'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 12, 2012

Iconic: Ramus

Iconic: Ramus
Okla  6/12/12


In the first image the head of a bull, or sometimes called human horse, can be seen in the shower curtain. Bull horses are created through the delivery of horse semen into the blood stream of a male athletic. College athletics are the young men who are normally chosen because of the muscular forms necessary for a strong development into a horse like appearance. These 'Bulls' are most famous for the bulls used in alter sacrifices in ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel. Most notible is the eyes of the bull and the way the eye lids appear. This type of characture is heavily illustrated in ancient art as the vehicle for a godlike, or god delivered person...as upon a horse, etc.

In image #2, just past the brown pointer is a cluster of while with the reddish color inlays of an Asmodeus wearing a crown.

Finally, in image #3, Ramus is carrying the two dogs. Moving downward a faint outline of an 'alien' can be seen.  It is written that extra-terrestrials believe that they brought the Marchosus (DID) twin dogs to earth in a metal chariot...thus starting the Roman Empire. It is in the HIV stage of Alien that patients see space vehicles and believe Anna is their queen. It is in this stage the the alien's shin is speckled giving rise to the notion that the Sabine women are the founders of the Holy Roman Empire. In the far-graound of image #3 the appearance of a high rise structure can be seen. It is this that Christian's believer is the true church.