which he could attempt to restructure a religious worship in and among the Zoroastrian of the Middle East, today they are called Jews. Hoping to obey the religious rules of conduct, Solomon looked intently for a divining rock, or tool, called a 'Shamir' (About.com Asmodeus). Some scholars say used by Moses to carve the ten commandment tablets. Seemingly, information was delivered to Solomon that 'Asmodeus', King of Demons (Asmodeus) knew of and had a 'Shamir' in his possession. The story that follows is an anomaly that is also a detail in the Middle Eastern journeys of Jesus of Nazareth. Also, though very little is said, all of the characters portrayed in the New Testament are steps inside of stages of the Cimejes demon. Cimejes is famous among religious learners because this demon is inter-connected with the New Testament disciples and their selection by Jesus.

Below are the steps in this biblical anomaly...you can view the ancient text at the links provided at About.com.

First ...the rock...on which to build upon

Second ...the mountain...Jesus faces the devil(Satan)

Third ...'Asmodeus'...King of the Demons

Prison System
Google Image

Fourth ...the well of water...Jesus in Sumeria, was the capital of Israel, and the women at the well who married to five men at any given time including varies lovers.

Fifth ...'Asmodeus' heavenly invisibility('Labolas')...returning to the Greek multi-god and placing a messiah as the god through an evocation, Poke Runyon ( Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; with a chain, the ring on which the Name of God was engraved [sic, lamen] , a bundle of wool[sic, Jews], and a skin of wine[sic, Jesus]. - About.com, Asmodeus

Corleone Castle
Post Link
Sixth ...Nazareth order and vow of abstinence (At first he [sic, Asmodeus] would not drink of it, and cited the Bible verses that inveigh against wine, to inspire himself with moral courage. - About.com, Asmodeus)...Numbers 6:1 ADONAI said to Moshe, Romans 10:10, Romans 11:15 - Allfaith.com 

Seventh ...connected to the perils of Hercules(YouTube, Greek Gods, part 4)...with the conclusion of Hercules ascending into heaven as a god. (About.com, Asmodeus)

Eight ...return to the sea...Hermetic science and Egyptian(P.A.U.L.) studies of the mind: Yam

YouTube clip
Ninth ...Solomon took on 'Asmodeus' as a companion and consort('Asmodeus' is however best known for his help in building King Solomon's Temple. ... It took a figure of truly great power, such as John the Baptist, to help the ... - perillos.com/asmodeus)

Tenth ...'Asmodeus' takes over the kingdom of Israel and sets himself up as king after 'snatching up' Solomon and hurdling him " four hundred parasangs (an ancient Persian unit of distance, equal to about 3.5 miles, Dictionary.com./parasangs‎) away from Jerusalem" (About.com, Asmodeus). Poke Runyon,  Hermetic Science.

Basically, this is the development of 'Asmodues' in our religious history. Today, we should remember that the biblical, ancient history chronicles are  about the cannibals and their migration across the African, Asian, and the European continents; but, more importantly, how those biblical chronicles are still working in our society today. Through many believe all biblical accounts are old, ancient, and of the past, then why is it listed in the Goetia that demons can recalled and implement 'the past, present, and what is to come'. 

August 22, 2013

'Pirates': Oklahoma's Pack of Pirates

Oklahoma's Pack of Pirates
Oklahoma   8/22/2013

A 'Pack of Pirates' is made up of five different pirates orders. They usually stay away from each other, yet at the same time, they are always in some kind of pack binding them to a king's order. It should be noted that pirates normally don't give much to queen's but they do like to make babies with them. Therefore, it can be assured that in any one of today's royal families at pirate baby was born.

In the North American hemisphere the 'Pack of Pirates' are the five listed below. Other Plutonium posts have more information about those listed here...

Oklahoma's Five Pirate Band:

Focalor - or,  Davy. The best story about this Captain of the fabled theft of the Black Pearl and the Davy Jones Locker tale. If you watch long enough at the illustration of the Focalor demon, you will see the middle figure take to shape of a disc thrower. When he seems to be tossing the disc a slight image of this fabled pirate can be seen, but only for the moment. The greatest number of Davy Pirates live in the Seattle, Washington, (USA). And, yes they look like the fellow in the movies.

