'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 23, 2013

'Pirates' Asmodeus, Their Pralate

Asmodeus, Their Pralate
Oklahoma   8/23/2013

Asmodeus in "Drag", as they
call it.
For the third time 'Asmodeus' is the one who returns to keep the attention of our KAPB business members.

Because of it, KAPB feels that 'Asmodeus' is the 'switchboard'. Primary Al Qaeda pirates, such as mentioned in the post with grocery store cashiers and other notable clusters. With the publication of Five Pirate Band, it's fair to say 'Asmodeus'(Granmoire`) is not fully aware of who is next in line within the international organized crime mecca and its infrastructure. Thereby, with all opinions aside, KAPB consider 'Asmodeus' a simple errand boy; or, as stated at About.com, Asmodeus, a begger much like King Solomon became when he entrusted and evoked the demon 'Asmodeus'. 

A little information about 'Asmodeus' may help to remove the myth and mysticism from this Goetia character, and put him into today's frame of  mind, and to continue to be enlightened as just what secular religions in the USA has developed into... 
Asmodeus is a temptress. For the most part,
while working in prostitution, this
character will carry a snake which is never
included in the S and M sex shows they
like to perform. This Cimejes is also
known to be leaders of television churches
while in the stage of snake.
For what ever reason, King Solomon had to build a physical temple in which he could attempt to restructure a religious worship in and among the Zoroastrian of the Middle East, today they are called Jews. Hoping to obey the religious rules of conduct, Solomon looked intently for a divining rock, or tool, called a 'Shamir' (About.com Asmodeus). Some scholars say used by Moses to carve the ten commandment tablets. Seemingly, information was delivered to Solomon that 'Asmodeus', King of Demons (Asmodeus) knew of and had a 'Shamir' in his possession. The story that follows is an anomaly that is also a detail in the Middle Eastern journeys of Jesus of Nazareth. Also, though very little is said, all of the characters portrayed in the New Testament are steps inside of stages of the Cimejes demon. Cimejes is famous among religious learners because this demon is inter-connected with the New Testament disciples and their selection by Jesus.

Below are the steps in this biblical anomaly...you can view the ancient text at the links provided at About.com.

First ...the rock...on which to build upon

Second ...the mountain...Jesus faces the devil(Satan)

Third ...'Asmodeus'...King of the Demons

Prison System
Google Image

Fourth ...the well of water...Jesus in Sumeria, was the capital of Israel, and the women at the well who married to five men at any given time including varies lovers.

Fifth ...'Asmodeus' heavenly invisibility('Labolas')...returning to the Greek multi-god and placing a messiah as the god through an evocation, Poke Runyon ( Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; with a chain, the ring on which the Name of God was engraved [sic, lamen] , a bundle of wool[sic, Jews], and a skin of wine[sic, Jesus]. - About.com, Asmodeus

Corleone Castle
Post Link
Sixth ...Nazareth order and vow of abstinence (At first he [sic, Asmodeus] would not drink of it, and cited the Bible verses that inveigh against wine, to inspire himself with moral courage. - About.com, Asmodeus)...Numbers 6:1 ADONAI said to Moshe, Romans 10:10, Romans 11:15 - Allfaith.com 

Seventh ...connected to the perils of Hercules(YouTube, Greek Gods, part 4)...with the conclusion of Hercules ascending into heaven as a god. (About.com, Asmodeus)

Eight ...return to the sea...Hermetic science and Egyptian(P.A.U.L.) studies of the mind: Yam

YouTube clip
Ninth ...Solomon took on 'Asmodeus' as a companion and consort('Asmodeus' is however best known for his help in building King Solomon's Temple. ... It took a figure of truly great power, such as John the Baptist, to help the ... - perillos.com/asmodeus)

Tenth ...'Asmodeus' takes over the kingdom of Israel and sets himself up as king after 'snatching up' Solomon and hurdling him " four hundred parasangs (an ancient Persian unit of distance, equal to about 3.5 miles, Dictionary.com./parasangs‎) away from Jerusalem" (About.com, Asmodeus). Poke Runyon,  Hermetic Science.

Basically, this is the development of 'Asmodues' in our religious history. Today, we should remember that the biblical, ancient history chronicles are  about the cannibals and their migration across the African, Asian, and the European continents; but, more importantly, how those biblical chronicles are still working in our society today. Through many believe all biblical accounts are old, ancient, and of the past, then why is it listed in the Goetia that demons can recalled and implement 'the past, present, and what is to come'.