'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 2, 2012

'Iconic' The Rock

'Iconic: The Rock - Okla
Al Qaeda 

Shortly after moving into a apartment complex that was richly landscaped with pine, popular, and purple Chinese elm trees, the many different shapes of boulders rocks became the focus of attention in the new living quarters. As rumors go so did the stories about the rocks scattered around the complex property.

Africa and the Congo: with an eerie
image of President Mohad on the
upper left area of the right rock.
Though the neighborhood has grown up to be completely different due to a change of economy, the original population at the apartments was primarily a Negro community.  Stencils, tattoos and pictures colored in black, red, and green were keenly shaped into look-a-likes of the continent of Africa. So of course the rumors of 'The Rocks' mounted one-on-one each time the embellishments needed more fuel.

Here, on the post, are just a few of 'The Rocks' shaped like Africa.

Though the rumors persisted, no evidence ever supported the sublucations, therefore, the rumors were held as nothing. Until... Continued at 'Iconic': The Rock...

African state of North Chad

Africa with the state of the
Congo at the lower of the

The Stone of the Chadian price. The image
of a Marchosas can be seen on the
front forward corner. The spray from the right side 'eye'
 to the left front side of the rock is common
among the Sabine founders of the Roman
culture we know today. 

Kara's Primers!