El Doog - or, Jean Lafitte. KAPB went on a search to find out why El Doog returned in and around us. This little known pirate is considered to be in the Latin American branch of pirates. From Discovery.com we made this clip of that pirate..."Was Jean Lafitte an American hero or a savage criminal? It seems like he was a little bit of both. On the one hand, Lafitte avoided American ships throughout much of his career as a pirate, instead preying on English and Spanish vessels that ventured into the Gulf of Mexico. He also successfully defended the city of New Orleans in the War of 1812 alongside Andrew Jackson. On the other hand, he was a smuggler and a pirate who stole a small fortune over his career (although he became known for treating enemy captives well). Although his reputation is up for debate, Lafitte's legacy is undoubtedly the rumors of buried treasure that he left behind throughout Louisiana -- a fortune that was sought after long after he died around 200 years ago." Link to Discovery.com

Martin - or, King James of Scotland. This link has all the information KAPB has...we will keep our readers informed as the info becomes available. But, to repeat... It should be noted that pirates normally don't give much to queen's but they do like to make babies with them. Therefore, it can be assured that in any one of today's royal families at pirate baby was born.

Moroccan - or, Vestal to the Vatican. Again, this link is the information we have. We'll keep you informed of we learn more.

Siciline  - or, Al Aleutian. Al Aleutian is the name that is said to be the favorite for this little known pirate band who was famous for the capture of Julius Caesar...more to the fact, Julius Caesar incorporated them during an extended visit and parlay. The Al Aleutian name is more made up then anything else. The pirate 'Al' himself is sexually impotent, and they heavily populate the Aleutian Island region of Alaska...no babies there. Because Alaska is considered to be at the 'end of the world', the Siciline pirates have taken Al in and befriended him...no babies, no threat for....  Read more at this link.

Follow the links above to see what KAPB found out about them..."while them, there pirates" were in Oklahoma.

'Pirates': Paparazzi, El Doog and The Siciline Pirates

Paparazzi, El Doog and The Sicilian Pirates
Oklahoma   8/22/2013

The word Doogel is many times used by the El Doog, sometimes referred to as Jean Lafitt.  In Tulsa, OK, one Al Qaeda group offered information again. Rumors about the Paimon demon ran rampart when some researchers revealed facts about Paimon being among the four favorites for messianic human sacrifices. Somewhat disturbed by the rumors, Paimons opened up about having hung around with 'Paparazzi'. Seems those photographers have a questionable background in connection with the rumors.

As for Norman, OK, several members of the 'Paparazzi' were sent as questions arose about a crime scene they had been identified at. And, still other 'Paparazzi' photographers followed secretly behind only to end up hiding in a nearby apartment located at the crime.

'Doogel', with their Hollywood connections, as well as, SSW, OU in Tulsa, felt it would be a good way to look unseen at a 'scene of the crime' by other 'Paparazzi' member if the school of Social Work was used because the assistant director of the OU, SSW in Norman, OK has a small apartment rental in the area where the invasive 'Paparazzi' took flight to.

It should be noted here that the Valefor demon is sometimes associated with this pirate group, but experts say "No, no connection at all". With that input, the call for Valefor is perhaps simply a stress call to move into the Valefor realm of the brain when the understanding of what they were doing became more realistic.

Law enforcement best knows the 'paparazzi' with the underlying approaches they use to solicit prostitution, gambling, and other related organized crime businesses. Most 'paparazzi' work as lobbyist in either state or federal courthouse or senates. 'Paparzzi' use paraphrase when writing their attractions, so many of them can will  be working to gather new persons from whom they get collections of english grammar; suggested, universities level essays papers from student at universities campuses.

This link is to a Google copy of ancient history of pirates from the Mediterranean region. And, the image is from a Google image search. It shows that the person in this photo of paparazzi are Siciline pirates. More pirates...

