'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 22, 2012

Definitions: Blank-mm

Definitions - Blank-mm

'Blank-mm' Al Qaeda is the next in order of authority among convicts, better said, prisoners. As with the Illuminati, 'Blank-mm' also prefer prison life. As more demands by incarceration prisoners is geared toward

fair treatment, 'Blank-mm' has created an outside connections that feeds the prison system. 'Blank-mm' are the children of the incarcerated; therefore the state child custody system is mostly likely the first place the 'Blank-mm' gang child will make and keep as an outside contact.

It is through this type of sub-culture, there being two groups, that the termed developed criminal, prostitutes, are created in this criminal field. The other prison child group was created through the means of child abandonment...children left inside of state child protective agencies; and thereby, raised by the state authorities only.

Living from one state or federal financial organization these, termed by parents,  'hookers' make an income from the privileges affordable with those state monies. Stealing, rifting, and con-jobs on other professional criminals is the primary target for a 'Black-mm'. All-the-while, this slight-of-hand con game trickery is also considered a 'game changer' for these 'Little Baghdad' thieves. Most 'Blank-mm' have never been arrested...born within the prison system itself, raised by the parent mother or father until three years old, and then sent into social programs were the incarcerated parent can still provide support, thus, allowing for a prisoner's personal child visitations privileges while still incarcerated inside these huge organized penal colonies.

'Blank-mm' push their profession on to the lives of police officers, judges, and attorneys by using the techniques acquired during their prison's selective, child responsibilities. A 'Blank-mm's' rearing is generally broad based. Both types of professionals, criminal and state social authorities, are apart of a developed 'hooker' techniques, and those techniques are often used in a community's colloquial prostitution, thus, creating an allure of legitimacy for both other prison sub-groups, as well as, unsuspecting novices to this type of organized ganging. 'Blank-mm' will try to persuade and pursue everybody who might somehow fit the system and to the refueling the prison money lords.

This particular sub-culture are cowards. They will tell the legal authorities whatever a proper agent may need to know about gang-life, style, and any incarcerated gang members. 'Blank-mm' use murder as a means to gain control, but a this child/adult cultist will convince another person to commit the crime, all-the-while, including themselves to the murder only while engaging with their particular gang members. 

Prison father's often refer to these child as 'Shooting Blanks'.