'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 27, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Journey Church TV

'Trash FLASH'
Journey Church TV
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014
Appoo, Known

Asmodeus favorite girl
Along with the master of the twelve space station disciples was Journey Church TV.

As much as KAPB tries to avoid ridiculous rumors, this report has to have a place among the entries here at KAPB's 'Plutonium'.

The story goes as is. Unawares, he fact that the board directors for the Journey Church. tv believe they are communicating with upper church authorities are really talking to one of the Greek Alapalo (Germanic) organizations. Alapalo's are the fungal side to the Greek Orthodox Church. Alapalo's also believe they are some kind of Appoo physical determiner (Scientist).

The Greek Orthodox is also the major leader in Christian church authorities who are not fully understood

What a church Known looks like
 that the orthodox are Islamic, third generation. Inportantly, the snake is both the healer and tempter in that religion. Snakes were used from Asclepius (healer) to Hercules (villain). In catechistic lessons, the snake was the tempter in the Garden of Eden. All in all, in church theories the snake is a major player. At Journey Church TV things are no different!

The Greek Alapalo while studying the Asmodeus purple snakes began to place devices on the vocal cords of these snakes in the attempt to discover that creature's unknown language, if any.

An often seen pose
The entire project somewhere along the way developed into seeing just how Christians would react to: one, not knowing about the snake, and, two, believing the person's the church board member were talking to were humans when in reality it was the preposed purple snake from the Garden of Eden. Snookers!

An often seen pose
Here in Norman, Oklahoma, well, we did discover the church, the steeple, and here are the sneeple.

Only in America! God Bless Us All.