August 21, 2013

'FYI': The Seven Christian Churches

The Seven Christian Churches and Who They Are in the World of Crime
Oklahoma   6/21/2013

Sometimes it's necessary to make things clear about who is and isn't involved with crime when it comes to the churches in America. A lot of people ask about who goes through the doors who comes back out of them. After some research KAPB has compiled some information about the Seven Christian Churches of the Con-Verso movement that is operating in the USA today.

Hoping not to offend anyone, KAPB would add that not all person are associated with the below information, but most are. Many persons simply leave the religious structures for better opportunities with their personal needs in a person service to God.

This is the list:
Adventist - Is a dilum group...Homosexual men who look alike(same stage) and the two of them prefer the same female type to share with.
Eastern Catholic - Recovering from the physical condition 'catha lic'. They prefer children from the ages of six to fourteen. At the eastern church, members will try to recover from this form of pedophilia.
Methodist - This organization has a problem with obesity. Member of this church want their sex partners to be fat. If finding a way to cause obesity, this church members will include all members of the church as will as persons who have attended a Methodist church.
Lutheran - The direct opposite of the Adventist. Lutheran are lesbian females who look alike(same stage), and the two of them prefer the same type of male type to share with.
Nazarene - Christian Muslims who prefer that women wear the necessary clothing to cover the entire body, some time called 'berk'. ('A')
Roman Catholic - Prefer children in both blood and body. They will consume the flesh of unborn children being at the second stage of pregnancy.
Unitarian - A Caucasian Asian group who prefers men rather then women. They will have wives in the family, but the male members in the household will be the lovers. The female doesn't share in their relationships, but only the household structure in general. ('Perwing')

August 20, 2013

'Pirates': The Quadi Pirate Mecca

The Quadi Pirate Mecca
Oklahoma   8/20/2013

The word 'Quadi' itself is the Germanic tribe who had some fame during the 3rd century while fighting against the Roman army. The Roman army, who was trying to expand it's northern borders, must have infused the standard military equipment of the Quadi tribe into the Roman army standard uniforms, as can be seen in the images here. The Romans  were attempting to infused their Greek architecture into the former Carthaginian artwork labeling it Roman designs, so scholars believe the Romans, shall we say "borrowed", the German military uniforms. This Germanic influence is important as today's 'Quadi' members are heavy on the Germanic side so KAPB feels this is the German stamp (remember-Roman/German General Germanicus of its involvement.

"Quadi' are also pirates. Formed in several ancient territories such as Hungary, Greece, Vandela(N. Africa, and N. Europe.
A 'Quadi' is a four organization crime mecca. The 'Quadi' here is made up of Pirates, Christians, Social Work, University, and Prisons.

In the last four or five KAPB posts, the pirates have been named as invaders here at KAPB. That served as the reason to investigate into why were we being over run with pirates, which in turn, lead to the discovery of a  'Quadi'. The 'Quadi' members here consists of" Pirates -- Focalor, Moroccan, Martin; Christian -- Lutheran(German)(Nazi Occupied), Nazarene(Muslim)(New York State), Catholic(Rome), Advent(German), and Methodist(United Kingdom); Social Work, University -- mainly authors of papers directed towards charity facilities; and, Prisons -- funding for their crime activities. Taking turns in the above listed order, 'Quadi' tries to maintain a position in a crime scene of which they have been implicated. Varies KAPB Plutonium post help to illustrate what is going on with this mecca. Please search out any further links to the best over-all understanding to this type of crime organization.

It should be noted: The Christians(Lutherans['eLee' ]) like to use ' Meter Maids', better said today as 'Meter Readers'.
These traffic controllers serve this 'Quadi'  as in-the-field  police officers. Well, our sentiments actually, "Don't park here!"

Blind drunk and in need of a meal, Quad!

