'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 26, 2013

'Definitions': Poker Obrestad

Annette Obrestad
Oklahoma   7/26/2013

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This is the second professional poker person who has been noticed at KAPB. 'Obrestad' came in with the weapons of a load of mechanical flies and gnats. In attempts to find out what was her interest with KAPB, she sat down on her laurels and began to create trouble while we are online at games rooms.

So, we asked...

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Beginning her career, 'Obrestad' worked as a professional informant. This type of profession was outlawed in the 1990's because of the implications of unfair court policy. Somehow she found her by to working as a mistress for older senior men, and from that she began to play professional poker. 'Obrestad' set up a professional stalker business using her skills as a former informant, and now places herself in the lifestyles of other current poker players. From that point, she now sets up prostitution in university and college campus that are located near casinos...currently, 'Obrestad' is trying to arrange a set-up at the School of Social Work, University of Oklahoma.  Her logo, or Al Qaeda symbol, is a Mixed Rose. 'Obrestad' generally only plays Heads-Up Poker. And, it's claimed she uses blackmail to get herself into a position to advance her many different business careers.