'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 23, 2014

'Iconic': Asmodeus and Eligos

Asmodeus and Eligos
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Asmodeus shaped snake with the
coloring of an Eligos snake
A lot of attention is paid to the demon Asmodeus, and this post will most likely be no different.

Most know the name of Asmodeus from the Jewish stories surrounding King Solomon and his Lesser Key Book...Solomon sealed 72 demons in a brass bottle and throw the entire collection into a sea or deep pool of water somewhere in the then territory of Israel. Another tale written in the Arabian Nights sagas tells that Solomon tried to re-create the evocations from the Mosaic Era and was over-taken by the demon Asmodeus...to which the demon began to rule over all of Israel. The third story is about the Garden of Eden. It was there that one of the snakes from the tree of knowledge provoked Eve into submission to his will. Which ever story sound reasonable Asmodeus has been in the Middle East for 2500 years.

Turquoise Asmodeus
Eligos is also a demon and consort with Asmodeus...where one is so is the other. Eligos is also a demon who is considered to be a snake, but this snake is somewhat subdued when compared to the snake behaviors of the Asmodeus variety. The lead picture for this post is an Asmodeus snake. The normal color is Turquoise. The face of this unusual creature is like the one in the picture above. Quiet Different! The image to the left is the general coloring. While the image just below is the weight and length and the scale pattern is to the far right of the same photo.

Now Eligos is the friend and consort to the Prince Asmodeus. Not as resourceful as the demon Asmodeus, Eligos is still in all a type of assassin. Generally cloaked in a pale white, very little is seen of this demon's features. A shawl like covering appears over the face of a Eligos demon which heightens the alliance of the assassin aviance as both he and Asmodeus are considered to be in the pirate family, or more established notion of the 'Thieves of Baghdad' fables.
Eligos. Right side is early - mid stages.
Left side is very late stages.
Eligos is the second in this twosome who is more said to be the solid rock between the two. Eligos is subdued where Asmodeus is flamboyant. Eligos is nontalkative, and Asmodeus rarely ever stops talking or better said 'hussling'. Both still like to live in the better side of town, but little is seen of Eligos among the community as Asmodeus is a total kibbutz member.

The Eligos snake is just like the human side. The Eligos snake is in the garden or garner snake family. Most gardeners mistake the green garden snake that is very possibility an Eligos. Somewhat chubby in weight, the green neon colored variety of metamorphosis snakes is poisonous and can kill a person with a single bite, no matter what the person's size is.

 In the photo to the left are two example of the Eligos green snake. The lead picture at the top of this post is the fabled color while the Eligos head is very normal to the tradition snake known in the Americas.

Finally, Both Asmodeus and Eligos are considered to be in the Middle Eastern fables of the "Thieves of Baghdad'. Eligos is very much the figure of an assassin, and the country of Iraq has the greatest collections of images associated with the Eligos thief. Asmodeus on the other hand, has the larger collections in Israel, where this demon is still a favorite among the country's settlers.

On the right in the white turban is Eligos. On the left is Asmodeus
as the 'Prince of Thieves'. 
Today, these two thieves are still in the business of looting and plundering. Always on the prowl for something to steal, Asmodeus works in the framing of a prostitute. Eligos does not. Asmodeus works everything in ambiguity for the act of prostitution. And. Eligos simply likes to steal things, sell them to the highest buyer, and leave the area as quickly as possible. Asmodeus is likened to 'gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe'.

Baghdad Sword
To close this post one final thing is important...the sword! As all fables go the 'Thieves of Baghdad' also has a recovery for failure. With the sword starts a new life, the new living to which fortune can be re-acquired. When an evocation of an Asmodeus is preformed, most say here "Not the thing to do", if the conditions are not correct, which they never are, Asmodeus seems to appear with a sword in his hand with which he will stab any and everyone in the room when this demon appears. Asmodeus always starts afresh with the use of his personal sword, whether or not he has an Asmodeus snake with him. Big danger sign here. Eligos also carried a knife similar to a sword, but the hilt has a leather covering on it where the Asmodeus knife/sword does not have a covering. Which ever the case both weapons are dangerous and both demons should be avoided at all costs to the person.