August 16, 2013

'Pirates': The Martin Pirates

The Martin Pirates
Oklahoma  8/16/2013

Google image
 'Martin Pirates' like to loot and rob homes of persons who are more well off then most persons. They, like most criminals, are using the mechanical flies, insects, etc. 'Martin Pirates' like to employ to different mini-Al Qaeda groups: The Goetia Bune who are profoundly in a stage where the word Dune is used for nearly everything and the a little known group who call themselves Gore. Both Dune and Gore speech tone is about the same female level but both Dune('June' ) and Gore(Familiars. ) are boys/men.
Google Image

The 'Martine Pirates' can be found in and around the country of Morroco. They love working in the avaunt of the federal prison  system much like to Roman Illuminati ('Flame') do. And the 'Martin Pirates' are in the Goetia Ose.

The image are one of persons who would most likely look like a 'Martin Pirate'.

August 14, 2013

'Pirates': The Moroccan Pirates

The Moroccan Pirates
Oklahoma   8/14/2013

These pirates of the Barbary Coast, North Africa are something to see. Fancy dressers, they live the high life with stolen corporate profits. As Andrealphus prostitutes 'Moroccan Pirates' have a unique setup.

This Muslim Al Qaeda order work similar to the way Christian monks and friars do...take over! The code with these pirates(Forge.) is that they must submit to whatever a sexual solicitor would care to do to them physically.  The solicitor has to be working for the corporation the pirate has to get control of, and the pirate has to be able to hold onto the position until he is able to turn over control to an Al Qaeda leader, so to say.
'Moroccan Pirates' are famous among the Goetia  Andrealphus demons as Cleopatra is also found among the varies images in the Andrealphus collections so this makes the 'Moroccan Pirates' in an openly established monarchy--even though no one knows Cleopatra was a demon herself. Whatever!

Lastly, the 'Moroccan Pirates' can be found as consorts to the Catholic Popes, including the currently seated Pope Francis (2013). Pirates are considered to be estrange from the Christian church because of a faithfulness to Allah, but the pirates are many times cathor, thus calling on a name of Jesus(that was crucified) when they, as Muslims, find no answer to come after long periods of time...which is permissible in traditional Islam.

Google Images are featured at this post.

'Pirates': HIV and the Mechanical Fly

HIV and the Mechanical Fly
Oklahoma   8/14/2013

HIV and the Mechanical Flies. As the development of the mechanical flies, gnats, ants, crickets, etc. the issue of HIV has become more noticeable when HIV is considered a threat if the flies are developed to carry fibers holding, or soaked, with fluids infected with HIV/AIDS, as well as, any other virus.

Google image

The US Air Force at Tinker Air Force Base only days ago, started the program to help Oklahoma control these mechanical flies because of the possible HIV threat these flies could carry in their payloads. What Tinker Air Force Base is also looking into is the threat to wild life, as numerous small birds have been found dead because of these mechanical flies and other insects.

Perhaps it's time to send some letters and Emails to our state and US senators in the efforts to fund and support stopping the plight of mechanical insects. Something for us to think about.

'Pirates': The Focalor Pirate

The Focalor Pirate
Oklahoma    8/14/2013

A clip from the Sims Paradise Island, the five faces
on the rock front are those of the Pirate Focalor.
The rock coloring is about how the texture
of a focalor's skin would look.
KAPB found something interesting about the demon Focalor. Believe it or not, Focalor is the pirate in us all. He is at the fourth level of apex in demonomania (L.O.V.) there being 72 in all. It is said that few new persons who use demonomania as a retreat from society never reach the 4th level, so it should be understood that anyone at the 4th level has been associated with neurology and demonomania for a very long time.

Focalor believe the best way to develop a community of members is through younger girls, normally about 12 to 14 years old.

An image created to depict a
Focalor, but the Goetia seal is
much more trustworthy.
 As early american colonial and pre-colonial religious beliefs (Ca Dal in Reoonk Nig-er.) were the primary contributor to morality for women, it is assured that the Focalor intellect played a very important role because girls were to be married off when they first started their menstruation...around 13-15 on the average.
This also is a
way the 'Focalor'
Pirate can appear.

