'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 25, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Ball

'Trash FLASH'
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Shortly after the KAPB Baseball post on Caim the lead Al Qaeda sport group sent the KKK gang 'Ball' into the KAPB business offices.

Briefly, 'Ball' is a KKK group that is centered around any sport school or center where there is a large sport sales profit. So, the leader of this AQ group could either be the head coach of football, basketball, soccer, or even tennis. 'Ball also exists on website game rooms, such as Games.com or GSN.com. At gaming site, the 'Ball' member's avatar will be wearing something that indicated a ball sport, such as a football helmet, baseball cap, etc...Teamsprt44 is an example. When 'Ball' is the case for that player, they will be very aggressive, unprofessional in play, and most time violent. Using the website to locate other players home computer, this KKK gang group will generally push their way into the home internet computer and begin several selective sexual assaults, batteries, and verbal sexual gravities.

Most leader have come from or has had connection in the country of Mexico, hence the KKK (Knight Templar) connections. The crime, or course, is generally murder. Therefore, if the 'coach' has a 'Ball' gang working from the school or center, etc. then the likelihood that coach committed a murder in Mexico is 100%. If the, again, coach, made something of the school's sport division it is also very likely that the lead coach's name will head up and Al Qaeda cell...for instance a 'Stoops' cell could likely be a Templar cell operating in and from Mexico from the University of Oklahoma.

"Ball' is on the President's watch list, and has been sense the administration of President George Bush.