'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 2, 2012

'Iconic: Ephod Teeth' - Okla

Ephod Teeth 

Just what is the reason for this mass removal of human teeth? Still waiting to hear something from the United Nations about this religious practice, the questions continue to arise by the dozens. What is going on in the religious world today! Human teeth to represent the stones placed on the Zoroastrianism breast plate called an Ephod'? 

This collection of images are from the fifth example of the work and products that the American dentists are suing on human. Unsuspecting patients looking only for a simple oral cleaning are now the producers for religious iconicism.

Veneer Teeth.  Ceramic piece work substituted for the real thing...your own personal teeth.

The chips in this veneer tooth are either from the dentist or the manufacture/dealer. But, clearly it's in the shape of a duck or platypus. 
Bar-Jesus may have come from Australia, and he may have been wired.

The deformed mountings at the bottom of the veneer tooth itself has some damage done to it when each post was drilled loose from the jaw bone. This procedure is called a By-Pass Oral Dentryoptomy (BPOD). First used in the State of Alaska in 2007, the removal of the electrical wire is a must to prevent damages to the jaw and face. The holes where the wiring was once inserted is all the remains of this European miss-step in human dentistry. Examples of this miss-operation has also been found in animals such as dogs and cats. 

Finally, the red color is a stain from the chemical called trioxide. It is common among abortionist who bury the dead inside of a box as apposed to a black plastic bag...illegal abortion clinic are normally littered with this type of burial ritualism. 

Though Kara has never had an abortion, it should be deduced that either the dental office/back-alley oral care center she was near to must have had either illegal connections to abortion clinictry or she was at an all together shady operation in dental toothworks.

Kara's Primers!