Two really good media sources for information about the demon Focalor is the American(French) movie and television series, Star Trek. Though Sir Patrick Stewart played the leading role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Harrison Ford was the 'behind the scenes' lead role in the American television adaptation, as well as, the actor who played one of the leading roles in motion films of Star Wars. Ford, as Stewart, are both in a stage that would seem as a Focalor. Focalor, like long term HIV(Ramus), have a set of delusions where space ships, planets, and space creatures are seen.

Focalor Seal. Seals are
seen on the arms, face, or chest.
Seal appearance is close to
black/blue tattoo ink. Seal ink
is, in-reality, burst blood vessels
that has risen to the surface of the
The second really good  movie is see different stages of Focalor is London's Russa movie entitled, Eastern Promises (On London’s Underside). Here the demon is Marchosias while sliding through a stage that resembles a Focalor. During this stage the Marchosias is seen as a Russian and so called Russa.

'Pirates': DaLeage

Oklahoma    8/14/2013

The man is this photo looks very
similar to how a 'DaLeage'
Pirate friend wold appear.
DaLeage is the name used by lesbians who have indulged in male semen. The tone of their voice changes to a female tone with a slight lower bass sound blended into the higher female accent. 'DaLeage' members are very simple characters who can be cohered into 'looking around' a private residence or place of business. They will normally leave or sit far back when questioned or that their presence is made known to them.

Very similar to the Genuine, 'DaLeage' will also work somewhere around pirates.

Warning! The next picture below is very bloody and can be offence to some people.

Warning! The picture enclosed in this embed is very bloody and can be offence to some people.

This is the logo used by 'Daleage'. Remarks made by them at the time this post was gathered indicts a possible link to athletics sports, mainly football, where a possible injury of this type happened. Though the 'Da:eage' members KAPB talked to didn't known what happened following the infliction of a wound such as this, it was noticed that the invading member were dizzy-minded as if recovering from a concussion.

At pinterest.com, the caption to this photo indicts the would is a fake and can be purchased at costume stores.

August 11, 2013

'Pirates': Genuine

Oklahoma    8/11/2013

The 'Genuine' at this post
uses this logo when-
ever they are selling,
suggesting, or invading
Pirates or private homes
and business
This Al Qaeda group that is very, very small and timid. They usually work only as mini-spies, and they will yield at any given notice to do so. 'Genuine' will steal, make attempts to keep a governor on slavery, and love to drive around in auto race mechanical flies...keeping themselves busy with racetrack patterns in and around a home's furnishings.

Some members will use mechanical gnats, but will only drive (fly) a few of the bitty black fuzz before returning to the strong and larger racer robotic fly. 'Genuine' like to langer and can be fund most anywhere. They can also be excited into a langer around or in a potential crime scene if a 'Genuine' like the person or group who is soliciting their attention.

"That spider light bulb would be handy!"

All the same, because 'Genuine', consisting only of soft, feminine voiced men, will easily yield and surrender whatever area that they surveillance making them a favorite among Cilician pirates.

'Iconic': Baggering

Oklahoma    8/11/2013

'Baggering' is a slang term used by Christian monks and friars, and most likely a Benedictine term. The term 'baggering' itself is not local but considered to be a universal term used to describe a state of existence due to the failure of a proposed plan in an ordering for control of property and commercial goods at the proposed crime site itself.  The entire proposed site is traded off, but the purchasing crime group show no sign of awareness that with the trade is an inclusion of one or more of the former monks/friars who presented the baggering offer in the first place. 'Baggering', similar to bartering, is found among organized crime groups that are in association with church affiliations who are involved with trafficking (Gargoyle.) marketable goods to foreign nations who are considered to be in turmoil., such as the middle east is today(2013).

Normally, the purchasing crime group is in the Al Qaeda organizations of pirates, and generally the pirates of among the oldest clans, such as the Cilician pirates( 4. news clip). Cilician pirates, who origin is found in western Turkey, but later they were found colonizing the island of Sicily...today, they live on the Mediterranean island of Corsica just west of Sicilian island. Proper term for the Cilician pirate is "A Cilician" ( A.).

Examples of today's look like Cilician pirates would be persons such as Andy Garcia, Al Franken, and Robert De Niro. It should also be noted that the businesses these pirates conduct today as a favorite pass times are gambling, prostitution, and spying using mechanical flies, etc. They also have an affinity for large building in which to favorite party at...hotels, office, and university schools are among their favorites locations.

August 3, 2013

'Iconic': Fung

Oklahoma   8/3/2013

YouTube Video clip
This is a picture of a Fung. The first illustration is important because a 'Fung'(Fung). has a stout, posture that resembles a gramagin....the posture is also difficult to hide even with today's technology. The 'Fung', as a virus, is contracted though the bacteria of Typhoid.

'Fung' hate women. They will open and close the aggression against women. "Fung' will also attack children if the situation they develop continues with out putting a stop to the criminal behavior at the on set.

YouTube Video clip
Though little is known why flames are used to illustrated a 'Fung', it might be suggested that the word used most frequently to describe themselves is 'Peril'; therefore, it's considered that that word might have something to do with the flames, etc. 'Fung' is generally sociable. All the same they are very dangerous.

These video clip are from the movie 'Witch Hunter's Bible'.

August 2, 2013

'Iconic': The City of Satan

The City of Satan
Oklahoma    8/2/2013

Google image search
This is an interesting piece of information that KAPB learned recently. The famed, or fabled, 'City of Satan' where the biblical Satan resides (Revelation of John) is among the seals of the Ars Goetia...pictured here is the arrangement needed...the seals are in numeric order: 12 x 6 --12 rows across with 6 rows downward.  The famous biblical seals open only when the time has come to see and read what is inside. With the Goetia Seals and the right key and combination it's possible to see and read just what the 72 seals is and what it says.

The key to understanding, and without malice, are the four images( words) that make the key itself: black, mole(hole), gamma(gunna), and mas(k)...three of which have a second (ref)variation. Only the word black has a single meaning with this key. Possibly the reason is that the bible is very clear about the word black...anything referred to as being black is bad, ugly, hateful, malice, etc. and with no exception to how it's used--neither place, beast, or man. Thus, black is the single meaning word. The changes represent two dimension-- Earth(black, mole, gunna and mask) and Space(black, hole, gamma, masc). MASc is a type of ray that is in this galaxy, but can also be found in the outer reaches of the universe.

The four earth version are famous in France for the lavish parties given to honor those who live in the black world, or 'dark' world is used most times. Mole` Ball(typically for lesbians), The Masquerade Ball, Gunnage(harry potter, capes thrown onto faces during the game of 'Quidditch' ), and Black Party given  for the Blacks among the Goetia.

Viewing the arrangement of the 72 seals for a long period of time and then quietly repeating either the four earth or the four space key words it is possible to see the configuration of a city. There are two separate cities. Softly repeat either set of words to view the cities of gunna(marax) or of Sodom(belial)--'The City of Satan'. Both the words, 'Marax' and 'Belial' and their counterparts 'Gunna' and 'Sodom' are from the Ars Goetia illustrations. During the long period of watching 72 image slideshow different images develop. Thus, watching the 'black' areas, the 'mole' or moles, 'growths'(gunna) and the different 'masks' in the pictures it makes one image fade into the background allowing to view other image configurations.

August 1, 2013

'Iconic': Slavia

Oklahoma   8/1/2013

Curious as to if there was ever a nation in the world that had dedicated itself in some way to the word slave, KAPB asked around and found that the country of 'Slavia' had.  Whether in pride or enforcement that nation is the place where people whose personal appearance works much like the word slave does.

The images here are very similar to what KAPB has been into the past few months. It appears that the Goetia character Buer has been a big influence on that nation as illustrated in the top picture, the lower image in a messiah in among the steps of Buer(Gargoyle.) demon. The Goetia messiah looks very much like a Marchosias, but, no, he is a Buer.